Sunday Post – 4/01/2018

April 1, 2018 Sunday Post 6

The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!

 My Week

Happy Easter to those celebrating it today, and Happy Passover to those celebrating it this week! Alas, I missed the entirety of Holy Week services due to a bad cold. I’m hoping to make it to church today, but we’ll see.

I’ve also been working hard all week, but should be done with the current job early this week… just in time to start on three more. I’m hoping for a bit of a break in May, and some time to catch up on other parts of my life, like the house—which is in dire need of some attention!


Last Week on the Blog


Upcoming on the Blog


What I’m Reading/Watching

Reading:  I finished Bellewether (Susanna Kearsley; ARC), which I loved. I also read Real Life Organizing, which I got from the library last weekend–because, gentle reader, I am in dire need of organizing intervention! And I reread the Circle Trilogy by Nora Roberts. Now I’m reading Someone to Care by Mary Balogh (ARC) and rereading Nora Roberts’ Inn BoonsBoro trilogy.

I need to get back to The Slow Regard of Silent Things, by Patrick Rothfuss, which I am slowly savoring.

Listening to: I’m re-listening to Tamora Pierce’s Immortals quartet, finishing Wolf-Speaker and starting Emperor Mage this week.

Watching: A few spinning tutorials on YouTube, but nothing else.


March Challenge Update

The Take Control of Your TBR Pile challenge is over. I read eight books from my TBR pile this month, so I surpassed my goal of six books.

Goodreads ChallengeI started the week six or seven books behind schedule. Now I’m only one book behind. (I would be ahead, but since my Kindle version of Nora Roberts’ Circle Trilogy is a 3-in-1 volume, it only counted for one book instead of three. Ditto the Arrows of the Queen trilogy by Mercedes Lackey.) I’ve read 47 books so far this year, of which 25 were rereads. (That’s 51 and 29, if you count the 3-in-1 books as three each, instead of one each.) That’s a pretty typical ratio of new vs. reread titles for me.

The Backlist Reader Challenge: I’m not doing so well on the challenge I’m hosting. With a quarter of the year already gone, I’ve only read and reviewed one qualifying book so far. My goal was 30 books, so I’d better buckle down and start reading!

The Blogger Shame ChallengeMy goal is to read and review 10 “older” ARCs this year. So far, I’ve read and reviewed two, which puts me behind but not by much.

You can see my current status on all reading challenges herewith links to my reviews.


New Additions to the Hoard

Cover links take you to Goodreads.

For Review or Review Consideration

Thank you to Francis Lincoln publishers.

Library Books

Purchased for Kindle

The only ones I’ve read before are McCaffrey’s The Ship Who Sang and the Inspector Thanet mysteries, and I haven’t read any of those in at least 15 or 20 years. I did start The Waking Land last year, but had to send it back to the library before I finished it (and my ARC had a glitch.)


Have a good week, and happy reading!

6 Responses to “Sunday Post – 4/01/2018”

  1. Shannon

    I count “x in 1” books individually. I just note in the review that I actually read “this version” and link to it.

    That blogger shame challenge seems interesting. I should probably do that one.

    Happy Easter! I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library

    I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been under the weather but hope you were able to get to church yesterday. A break in May sounds nice. You definitely deserve one and hopefully you’ll be able to relax as well as tackling house stuff. 84, Charing Crossroads in one of my absolute favorite books! I’ve probably read it 50 times and could easily read it 50 more! Have a great week!
    Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…Reviews from the Children’s Section – I Capture the CastleMy Profile