News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff
Book News
- Indie Booksellers Incensed as Amazon Breaks [Margaret Atwood] ‘Testaments’ Embargo (Publishers Weekly; also NPR if you prefer to listen) You can read an “exclusive first extract” from the book in The Guardian.
- Are Trade Shows Disability-Friendly? (Publishers Weekly)
Worth Reading/Viewing
- Why Are Books That Shape? From Codices to Kindles, Why This Rectangle Stays Golden (Danika Ellis, Book Riot) A fascinating and informative look at the reasons (historical, anatomical, practical, and mathematical) why books are usually rectangular.
- Fantasy Fiction and the Danger of Swords (S.L. Huang,
- Stephen King: ‘I have outlived most of my critics. It gives me great pleasure’. King reflects on his books, his writing process, and yes, outliving his critics. (Interview in The Guardian)
- ‘They just wanted us to read about a white boy and his dog’: why teenager Marley Dias fought back in an effort to include more stories about black girls in school curricula. (The Guardian)
Awesome Lists
- Fantasy Birds Are the Best Birds (
- 8 of the Coolest Indie Bookstores in the United States (
- Out of This World, But Not Your Page: Space Bookmarks (Book Riot) With lots and lots of buy links, and a few tutorials.
- 25 Best Georgette Heyer Quotes (Book Riot) How is it that I have never read Heyer? These are delicious, and witty, and I must rectify the situation immediately.
Really Cool / Just for Fun
- My Ideal Ereader (Jessie Doogan, Book Riot) Guaranteed to make you nod, smile, and laugh.
Bookish Quote

That’s it for this week!
Maureen @ Maureen's Books
Love that quote!! 😀
Have a great week and happy reading!
Love that Bukowski quote!!
Laura Thomas
I’m going to remember that quote. Perfect!
Laura Thomas recently posted…What’s New On My Book Shelf #328 and The Sunday Post
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
I love the article about Marley Dias. That’s really cool. (And I hated Where the Red Fern Grows. But she’s right, early school reading was all about a white boy and his dog.)
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…Goodreads TBR Declutter #23