The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures – I mean books!
My Week
Obviously, the big news for the week is that The Bookwyrm’s Hoard has a new home and a new (in progress) look! Thanks to Ashley at Creative Whim, I’m now on a self-hosted site. I actually bought the domain name a year and a half ago, but I dithered around because I’m not very tech-savvy, and I wasn’t sure I could migrate the blog. Ashley did a great job, and wow, is she fast! You can read a little more detail about the move here.
The old blog address is redirecting to the new home page, but if you follow via RSS feed, you may want to update the address. The new one is .
I’m working on bringing myself up to speed on WordPress and WordPress themes, but it will take a little while. I will probably be playing with the theme for several weeks, if not longer. It’s a very customizable theme. I do plan to bring back the Bookwyrm in some form for the header, but I think he needs a new photo. The one I have is a bit blurrier than I like. Maybe I should get someone to draw him, instead of using a photo?
In other news, my choruses start rehearsals today, and I can’t wait! I love working with my kids, from kindergartners through high school seniors (and a few older mentors as well!) They’re all wonderful, and it’s so rewarding to make music together.
Yesterday Mr. Bookwyrm and I went to the Fall Fiber Festival and Montepelier Sheep Dog Trials. Gorgeous yarns and fibers; demonstrations of spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, and other fiber arts; delicious food; sheep, goats, angora rabbits and llamas; and incredibly talented Border Collies. It was great! I missed having Robin with us, though, especially since she’s also a knitter.
Last Week on the Blog
- Mon., 9/29/14: New Home, New Look – about the new blog
- Tues., 9/30/14: Top Ten Books That Were Hard For Me To Read (Top Ten Tuesday)
- Wed., 10/01/14: TOUR: Lost Under a Ladder (review and giveaway link)
- Thurs., 10/02/14: The Hot Zone, by Jayne Castle (review)
- Sat., 10/04/14: News & Notes – 10/04/14 – my weekly post of book-related links
Next Week on the Blog

- Mon., 10/06/14: Wouldn’t It Be Deadly, by D. E. Ireland (review)
- Tues., 10/07/14: Books for Readers Who Like Character-Driven Novels (Top Ten Tuesday)
- Wed., 10/08/14: In the Dragon’s Eye: Blood Magick
- Thur. and Fri.: TBD
- Sat., 10/11/14: News & Notes – 10/11/14
New Additions to the Hoard
For Review:
Many thanks to Kensington Books!
Bought or Free for Kindle:
That’s it for this week! Happy reading!
The fiber festival and sheep dog trials sound like so much fun. I especially love to see the dogs work with sheep and other livestock. They’re so talented. I love all the yarns, too, though I don’t crochet or knit. My grandmother did both and it was always so much fun to see the yarns she used to create afghans, mittens, scarves and other stuff.
Have a great week, Lark!
Jan recently posted…Sunday Post: Oct 5
The yarns were beautiful; in retrospect I wish I had taken photos. I did buy a few gorgeous skeins that I’m looking forward to using. The dogs were a lot of fun to watch, too.
Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know
Wow…Congrats on the move! I won’t say too much about your currently design since you’re thinking of tweaking it. I can’t wait to see what you end up with though. I think I need to do an overhaul of my design, but I just haven’t wanted to invest the time yet. I almost picked up Darkest Minds this week because it was on sale, but I decided against it. I’ve been trying to be selective lately and even though I want to read that series, I think I can get it through the library later. Your other books look good, but I haven’t heard of them before! Have a great week!
Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know
Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know recently posted…Sunday Post – 117 & Stacking the Shelves – 80
I like the cleanness of this theme but it’s very customizable and I want my little dragon/bookwyrm back in some form, so I will be tweaking!
I probably should have held off on Darkest Minds for the same reason, but I was impulsive. I need to reign that in a bit!
Congratulations on the move Lark! Good for you, and looks like the move went very well (I liked that dancing dragon by the way)!I’ll bet the sheepdog trials were great fun, I think that would be neat to see.
