The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books! This week, I’m also linking to Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga’s Reviews.
Last Week
It was a relatively uneventful week. Mr. Bookwyrm had to go in to work for several days this week, but we hope he won’t have to do so again for a while. Friday I went to an appointment with my cardiologist, a routine followup to my ER trip back in May. (Not to worry; I’m fine.)
Today we will “attend” church online, as we have since the pandemic began. I really miss being in church, and singing in church, and the Eucharist. But I’m so grateful that live-streaming technology exists, and that some churches have continued to livestream their services, especially since most of the experts still rank church services in the “high risk” category.
Is anyone else having a hard time being productive these days? I don’t feel like I’ve gotten much done in weeks, at least when I look at all the things I wish I had done. I have started working more consistently on my DIY physical therapy for my frozen shoulder, which is good, and I’ve gotten a few knitting projects finished. (I’ll post them Wednesday.) And I actually have some posts scheduled ahead this week. But the grand decluttering project has gone nowhere.
Last Week on the Blog
- Sunday Post – 7/26/2020
- Tea and Treachery by Vicki Delany – blog tour review, author guest post, and giveaway
- The Obsessions of Lord Godfrey Cavanaugh by Stephanie Laurens – review
- News & Notes – 8/01/2020
- Sunday Post – 8/02/2020 – this post
This Week on the Blog
- The Dog Who Lost His Bark – review
- Books With Colors in the Title – Top Ten Tuesday
- WIP Wednesday – 8/05/2020
- Like Lovers Do, by Tracey Livesay – review
- News & Notes – 8/08/2020
- Sunday Post – 8/09/2020
What I’m Reading/Watching

Reading: I finished rereading Fortune’s Fool and The Snow Queen, and went on to The Sleeping Beauty (all by Mercedes Lackey). Those have been my comfort reading, especially at night when I’m awake with insomnia. I also started Death at High Tide (Hannah Dennison; ARC) for an upcoming blog tour. And I read a few more chapters of An Extraordinary Union. (Click titles for my review or to see the title on Goodreads.)
Listening: I have mostly been listening to podcasts, mainly Harry Potter and the Sacred Text and Imaginary Worlds.
Watching: We’ve been rewatching the 1980s Adventures of Sherlock Holmes mysteries starring Jeremy Brett, and I rewatched Sleeping Murder, one of the Miss Marple miniseries starring Joan Hickson. (Miss Marple — the ones starring Hickson — is my go-to comfort reading.) And we watched another episode or two of Warehouse 13. But mostly, it’s just been Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah.
Added to the Hoard
For Review or Review Consideration

Many thanks to Avon for Wild Rain! (Click title for Goodreads link.)
Purchased (Kindle, print, or audio)

Print: The Ship of Shadows (UK publication only; ordered through Book Depository) Kindle: How Long ’til Black Future Month?; Artificial Condition; Rogue Protocol; The Stalking Jack the Ripper Collection; West; Ice Blue; The Secret of Chimneys. All the Kindle books were on sale or free. (Click title for Goodreads link.)
Anne - Books of My Heart
No I don’t feel I am getting much accomplished. I don’t feel very motivated. I’ll be excited to see your knitting projects. Some of the things which have been online like some doc appts I wish could always be that way (certain types wouldn’t work of course) . But for many it is a really convenient way to go. There are some in person things I miss though too.
Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post
Literary Feline
I am glad your doctor’s visit went well. I hope your husband won’t have to go into the office for some time either. Mine is now working from home permanently, which he is happy about. I do feel unproductive these days, especially around the house and on my blog–with my reading. I am hoping once we get into the rhythm of school, I might find my own rhythm again. I hope you are enjoying your reading. Your new books sound good! One of these days I’ll give Martha Wells a try. I hope you have a great week, Lark. Stay safe and well.
I am glad you have enjoyed the Mercedes Lackey books for comfort – and yes… I’m really only focusing on reading and writing. I’ve no inclination to do anything but the barest minimum of housework. So I know what you mean… I hope the coming week is a good one, crammed with great books:)
I don’t feel like I’ve been productive at all since this pandemic began. It would have been a great opportunity to catch up on my reading and unpack some more boxes, but instead, I feel like doing nothing. LOL
Death at High Tide is on my list too. It looks so good. All of your books look good. Enjoy them. Have a great week and stay safe.
Same here w/ church. Haven’t been in ages but are doing the streaming. And glad to hear your cardiologist appt was good. I hope you like Rogue Protocol when you get to it- I think those are a lot of fun.
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #361
Stormi Johnson
I have found it hard to be productive these days, I think I am getting cabin fever even if we venture out now and then. It’s not like it was, we don’t just go when we want to, it’s planned out and not as often.
Our church is a bit of a rebel as we still have church services, we have since it all started, though we had a few parking lot services but since then it’s been like normal. I personally think if they can riot and loot and burn places down in the name of protesting we can go to church.
You got a lot of cool books! Hope you enjoy them all!
Stormi Johnson recently posted…The Week In Review #311
I had grand plans when this all started, but as the months have gone on and our situation starts to feel “normal,” I’ve lost motivation!
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
I have often found I get more done when there is more I have to get done..does that make sense? I work better under a bit of pressure or deadlines.
Wishing you a great reading week
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out recently posted…It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #SundayPost #SundaySalon
Aj @ Read All The Things!
I had a ton of stuff I thought I was going to get done during lockdown. Most of it hasn’t happened. I’m trying not to feel too bad about it. Have a great week.
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…The Sunday Post #235
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
I’ve been having trouble staying productive as well. I’ll have a burst of productivity, and then it’s followed by a big chunk of time where I am not. Hang in there. Dealing with this whole anxiety-inducing situation is enough for some days.
That looks like a great haul! I hope you enjoy the reads!
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…Hot August Linkity
Heather @ RandomRedheadedRamblings
It’s great you can still partake in your church services virtually, it’s so clever how we can all attend events without worry.
Heather @ RandomRedheadedRamblings recently posted…Review – Giant Days Volume 2 by John Allison