Books Read – MONTH 2025

- It’s All A Game: The History of Board Games from Monopoly to Settlers of Cataan (Tristan Donovan) – reviewed 1/27/2025
- Mind Games (Nora Roberts) – ARC; reread; reviewed 1/16/2025
- The Wishing Game (Meg Shaffer) – library; reviewed 1/13/2025
- On the Edge (Ilona Andrews) – read-along; reviewed 1/17/2025
- A Death in Diamonds (S.J. Bennett) – ARC; review to come
- Buried Deep and Other Stories (author) – ARC; reviewed 1/30/2025
- Shattering Dawn (Jayne Ann Krentz) – ARC; review to come
- The Changing Door (Celia Lake) – novella-length collection of extra scenes; will not review

- Winter Solstice (Rosalind Pilcher) – reread (first time in audio); book reviewed 12/21/2015
- The Calculating Stars (Mary Robinette Kowal) – reread; book reviewed 7/12/2019 and reposted on 1/23/2025
- The Fated Sky (Mary Robinette Kowal) – reread; will review in February
- The Relentless Moon (Mary Robinette Kowal) – reread; book reviewed 7/23/2020; will repost with additional thoughts in February
Summary: I completed a total of 12 books in January, and posted reviews of 6 of them.
Here’s the breakdown of my reading challenges this year so far:
- Goodreads Challenge: 11/150
- Audiobook challenge: Listened to 3/12; reviewed 1/12 (note: I’m not counting Winter Solstice for this challenge, since I listened to most of it in December.)
- COYER Out to Lunch challenge: Read 11/25; reviewed 6/25
- Ilona Andrews series read-along: Read 1; reviewed 1
- Library Love Challenge: Read 1/12; reviewed 1/12
- NetGalley & Edelweiss Challenge: Read 4/25; reviewed 3/25 (includes 1 review of a book read prior to 2025)
- Robin’s Recs: Read 0/6; reviewed 0/6. (I’m halfway through an audiobook, so I’m actually on track.)
Other Goals and Resolutions
Writing: Days I wrote: 0 . Number of words written: 0. I need to do better in February.
Prioritizing reading and writing time over screen time: This did not go well in January, especially from mid-January onward. Current events are playing havoc with my ability to concentrate on reading, and I didn’t write at all.
Review more of the books I read: This went pretty well until the last week of January, but I hope to get caught up soon.
Unpack and reorganize my book collection: The necessary first steps were to purchase new shelves for the living room, move the old living room shelves into other spaces, and anchor all the bookcases (old and new) to the walls. We did all that in January and the first weekend of February, so I can now begin bringing my books up and cataloguing them. So far, I have brought up the books on my highest-priority TBR bookcase, but haven’t catalogued them yet.
Catalogue my books: Books catalogued: 55. These were cookbooks, bird and nature guides, and a few books on organization and home repair, all of which lived in the kitchen/dining room and had not been packed up because we didn’t replace the flooring in that room.
Click here for the full list of my 2025 goals and resolutions, excluding challenges.
Dini @ dinipandareads
It looks like you had a great reading month! I’ve not heard of that IA series before but they have such an extensive backlist that’s not at all surprising. I’ve started a few of their series but have only finished one so far. I love their books though 😍 I hope you have an awesome February!
Dini @ dinipandareads recently posted…#TopTenTuesday: Holding Myself Accountable—The 2024 Edition!
Anne - Books of My Heart
Well it seems like you are doing well with reading and writing reviews. I’m sorry the writing hasn’t been going as well.
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Mr. Darcy’s Complex Courtship by Kelly Miller @Kellyrei007 #KindleUnlimited @sophiarose1816
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer
You had a great month. Yay to new bookshelves!
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer recently posted…The Queen of Smiles by Chris Tullbane
Annemieke @ A Dance With Books
I just got Buried Deep and I’m curious to see how I will like it.
Annemieke @ A Dance With Books recently posted…Books by Black Authors I Still Want to Read | Top Ten Tuesday 468 | Black History Month