Sunday Post – 10/13/2024

October 13, 2024 Sunday Post 11

The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!

This week I’m also participating in The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz, and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality.

The Past Week

Aurora Borealis, seen in northern New Mexico, Oct. 10, 2024.
Aurora Borealis, seen in northern New Mexico, Oct. 10, 2024. Photo © K. Pekar, 2024

In real life: Thursday night, I saw the aurora borealis for the first time in my life. In New Mexico, of all places. And all right, “saw” is a bit of an exaggeration. This far south, there wasn’t a lot to see, and you couldn’t see the colors with the naked eye, just some sort of grey areas that might have been clouds but weren’t. My cellphone camera captured it just fine, though! I wish we had been able to go somewhere with no light pollution, but Thursday was a bit of a chaotic day, with a cat health emergency to deal with as well as a visitor from out of town, and we didn’t have the time or energy to drive out of town. So we did our skywatching from Robin’s balcony. (The cat is fine now.)

Aurora Borealis, seen in northern New Mexico, Oct. 10, 2024.
Aurora Borealis, seen in northern New Mexico, Oct. 10, 2024. Photo © K. Pekar, 2024

Yesterday was jam-packed, too. I got up early to attend my fiber guild’s monthly meeting via Zoom. After the meeting, my mom took me shopping for a birthday present. In the afternoon, Robin and I went to my sister’s house for tea, and then the whole family gathered for dinner and a movie.

My relative is doing really well now, a month past surgery. They should be able to manage on their own now, with a little help from local family members. So I will be heading home midweek. I’m looking forward to being home, especially since Mr. Bookwyrm went home two weeks ago, and I miss him. But I will miss my family out here, especially Robin. I’m already looking forward to Christmas vacation, when we can all spend more time together.

Speaking of home, there is a lot of work waiting for me when I get back. Since the house renovations in August went past schedule, we weren’t able to get everything unpacked from the basement and put away on the main floor before we left for New Mexico (including most of my books.) So my job for the next six or seven weeks will be putting the house back together, a little at a time.

Recent Posts

Looking Ahead

  • Books I Was Assigned To Read In School Top Ten Tuesday
  • Treasures from the Hoard: The Sleeping Beauty, by Mercedes Lackey tentative
  • Sunday Post – 10/20/2024

What I’ve Been Reading/Watching (since 7/14/2024)

Reading: I finished rereading The Sleeping Beauty, book 5 in the Mercedes Lackey’s Tales of the 500 Kingdoms series. Then I plowed through my two newest ARCs, Shattering Dawn (Jayne Ann Krentz) and Remember When (Mary Balogh) in two days; the first is a fun paranormal romantic suspense thriller (in the usual crazy-sauce Jayneverse way), and the second was a wonderful second-chance historical romance featuring 50-year-old protagonists. I haven’t yet written the reviews, though.

I also finished rereading Garment of Shadows and started rereading Dreaming Spies; these are books #12 and #13 in Laurie R. King’s historical mystery series starring Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes. And I started reading The Wedding Witch by Erin Sterling (ARC). On a rough night when I couldn’t sleep, I plowed through Four Weddings and a Sixpence (Julia Quinn, Elizabeth Boyle, Laura Lee Ghurke, and Stefanie Sloane), which I picked up a week or two ago in a huge Kindle sale.

I need to get back to Feuds (ARC), the latest collection of Valdemar tales by Mercedes Lackey.

Watching: Robin and I finished up the Percy Jackson series, season 1 (which is all that is out so far.) And the family watched the live-action Little Mermaid movie, which I really enjoyed.

Playing: We played some Wingspan and Azul at my sister’s house. I’ve played Pokemon Go with Robin, and of course my usual NYT word games every day: Wordle, Connections, Strands, and the Spelling Bee. I also played a few games of Wingspan on Steam.

Added to the Hoard

For Review or Consideration

Many thanks to Ace (Penguin Random House) for The Teller of Small Fortunes!

Purchased or Free (Kindle, print, or audio)

(Click title for Goodreads page or my review.)

Kindle: Towards Zero; Kiss and Spell; A Traitor in Whitehall; The Borrowers Afield

Stay kind and hopeful… and may your books bring you joy this week!

11 Responses to “Sunday Post – 10/13/2024”

  1. Carla

    What a beautiful thing to see! I’m glad your kitty is okay. I just found out one of mine has a tooth that receded into her gums and must be removed. I hope she’s not hurting too bad until that can be done.

    I’ve paid my Fiber Guild dues but have not attended a meeting all year. I think I’m just going to let it go. I’d probably attend if I could Zoom in!

    Sounds like a great birthday!

    I stopped reading Julia Quinn after Bridgerton. I just don’t think she’s as good as the hype around her. Is that book novellas or one collaborated story?
    Carla recently posted…Circle Letter #4: Drum Sounds and Books that Make You Go OoohMy Profile

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      We really couldn’t see it with our eyes, just some grey patches of sky… but it showed up on the photos. Apparently that’s common. And if there’s a lot of light pollution, it’s harder to see. I’m hoping to get another chance, maybe when I’m in Virginia. The solar maximum should last into mid-2025, so it’s likely we will see more coronal mass ejections, which means there’s a chance we could see the aurora borealis at lower latitudes again.

  2. Michelle@Because Reading

    Love the picture! I missed it completely, no idea it was even going to happen. I saw a lot of pictures around here being able to see it. I guess I need to stand outside more 🙂

    Safe trip coming home. Unpacking a little at a time is great, When we moved we like through everything into places and now I need to redo everything, that is my plan for the winter months.

    Have a great week Lark! Happy Reading! xxx

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Moving is harder than renovating! I’m going to be pruning stuff down a bit as we put things back in place. I know we will be moving at some point in the future, after we retire, and I’m hoping to make it a bit easier when we do.

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