The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures – I mean books!
My Week
Happy Independence Day to those of you in (or from) the U.S.! I hope you had a wonderful and safe celebration.
My week started on a somewhat anxious note due to an abnormal test result that required a biopsy, but on Thursday I got the welcome phone call: the results were benign. Huzzah!!! That really made me feel like celebrating! However, we ended up spending the Fourth pretty quietly. Given the heat and humidity and the thunderstorms that started rolling through around 6:00 pm, we decided to stay home. We watched National Treasure (instead of 1776, my first suggestion) and I finished a sock I’ve been working on (and off) since last fall.
Handknit sock, by Lark. (Pattern: Hermione’s Everyday Socks. Yarn: Regia Color 4-Ply fingering yarn.)
Also, I’m getting a new computer. Mine has been getting flaky, and things keep breaking – we’ve replaced the hard drive twice already. Windows 8 will pretty much disappear from new machines by the end of July, replaced by Windows 10. The indexing software I use runs on Windows XP, 7, and 8, but not yet 10. So we decided to upgrade my computer while I can still get a good machine with Windows 8 on it. (My current machine still runs Windows 7.) I’ll also be upgrading from Office 10 to Office 13. I’m anticipating a whole lot of learning curve while I make the switch – not only adjusting to a new OS, but also to new versions of Word, Outlook, and Excel, all of which I use a lot. But I’m also really looking forward to a faster processor and a whole lot more memory. We bought the new computer this week, but my IT guy (aka Mr. Bookwyrm) is still configuring it and transferring my data files. Can’t wait to start using it!
Tomorrow is my 6th blogoversary. Can you believe it?! I’ll be celebrating with a blog post and a giveaway, so be sure to stop by.
Last Week on the Blog
- Tues. 6/30/15: Redemption Bay, by RaeAnne Thayne (release-day review)
- Tues. 6/30/15: Top Ten Books I’ve Read in 2015 (So Far) (Top Ten Tuesday)
- Wed. 7/01/15: TOUR: Dressed to Kill, by Lynn Cahoon (guest post by the author; review; giveaway)
- Sat. 7/04/15: News & Notes – 7/04/15
Next Week on the Blog
- Mon. 7/06/15: The Bookwyrm Turns 6! (6th blogoversary post)
- Wed. 7/08/15: TOUR: The Case of the Dotty Dowager, by Cathy Ace (review and interview)
- News & Notes – 7/11/15
- Sunday Post – 7/12/15
- other posts TBD
What I’m Reading/Watching
For years, I’ve been meaning to read Susanna Kearsley, and this week I finally got started, with Named of the Dragon. (Sourcebooks will re-release it in October, but I have both an e-ARC and out-of-print paperback – I didn’t realize I had the paperback when I requested the e-ARC!) It was really good, and reminded me a bit of Mary Stewart, which was rather fun since I had re-read Stewart’s This Rough Magic just before starting Named of the Dragon. And I’m currently in the middle of The Case of the Dotty Dowager by Cathy Ace (ARC; tour), Silver in the Blood by Jessica Day George (ARC), and Thrill Me by Susan Mallery (ARC.)
We finished watching The Theory of Everything, which was wonderful but emotionally wrenching. Time to get back to Doctor Who and Avatar: The Last Airbender!
New Additions to the Hoard
For Review
Many thanks to Kensington!
For Review Consideration
Thank you to Titan for sending me these.
Purchased for Kindle
These were all on sale for $1.99 or less – The Valley of Fear was free (and may still be.) I really want to read Hero; I loved the first book in the series. I’ve read the bottom two in the past, but grabbed them for my Kindle library, since I love re-reading classic mysteries.
Wow! Busy busy! Some great new books there.
I love the socks – they’re gorgeous colours. And I am envious about the new computer.
Deborah recently posted…Weekly check-in
Thank you, Deb! I fell in love with that yarn – it was a gift from a friend who was destashing before she moved abroad. It’s only sock, singular, though – I still have to make the second one! I used to knit more, but now that I blog, I have less knitting time. Sometimes I wish time were expandable, like an accordion!
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review
I have not yet read Susanna Kearsley either and would like to. Good to know your first one was a good one. Happy Sunday!
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review recently posted…New Release Review and Giveaway: The Wild Girl
Thank you, Lory – you too!
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings
Lots of great books to read! Happy Blogoversary for tomorrow too!
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings recently posted…The Sunday Post – #7 – 5th July 2015
Too many books, too little time LOL! Thank you for the blogoversary wishes, and for stopping by.
Glad to hear the test’s results were negative. I love National Treasure! 🙂 A new computer sure is a great way to celebrate your 6th blogoversary! Happy blogoversary 🙂
Daniela recently posted…What a Week [14] – Presenting “Dwellers of Otherworld”
Thank you for the blogoversary wishes, Daniela! It’s been a good week, especially after the test results came in. I hope you have a wonderful week as well!
I got a new computer last year and it’s always a bit of a learning curve getting used to new programs, but luckily you get used to them pretty soon. I am not ready to upgrade to windows 10 yet. I hope you can start using your new computer this week. That sock looks great, I like the colours. My mom once tried to learn how to knit and said making socks was very difficult. I never got further than knitting straight pieces and have forgotten everything by now. Hope you have a great week and enjoy your new books!
