About Me

Photo of blogger Lark

Blogger: Lark

Favorite Genres: Fantasy & SF, mystery, romance

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Lark says: I have loved to read ever since I first picked up a book, but I didn’t become a book addict until I had my tonsils out at age 6. I spent a week recuperating at my grandparents’ house, where I binged my way through my mom’s old children’s books, particularly the Bobbsey Twins. When I ran out of those, I started in on Nancy Drew, and a bookworm—or rather, bookwyrm—was born.

These days, I read mainly genre fiction—fantasy and science fiction, mystery, and romance—with a smattering of historical fiction and literary fiction thrown in for variety. I’ve never been a book snob and will happily read books for all ages, so you will find reviews of middle grade (MG) and young adult (YA) books alongside the adult book reviews.

I occasionally enjoy reading or listening to well-written nonfiction, but most of my nonfiction reading is for my job as a freelance indexer—I create the indexes you find in the back of a book. (Yes, I have to read the book to create the index—usually in depth, and more than once.) I try to keep my professional life separate from my blogging, so you will rarely find me reviewing books I’ve indexed. It’s a pity, in a way; some of them are really interesting!

I graduated college (I’m not telling how many years ago!) with a degree in theater and a deep love of history and English literature. I worked for several years as a bookseller and manager for a well-known chain bookstore, now defunct, then taught English and drama to students in grades 3-12 at a small private school. After the school closed, I turned to indexing as a career. The flexibility of working from home allowed me to homeschool our child through their middle and high school years—it was challenging, but immensely rewarding (and a lot of fun!)

My husband (known on the blog as “Mr. Bookwyrm”) and I have been empty-nesters for a decade, but I still keep pretty busy! In addition to my work, I am an aspiring writer, a knitter and spinner, and a musician. Before the pandemic, I sang in several choirs and directed a children’s and a youth chorus, but they all shut down in 2020 and have not restarted. I’m not sure when, how, and even whether I will return to performing (except in church choir). In the meantime, I sometimes sing at home, just for fun.

Mr. Bookwyrm and I enjoy watching movies and TV series together in the evenings after work. We favor science fiction and fantasy (most of the Star Trek franchise, the MCU, LOTR, etc.) and British-style mystery series like Campion, Foyle’s War, Brokenwood, and Agatha Christie. All Creatures Great and Small is also a favorite, and we’re fond of history and nature documentaries as well.

My online nickname, Lark, comes from my love of music (and pays homage to Mercedes Lackey’s Bardic Voices series, in which the Free Bards all use bird names.)

FTC Disclosure

I receive review copies of some of the books I review. In accordance with FTC regulations, I disclose where I got the book (library, publisher, purchased, etc.) in the book information section at the top of each review post. If I received a review copy, an additional disclosure statement will be found just before the review itself.

Review Policy 

Honesty and integrity: All reviews posted on The Bookwyrm’s Hoard represent my own views, or occasionally those of a guest reviewer.  I am committed to honesty and integrity in all my reviews, regardless of where and how I received the book. Acceptance of a review copy does not guarantee I will review a book favorably—or occasionally, at all.

Conflict of interest: In order to avoid any conflict of interest with my day job, I don’t generally review books for which I have written the index.

Genres: As you can see from the blog, I read and review a variety of genres, including fantasy, mystery, romance, YA, children’s books, and the occasional general fiction, historical fiction, nonfiction, and craft book.  I lean heavily toward happy endings, and I do not read horror, overly dark/creepy thrillers, or erotica.  

Unsolicited review copies: I am not currently accepting unsolicited books for review, except occasionally when I have an existing review relationship with the author or publisher.

Contact Me

Got a question or a suggestion?  You can email me at bookwyrmlark (AT) gmail (DOT) com.

I am also on Bluesky, Goodreads, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr. (Although I have cut back on social media recently.)  Search for The Bookwyrm’s Hoard, or click on the icons or links below:

2/22/2025: I left Twitter in 2024. I have pulled back from Facebook and Instagram, but still use them occasionally. I’m on Pinterest and Tumblr intermittently.


All content on The Bookwyrm’s Hoard is copyrighted (by me) as of the date of writing, unless otherwise stated. This includes my reviews, photos, and any images or graphics created by me. All other content (other people’s photos/art, book covers, interviews, guest posts, and videos) are property of the original authors, artists, and/or publishers unless otherwise stated.  Please contact me if you would like to quote or repost.

Blog Design

Ashley from Noze Graze designed the theme (Tweak Me) and handled conversion to WordPress (in 2014). The bookwyrm/dragon artwork is by Christin Jaynes; Michelle at Because Reading turned Christin’s drawing into a header.

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