The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
My Week
Today is concert day! We had an excellent final rehearsal yesterday. I think it will go well. I gave two challenging-but-beautiful pieces to my youth chorus (which includes several adult mentors), and they have risen to the challenge — as I knew they would. And our accompanist is a magician at the keyboard; we’re so blessed to have her. The adult chorus in which I sing had a great rehearsal too. This is our once-a-year combined concert. We (the adult chorus) are singing a program of John Rutter’s music; the children’s and youth choruses are performing a mix of styles and composers.
One indexing project is largely done, which is a huge relief, but I’m going to have to scramble to finish the next one.
I can’t believe it’s already Thanksgiving week. Where on earth has the fall gone? Mr. Bookwyrm and I are planning a quiet Thanksgiving, but we’ll still fix our traditional meal. I wish all of you a very happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate it.
Something on Sunday
Something on Sunday is hosted by Gin Jenny at Reading the End. The idea is to counteract the gloom and anxiety many of us feel by “writ[ing] about something that kept you on your feet that week… something that matters to you.”
Three things kept me going and brought me joy this week: the various rehearsals for our concert, and the joy I take in singing and in working with such wonderful kids; a few good conversations with Robin on the phone; and above all, Mr. Bookwyrm’s unwavering love and support. I’m truly thankful for all of them.
Last Week on the Blog
- Sunday Post – 11/12/2017
- Other posts TBD
- News & Notes – 11/18/2017 – tentative
- Sunday Post – 11/19/2017 – this post
Upcoming on the Blog
- Other posts TBD
- News & Notes – 11/25/2017 – tentative
- Sunday Post – 11/26/2017
What I’m Reading/Watching
Reading: For the HoHoHo Readathon, I read The Rancher’s Christmas Song (RaeAnne Thayne; ARC) and most of A Christmas to Remember (anthology; ARC.) And I read Heart Sight (Robin D. Owens; ARC), which I couldn’t wait to start but was vaguely disappointed in. I’m still reading Terminal Alliance (Jim C. Hines; ARC) and have also started A Scandal in Battersea (Mercedes Lackey; library.)
Listening to: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I’m about two-thirds of the way through.
Watching: Not much, due to my work load. I managed to see one more episode of Star Trek: Discovery, but I’m still couple of episodes behind. And we watched an episode of Father Brown last night.
Challenge Update
HoHoHo Readathon 2017

Host: The Caffeinated Reviewer
Progress: 0/2 (0%)
8 November, 2017 — 15 November, 2017
The HoHoHo Readathon runs from Nov. 8 through 15, 2017. It’s for holiday- and winter-themed books. My modest goal is 2 books. So far, I’ve read and reviewed 1.
New Additions to the Hoard
Cover links take you to Goodreads.
For Review or Review Consideration
Purchased for Kindle
The Jim Butcher book is mostly for Robin, though I do intend to try the series at some point. The Borrowers was a childhood favorite. And Knitspeak is an excellent reference for knitters; now I have it on my phone, so I can use it whenever I need to look up a stitch or technique.
Michelle@Because Reading
We plan to go to my aunts for Thanksgiving, it will be low-key and just close family. I am looking forward to it. Then I can put up my Christmas stuff…I’m so excited! 🙂 lol
I am sure the concert went beautifully!
Have a great week Lark! Happy Reading and Happy Thanksgiving! ox
Michelle@Because Reading recently posted…Not my favorite week ~ WIR & SP
Low-key sounds perfect. I saw your photos of your Christmas decorations on Instagram. Love those nutcrackers!
Aj @ Read All The Things!
I hope the concert goes well. Have a great week! Happy Thanksgiving!
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…The Sunday Post #123
Thank you, and I hope your Thanksgiving was lovely! (If you celebrate it, that is.)
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog)
Glad your concert went well!
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog) recently posted…The Sunday Post Meme (111)
Thank you!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
Best of luck on your concert. It sounds like it will go great! A quiet Thanksgiving sounds nice and hopefully will be peaceful with all the busyness you’ve had lately. Love your new books! I’d really like to read The Borrowers and Susan Mallery and I have a lot to catch up on! Have a great week!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – Ten Books I’m Thankful For
Thank you, Katherine! It went really, really well. I have a lot of books and authors to catch up on, too.