Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The meme was originally the brainchild of The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Books On My Fall 2022 To-Read List.
Top Ten New Books on My Fall 2022 TBR List
Note: I put this list together at the beginning of August, so I have already read a few of the books on the list.

Because I Could Not Stop For Death, by Amanda Flower. (9/20/2022) A historical mystery starring Emily and her housemaid (and friend) Willa Noble as amateur detectives investigating the death of Willa’s brother, Henry. Why I want to read it: I love Emily Dickinson, and I love historical mysteries, so this book went on my TBR list as soon as I found out about it. I enjoy Flower’s slighty-magical cozy mysteries, so I already know she’s a good writer.
Station Eternity, by Mur Lafferty. (10/04/2022) A woman who keeps getting embroiled in murder cases flees to an alien space station to avoid them… until the aliens open the station to other humans. Why I want to read it: SF + Mystery = sold! Plus, how can I resist when the author has both the humor and audacity to name the series “Midsolar Murders”? (There’s a very long-running British TV series called Midsomer Murders.) (already read, and I loved it)
The Spare Man, by Mary Robinette Kowal (10/11/2022) “Tesla Crane, a brilliant inventor and an heiress, is on her honeymoon on an interplanetary space liner, cruising between the Moon and Mars. She’s traveling incognito and is reveling in her anonymity. Then someone is murdered and the festering chowderheads who run security have the audacity to arrest her spouse. Armed with banter, martinis, and her small service dog, Tesla is determined to solve the crime so that the newlyweds can get back to canoodling–and keep the real killer from striking again.” Why I want to read it: Again, sci-fi mystery, only this time, it’s The Thin Man in space. Also, Kowal is one of my autobuy authors. (already read, and I loved it)

Best Foot Forward, by Celia Lake. (November; no cover available) The newest in her Albion uberseries, this one is not a romance. It’s about Geoffrey Carillon (Goblin Fruit and other books) and Alexander Landry (Eclipse and other books), who both did intelligence work during World War I; the book looks at what they are up to in the lead-up to World War II. Why I want to read it: Celia Lake is another autobuy author for me, and Albion is one of those worlds I really, really wish were real. (Sorry, there’s no Goodreads link and no firm date yet, but it should be early November.)
Legends & Lattes, by Travis Baldree (dates vary; Tor PB on 11/08/2022) An orc barbarian mercenary gets out of the business to open the first coffee shop in Thune, but “old frenemies and Thune’s shady underbelly may just upset her plans. To finally build something that will last, Viv will need some new partners and a different kind of resolve.” Why I want to read it: Everyone I know who has read it has loved it, and most of them describe it as “cozy fantasy,” which is very much my catnip. (Note: The author originally published it independently; then Tor picked it up. Tor’s edition is already available on Kindle and in ebook; the paperback will release on Nov. 8.)
Ship Wrecked, by Olivia Dade. (11/15/2022) Swedish actress Maria had a one-night stand with a Viking look-alike… who then turned up as her co-star on Gods of the Gates. They agreed to keep that night a secret, and their relationship strictly co-workers…and eventually friends. Until the day the show wraps up filming, when they end up spending another unforgettable night together. Too bad Maria’s going home to Sweden, and Peter’s headed to Hollywood. She doesn’t think he can give her what she needs… but Peter’s not about to let her get away again. Why I want to read it: I loved the first two books in the Spoiler Alert series, so of course I want to read this one.
Into the West, by Mercedes Lackey. (11/22/2022) This sequel to Beyond follows Baron (formerly Duke) Valdemar as he and his followers try to create a new home for themselves, far from the corrupt Empire they fled. Why I want to read it: I have been a Valdemar fan since the first trilogy came out in 1987-88. My love for the series hasn’t waned despite the occasional lackluster entry along the way. Beyond was very good, and I have been waiting with varying degrees of patience since it came out in June 2021 for the next book to release. The release has been delayed several times due to the author’s health issues and the death of her African Grey parrot and companion of over 30 years, which left her devastated. I’m sympathetic, but I’m also really excited to finally get the book in my hands.

