New Home, New Look

September 29, 2014 Uncategorized 28

Dragon dance by argodaemon on deviantArt

The Bookwyrm’s Hoard has moved! As of today, I have a shiny new domain name: . If you go to the old Blogspot address, you should be redirected here, but you may want to update whatever feed you use to follow blogs.  I’ve asked Bloglovin to switch to the new address; hopefully they’ll get that taken care of soon.
ETA:  They did, so if you follow on Bloglovin, you shouldn’t even notice the change. 🙂

The marvelous Ashley of Creative Whim migrated the blog for me — all five years of posts, pages, and comments! She did a terrific job, and very fast – I am very impressed. I highly recommend her if you’re thinking of moving your blog. She also does custom web design, consults on making your blog better, and has a fabulous plug-in specifically for book bloggers, which I’m excited to try out!

As you can see, I’m also working on a new blog design. I bought Ashley’s “Tweak Me” theme, which is pretty customizable. Expect to see some changes over the next few weeks as I play with what it can do.  It’s also going to take me a little while to learn all the fun things I can do in WordPress, but I’ll get up to speed as soon as I can!

28 Responses to “New Home, New Look”

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Sure did!, the self-hosted one, through the same company I used to buy the domain name. Actually, I got the domain name about a year and a half ago. It took me a while to work up the courage – and I couldn’t have done it without Ashley.

  1. Rita_h @ My Home of Books

    I also used Ashley and love her and her company! She hosts my blog also and everything she does is quick but knowledgeable. So, I second Lark’s recommendation 🙂

    Nice blog– can’t wait to see the finished product!

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Thanks, Rita! It’s going to take me a while to find my way around the Ultimate Book Blogger plug-in and WordPress generally, but I’m slowly getting the hang of it. (Sorry; I had to re-reply because the last one went in as “admin”.)

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      I can’t recommend her highly enough. And the Ultimate Book Blogger plugin is really cool. I’m still learning what it can do, and it will take me a while to get fast with all its features, but it’s NICE.

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      I was so thankful for the help! If it were left up to me, I’d still be saying “someday.” Once I realized I could have someone do it for me — without breaking the bank! — I was all, “YESSS! Let’s do it NOW.”

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Thanks, Cheryl! I’ll probably be making some changes to the design over the next few months, but I’m glad to have the move behind me.

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Thank you – both for the follow and the link for the editorial calendar. Kimba mentioned it a while back, but I wasn’t on WP yet and couldn’t remember the name of it.

      I do like WordPress a lot, but for some reason, it’s often slower to respond when I click or do things than Blogger was. I didn’t think that would be a problem on a major hosting site. And images are a little more complicated, especially to resize and to put in a row. But there are definite advantages – like the Ultimate Book Blogger plug-in! 🙂

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Well, I’ve made some progress this week, and I love the UBB plugin. I wish I could figure out how to edit WordPress’s thumbnail cropping to get the best part of the image to show up, though!

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Thanks, Lianne! I try to do a little bit each day – yesterday I found and added the search widget to the sidebar. I’m waiting until Ashley gets back from her vacation to try any changes to the overall appearance, in case I mess up.

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Real life has a habit of doing that. I may have to back off a bit for the next month or so, myself. I have a lot of indexing to do (i.e., freelance work), plus everything I need to do for my choruses. Glad you like the new look!