Genres: House and Home
Format: Hardcover
Source: the library
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Remove the Mess, Add Meaning
Simplicity isn't about what you give up. It's about what you gain. When you remove the things that don't matter to you, you are free to focus on only the things that are meaningful to you. Imagine your home, your time, your finances, and your belongings all filling you with positive energy and helping you achieve your dreams. It can happen, and Organized Simplicity can show you how.
Inside you'll find:
A simple, ten-day plan that shows you step-by-step how to organize every room in your home Ideas for creating a family purpose statement to help you identify what to keep and what to remove from your life Templates for a home management notebook to help you effectively and efficiently take care of daily, weekly and monthly tasks Recipes for non-toxic household cleaners and natural toiletry items including toothpaste, deodorant and shampoo Start living a more organized, intentional life today.
Tsh Oxenreider* takes a practical and realistic approach to the increasingly popular concept of simple living. Pointing out that what is simple for one family may add work or complexity for another, she begins with a basic but elastic definition of what “simple living” means, one which takes into account a family’s individual needs and circumstances. She goes on to discuss how and why you can simplify three major areas of your family’s lives: your possessions, your time, and your finances. The second half of the book is dedicated to a step-by-step, room-by-room plan to simplify and declutter your home. Appendices in the back of the book include recipes for homemade household cleaners and grooming products, for those whose interest in simple living (and health) extends to reducing their use of and exposure to chemicals.
Don’t expect instant results. Oxenreider’s approach requires an honest assessment of your family values and goals, as well as discipline and a certain amount of emotional work in letting go of thought patterns and possessions that are weighing you down. But if you are feeling overwhelmed by your life and your stuff, this book may be a good place to start.
* * * * *
* No, that’s not a typo. Her name really is spelled Tsh. It’s pronounced “Tish”.