The Choice, by Nora Roberts. (11/22/2022) Third and final book in the Dragon Heart Legacy trilogy. “With the [dark god Obran] cast out and the portal sealed, it is a time to recover, but there is little time to rest. Soon the enemy’s witches begin to appear to Breen in her sleep, practicing black magick, sacrificing the innocent, and plotting brutal destruction. It is time for Breen to seek out those in desperate need of rescue and confront the darkness with every weapon she has. An epic battle is coming. A battle Breen cannot afford to lose….” Why I want to read it: I loved the first two books, and I have to find out what happens! There are whole worlds, Breen’s life and soul, and a romance on the line.
The Reluctant Countess, by Eloisa James (11/29/2022). “An enemies-to-lovers romance between a proper earl and an entirely improper lady–whom he can’t stop thinking about.” Why I want to read it: The first book in this historical romance series was a lot of fun, and I know I’m going to enjoy this one, too.
Witcha Gonna Do, by Avery Flynn (12/06/2022). When the only non-magical person in her family of witches accidently glitches her sister’s spell, cursing the entire family, the only one she can turn to for help in reversing it is Gil Connolly, the hot-but-arrogant-jerk she keeps getting set up on dates with. The one she hates. If only she could stop thinking about kissing him. Why I want to read it: Right now, witchy rom-coms seem to be my catnip.
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
The Choice is on my list, too. I can’t wait to see how it all wraps up!
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Fall TBR Edition
I know— it’s so hard to wait a year between books! There are some authors where I just wait until the series is finished before I start a series, because I want to be able to go from book to book without stopping, especially if there are cliffhangers. At least with Nora Roberts, I can trust her not to end on a total cliffhange. Plus, you know the schedule in advance, and she’s amazingly consistent at sticking to it.
Station Eternity is on my TBR too, it’s just too unique to resist. I was one of the first readers of Legends & Lattes, it doesn’t surprise me that people are so interested in it.
Thanks for sharing your list
Shelleyrae+@+Book’d+Out recently posted…It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #SundayPost #SundaySalon
Station Eternity was excellent, if not quite what I expected from the book description. How did you like Legends and Lattes?
Ship Wrecked looks absolutely adorable!
I hope it’s as fun as the first two books!
I’m so glad to hear that you enjoyed Station Eternity. I have it to read later this week, and I’ve been wondering if it’s any good as it’s not my usual genre. Nice list of fall books you have here!
Wendy recently posted…Book Review: Dreamland by Nicholas Sparks
If it’s not your usual genre, you may find Station Eternity a bit confusing, particularly at the beginning. It’s not told linearly; there are numerous flashbacks from different characters’ points of view. If you are patient and trust the author, you’ll find that things make more and more sense as you get more information. I hope you enjoy it; I thought it was excellent!
I hope you enjoy the books you haven’t gotten to yet! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
Thanks! I hope you enjoy your fall TBR books, too.
Rae |
Great list of interesting books to read this Fall. Legends and Lattés is also on my TBR and I look forward to reading it. I hope you enjoy them.
Have a great week 🙂
Rae | recently posted…Top 10 Books On My Fall 2022 To-Read List | #TTT
Thank you! I hope we both enjoy Legends and Lattés.
Because I Could Not Stop for death looks awesome. And I totally want to read ShipWrecked! 😀
Lark recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday
Both of them sound wonderful, in very different ways. Can’t wait to read them!
The Amanda Flower book is calling my name and I’m so excited about The Choice! I’ve really enjoyed the previous two books. Great list!
I’m eager to read both of them!
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog)
Oooh! Lots of interesting books here! Great list!
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog) recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #91: Top 10 Books on My Fall 2022 TBR List (or Books I need to read ASAP)!
Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys
Most of the other comments are excited about The Choice – but not me. I’m totally going to look for The Spare Man – I read the Calculating Stars duology by Kowal and would love to read something else by her.
Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys
see me here:
Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys recently posted…Book Blogger Memory Challenge: Tag, You’re It!
I think you’ll enjoy it! It was a lot of fun.
I love the Lady Astronaut books; I’m always delighted to discover another fan! By the way, there are actually three books in the series so far. If you haven’t read The Relentless Moon yet, it’s excellent. It explores what is going on on the Moon during the events of The Fated Sky, from the point of view of Elma’s friend Nicole Wargin (the Governor’s wife.) (Let me know if you need CW/TW, though.) And there’s at least one more book projected: The Martian Contingency, which will focus on Elma and Nathaniel as they deal with the challenges of the early days of the Mars colony.
Jenni Elyse
The cover for Because I Could Not Stop Death is absolutely gorgeous! I think it’s the best one I’ve seen today! I hope you enjoy all of these books!
Here’s my list: TTT
Jenni Elyse recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #35
It is beautiful, isn’t it? I’m looking forward to reading the book.