Pop Sonnets looks great, I’m going to have to take a closer look at that one. Thank you for sharing that.
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #64 October, readathons and blustery winds
That dancing dragon was pure serendipity, but he was perfect for that post. Enjoy PopSonnets!
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
Oh, I liked Reunion with Death! I hope you do too. And look at all the books you got!
The festival sounds like fun; some day I want to see sheep trials. I’ve read a lot about them.
Have a good week!
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Bea Reviews Love on the Boardwalk by Christi Barth
I’ve got so much to read, it will be ages before I get to any of my purchased books! The festival was great; I looked at (and bought) some gorgeous yarn, watched and talked to a bunch of spinners (might be my next hobby!), ate yummy food, and watched those border collies do their thing. They’re so smart – and so fast!
Rita @ My Home of Books
I wish I knew how to crochet or knit! My mother didn’t so that wasn’t passed down to me and I sometimes look online and try but frankly with my messed up hands, my stitches are all over the place, loose and tight, sigh… I will have to think of a similar craft that I can get into, because I love to look and feel the beautiful fibers and skeins at stores!
What a week you had! Love, love the new blog but I miss the bookwyrm 🙂 This blog is so easy to navigate. I love Ashley also– she saved my blogging career because I couldn’t do this by myself.
Interesting books! Kimba has recommended Jayne Castle. I’ve only read Krentz before. I’ll take your advice and start back further if I can pick up some of the earlier books in her series. Also those cozies are too cute! Love the cover of Wouldn’t It Be Deadly!
Rita @ My Home of Books recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up 10/4-10/6/14
How about weaving, Rita? Your hands might have trouble with the setup, but you could probably get someone to help with that. The actual weaving is more whole-hand than fine motor control, I think.
I need to get my little bookwyrm back on there. He’s coming, in some form or other, I promise. I miss him too!
Wouldn’t It Be Deadly surprised me; I was worried the author wouldn’t get the characters right but she (or rather, they) really did!
laura thomas
Sounds like a fun time at the fiber festival. I enjoy going to local events. I see a couple of books I’d like, especially the cozies:)
laura thomas recently posted…What’s New On My Bookshelf #81 and The Sunday Post
For some reason, I seem to be getting lots of mysteries these days! And Christmasy romances, but I’m saving those for the Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon in November.
Catherine @ Book Club Librarian
Love the new blog look, Lark. I’ve been thinking of switching my blog too, but have been too nervous to do it for reasons similar to yours. You’re giving me renewed hope 🙂
You’ve featured some nice new cozies and mysteries–perfect for cooler weather.
Catherine @ Book Club Librarian recently posted…Weekly Book Recap #84
If you feel intimidated like I did, work with Ashley. She’s great!
Wahoo! Welcome to the Dark side and yes Ashley rocks.If you get stuck, feel free to let me know. I also believe your RSS should transfer, Ashley probably did a redirect, so check with her. Looks like you and your hubby had an awesome day yesterday. Darkest Minds rocked my friend!
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #128 Photos of Wedding and Recovery
Good to know (re Darkest Minds)! And we did have a terrific day. Lots of lovely sunshine but not hot. The dogs were fun to watch and the yarns and fibers were gorgeous. I bought some yummy yarns, including a super-soft alpaca yarn in dark green that I’ll use for a shawl.
Fall Fiber Festival and Montepelier Sheep Dog Trials sounds so much fun! ♥
Here’s mine:
My Week in a Wrapped #2
Oh, it was! I enjoyed both the dogs and the fibery stuff – yarns and spinning demonstrations and fiber animals on display.
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
Oh I love sheepdog trials! I grew up with Shelties and it was always fun to let them really do their stuff in those kinds of things. They got bored trying to herd the humans. We don’t listen nearly as well as the sheep! Looking forward to your review of Wouldn’t It Be Deadly! Looks like a fun read. And you got a cozy that I missed! Off to go look for that one!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…This Week in Reading – October 5th
You had Shelties? What fun! I’ve always had cats, but Shelties and Border Collies have such personality. Er, caninality?