Sunday Post – 3/02/2025

March 2, 2025 Sunday Post 2

The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!

This week I’m also participating in The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz, and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality.

The Past Week

In real life: I helped out with things around my dad and stepmom’s house for most of the week—mostly putting stuff away after the party, returning unused items, and shopping and cooking for them. Friday, I flew home to Virginia. I love spending time with my folks, and treasure this time with them all the more because I know that each visit could be the last time I see one of them. But there’s nothing like coming home to my love. (And let’s get real, my own bed.) I spent Saturday unpacking a little, but mostly sleeping and catching up with Mr. Bookwyrm.

In the news: In terms of the general chaos that is the federal government these days, I’m disgusted, despairing, enraged, and fearful all at once. Just about everything that the president, his unelected and unofficial billionaire enforcer, and his whole administration are doing goes against what I believe in, and what I believe this country stands for… or at least, what we stood for, until now. And absolutely nothing the administration has done so far will make anything better for ordinary people. For many people, including people who support him, it’s going to make things worse.

5 Good Things (to counteract the despair):

  1. We had a lovely dinner at Olive Garden on Dad’s actual 95th birthday.
  2. I made it through Dad’s party without getting sick. (And for the first time in a crowd, I didn’t wear a mask.)
  3. Two beautiful books arrived in the mail while I was gone. (See “Added to the Hoard” below)
  4. My federally-employed spouse still has a job (so far.) I’ve always been grateful for his job, but it has never been in jeopardy before this.
  5. My new passport arrived. We don’t have immediate travel plans, but I prefer to have a valid passport for proving citizenship and identity… for instance, I can use it to prove citizenship when I update my driver’s license to a Real ID. (Fingers crossed that my husband’s passport renewal is approved soon. We applied for renewals on the same date, so I thought they would go through at the same pace.)

Recent Posts

  • Sunday Post – 2/23/2025
  • Sunday Post – 3/02/2025 this post

Looking Ahead

  • Monthly Wrap Up – February 2025
  • WIP Wednesday – a look at what I’m making (tentative)
  • reviews TBD
  • Sunday Post – 3/09/2025

What I’ve Been Reading/Watching (since 7/14/2024)

Reading: I finished Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne, then read The Witness by Nora Roberts, which I had never read before. I enjoyed both of them very much, though they are quite different in tone and setting. Not so different in theme, though, since both are about finding and creating a home as well as a lasting love. Finding myself in a rereading mood, I reread Birthright, another Nora Roberts novel; I finished it on the plane on Friday, and started Dance Upon the Air (also by NR, and also a reread.)

Listening to: I wasn’t able to finish Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays the Rent (Dame Judi Dench) before Libby snatched it away from me again, so I put it on hold for a third time. Luckily for me, I only had to wait about a week this time! And I only have about a quarter of the book left to finish, so this should be the last time I need to borrow it.

Watching: Antiques Road Show, Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, the news, and whatever else my dad and stepmom happened to have on—mostly PBS shows, which was fine with me. I love PBS and NPR, and I’m devastated that the current administration is planning to cut their federal funding entirely.

Playing: Wordle, Connections, Strands, Spelling Bee, and Sudoku (all from the NYT.) Wingspan. And Pokemon Go, occasionally.

Added to the Hoard

(Click title for Goodreads page or my review.)

Purchased (Kindle, print, or audio)

Print: Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales (UK edition, ordered from Blackwell’s); Wooing the Witch Queen. Both of these were preorders, and arrived while I was out of town.

Kindle: Fate’s Edge; Magician: Master; A Deceptive Composition; A Collection of Lies (all on sale!)

Stay kind and steadfast… and may your books bring you joy this week!

2 Responses to “Sunday Post – 3/02/2025”

  1. Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits

    I definitely think that making sure your passport is current is a good idea in the current political climate. I renewed mine a couple of years ago, so it’s still valid through this current administration. Hopefully I won’t need to worry about whether I can get it renewed with the next administration.

    That looks like a great book haul! And I hope you get your hold in on the Judi Dench book soon so that you can finish it.
    Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…March Linkity hopes allergy season is kind this yearMy Profile

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