The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!

This week I’m also participating in The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz, and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality.
The Past Week
In real life : In an unexpected twist, the house remodeling/redecoration we began last summer continues! Last Sunday, after thinking about it for a couple of weeks, we bought a bigger TV. Our 16-year-old 32″ TV still works, and we have been putting off getting a new one for several reasons (mostly ecological and logistical). But we realized that both of us are having a harder time seeing details and reading smaller text on the old TV. And if we wanted to get a larger one, we thought we should do it before the new tariffs kick in. So we bought one. The new TV is bigger, but not huge; we don’t want it to dominate the room.
But as always happens, when you change one thing, it leads to yet more changes. In order for the new TV to fit, we need to rearrange the furniture along that wall and get a new , wider TV stand. After some research and discussion, we decided to completely redecorate that entire wall of the living room. We’ll have to move some art to other parts of the house, but I’ll be getting more bookshelf space—not a lot, but the equivalent of one regular-size Billy bookshelf, more or less. The furniture pieces (ordered from IKEA) should arrive midweek. Once it’s all in place, I can start reshelving the books that live in that room.
Mr. Bookwyrm has Monday off for Martin Luther King Day. I will be particularly grateful for the comfort of his presence tomorrow.
5 Good Things:
- I managed to find something I needed that had been buried in a box in the basement. (Small victories, but it was a needed one in that moment.) Now if I could just find that other critical thing that has gone missing. . .
- I set up my monthly/daily planner for the next month or two. I’m going back to using a physical planner, since I find it helpful to actually write my to-do list and appointments down instead of just typing or dictating them.
- I wrote and posted or scheduled several reviews.
- I accomplished several daunting administrative tasks I have been putting off for a long time.
- Our fiber guild met yesterday. I haven’t been in person since August (because I was out of town or had a conflict), so it was really good to see my fiber sisters!
Recent Posts

- Sunday Post – 1/12/2025
- The Wishing Game, by Meg Shaffer – review
- Bookish Goals for 2025 – Top 10 Tuesday
- Mind Games, by Nora Roberts – review
- On the Edge, by Ilona Andrews – review
- Sunday Post – 1/19/2025 – this post
Looking Ahead
- Ten Ways to Hold On to Your Light Today – Musings
- The Ten Most Recent Additions to My Book Collection (or to your to-read list!) – Top 10 Tuesday
- From the Vault: The Calculating Stars, by Mary Robinette Kowal – audiobook review
- other reviews TBD
- Sunday Post – 1/19/2025
What I’ve Been Reading/Watching (since 7/14/2024)

Reading: I finished On the Edge by Ilona Andrews for the read-along hosted by Books of My Heart, and started the second book in the series, Bayou Moon. I also started A Death in Diamonds by S.J. Bennett.
Listening to: I finished The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal. (I reviewed it in 2019, but will be reposting the review this coming week.), After that, I started re-listening to The Fated Sky. I want to reread the first three books and associated short fiction before the new Lady Astronaut book comes out in the spring. I’m alternating these with The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd, one of the books Robin gave me a few years ago.
Watching: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert; Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 1 (rewatch)
Playing: Pokemon Go; also Wordle, Connections, Strands, Spelling Bee, and Sudoku (all from the NYT.) And Wingspan on Steam or on my phone or iPad.
Added to the Hoard
(Click title for Goodreads page or my review.)
For Review or Consideration

Many thanks to Feiwel & Friends (Macmillan) for The Happy Writer!
Library Haul

Library: Miss Amelia’s List; ADHD Is Awesome; The Lighter Step-By-Step Instant Pot Cookbook
Purchased (Kindle)

Kindle: The Ultimate All-Around Stitch Dictionary; Three Act Tragedy; Arsenic with Austen
Anne - Books of My Heart
You are so on top of things! I did a lot of stuff this week and now feel behind on everything. Thanks so much for joining in on the Read-along. I look forward to your thoughts.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Pets in Space 5 @paulinebjones @RegineAbel @j_c_hay @lchasewrites @CarolNatta46374 @MDiener77 @kyndrahatch #CassandraChandler @sesmithfl @SFRLaurie @vscotttheauthor @sophiarose1816
I really enjoyed the read-along chat this afternoon! Especially after I figured out I was on mute, and unmuted my mic lol.
Lydia C. Lee
I’d never heard of Nora Roberts until I started linking with this group. Now it appears I’m the only person that doesn’t read her! Also off to investigate the Christie. I thought I’d read all of hers but maybe not. Or I’ve just forgotten. #Stackingtheshelves
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
Oh, yes, The Happy Writer. I must look for that. I’m doing the Stafford Challenge—writing a poem a day—and I would say that I feel happy writing a poem each day.
Enjoy the new tv. And maybe you will love the new arrangement in your house.
I feel like I need to come up with a special handshake or password for those of us who are in mourning for tomorrow.
Deb Nance at Readerbuzz recently posted…The Sunday Salon: Snow Might Be (But Probably Isn’t) On the Way to Houston!
Our Tv is around the same age as the one you replaced, and we will face the same issues of space and size when we finally get a new one. Yes to redoing a whole wall, but I don’t think we will have the courage to do that.
best, mae at
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
Congrats on the new TV. I hope you love it. Yes, nothing is ever that simple. You change one thing and then you have to change others. I hope it’s all just the way you want it.
Have a great week!
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews recently posted…The Weekend Review – January 18th-20th
Yay to a new TV and whole new configuration around it! I hope you find the other critical thing you’ve been looking for.
Jinjer recently posted…Crank-o-potamus
Literary Feline
I do know how one change can lead to many in terms of home renovations or remodeling! I needed a distraction in November and ended up making a few changes to my personal library (aka living room). I wish you luck with your continued home remodeling!
Thank you for your post on Ten Ways to Hold On to Your Light Today. It was a good reminder. I woke up this morning and, as I often do, looked at my phone and regretted it immediately. I set it aside and read my book in bed instead.
I hope to start Bayou Moon soon. I am debating whether I want to read my e-copy or check it out in audio from the library.
I hope you have a good week, Lark! Enjoy your reading!
Literary Feline recently posted…Weekly Mews: Bookish Thoughts on Lavender House & On the Edge/A Look Back to What I Was Reading Ten Years Ago
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
I also love putting things in paper planners instead of having everything digital only! (I also keep appointments in my digital calendar so I can get alerts, but still. I like seeing it on paper)
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday ~ Ten Newest Owned Books
I’m not sure I would call my planner “pretty”! The cover is nice, a leatherette A5 6-ring binder. I buy basic monthly tabs for it, and I added some pretty floral dividers, but the daily pages are my own design, based on an planner I bought at Office Depot about 10 years ago, functional rather than attractive. I print them out on A5 paper. I’m not terribly consistent about decorating the daily pages, but I’m trying to add some nice stickers and washi tape when I have time. The important thing for me is that the act of writing things down makes them stick in my memory a little better than typing them into a digital calendar or planner. But yes, I keep a digital calendar too, for the alerts.
Rolé @ Hooked By That Book
We also did the whole rearranging of furniture to make room for a bigger tv last year. It turned out well. Hope you have a wonderful week.
Rolé @ Hooked By That Book recently posted…Weekly Wrap Up – January 20, 2025