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #133
You’re right about the learning curve – I hope I can get on top of it before my next big indexing job starts at the end of the week! I love those yarn colors too, and how they all blend together so well. Socks aren’t nearly as hard as I thought they would be, before I started my first one. Now I love knitting them – this will be the sixth pair I’ve made! (I love wearing them in the winter – nice and toasty warm!) Have a lovely week, and happy reading!
Laurel-Rain Snow
Enjoy those books! I spent a quiet evening reading and watching Netflix…I am an addict!
Good luck with the computers…I always dread computer issues!
Enjoy your new week…and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
I dread computer issues too – which is why I decided to get a new computer before the old one died! Last time, my computer died in the middle of an indexing job. Luckily I was able to borrow my husband’s laptop until mine got back from the repair shop – which turned into about a month, because the first replacement hard drive they installed didn’t work, and it had to go back to have a second one put in. I lost some data when the old hard drive died, too. So… lesson learned. When one machine is getting old and things start going wrong, it’s time to get a new one – before disaster strikes. When your job relies on it, you can’t afford the downtime.
Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your books and Netflix! (Netflix is great, isn’t it?)
Rita @ View From My Home
Hope you get a new computer soon since your work depends upon it. I have a few dinosaur laptops but hubby did give me a new desktop pc for Christmas.
I am now reading more in an eclectic style, as I used to a few years ago, so I’m interested in your Thayne, Ace, Wait, Cahoon, and Kearsley titles. Adding them to my wishlist. I look forward to hearing about your new arcs this coming week.
And congrats on the great news!! My s-i-l just told me she got possible bad news and we have to wait 2 weeks to find out more 🙁 Also my hubby sees his oncologist next week for his results. I hate that doctors make us wait on pins and needles for so long to get results, but it is what it is.
Positive thoughts/prayers sent to you for continued good health and smooth sailing in all you do!
Rita @ View From My Home recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up, Even Though I Was “Gone”
Last time I got a new computer, it was because my old one went completely kaput, so I’m grateful to be getting the new one before I desperately need it. My current laptop will actually become a backup – held in reserve in case something happens to the new one. I learned my lesson when my last one died – if I’d been on deadline at the time, I would have been in real trouble! As it was, I had an indexing job but was several weeks from turning it in, so I lost a few days but was able to complete the work on time.
I think it’s great that you’re expanding your reading interests! A few years ago, I started pushing myself to try more new-to-me authors and explore some new genres/subgenres. I’ve been really glad I did; I’ve discovered some authors I just love, and developed a taste for a few subgenres (like contemporary romance and urban fantasy) that I wasn’t really reading before.
I’m sorry to hear about your SIL’s test, and will pray that she gets good news, and your husband also. It really is hard to wait for results, but as you say, it’s inevitable – tests take time, and I’d rather they went for accuracy than speed.
Wishing you and your loved ones a very good week and good health all around!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
Busy week and what a relief about the biopsy. I know it’s always so scary waiting for results no matter how logical you try to be about it. I love National Treasure. It’s kind of like an MG adventure book for adults. It’s definitely one I need to rewatch. I love the socks too. One of the reasons I want to learn how to knit is to make lots of warm comfy socks. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…This Week in Reading – July 5
I love National Treasure – it’s such a fun movie! But I realized this time through that you can’t think too much about the logic of the clues nor his deductions from them.
You should definitely learn to knit. I think you would really enjoy it. It’s very soothing (when it’s going well, and/or when you’re working on something easy) and artistically challenging (when you try something new or hard), so it can satisfy several needs – not always at the same time! If you lived near me, I would invite you over and teach you how. There are tutorials on the web, though, and a good local yarn shop usually has classes.
You’re right about the anxiety of waiting for test results, though in this case I was proud of myself for not letting myself fall into full-blown anxiety mode. I was just… a wee bit apprehensive. But it was certainly a relief to get the results.
Have a wonderful week, my friend, and I’ll see you around the blogs this week!
Glad to hear your results were benign. Waiting is the worst and that’s always scary. And happy blogoversary!!
I enjoyed your guest post with Lynn Cahoon, I am seriously thinking of trying her series at some point. I liked her thoughts on constructing her fictional small town. Dotty Dowager I had on my list to read at one point, then I back burnered it, so I’ll check out your review and maybe reevaluate again. 🙂
Have a nice week.
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #98 Happy 4th of July!
Those results made my whole week! Glad you enjoyed Lynn’s guest post. I’ve read the entire series, and they are light and fun. Plus, she’s really nice – I’ve toured most or all of her books so far. (I might have missed one tour; I can’t remember off the top of my head.) Have a terrific week!
Wow! For us bloggers it’s nothing like getting a new computer and it’s better if a wonderful hubby can get some of the hard stuff out of the way first, so mad props! I so admire anyone who can sit still long enough to knit, because there’s an art to it. Love your colorful sock. There’s nothing better than getting a call or letter that tests are benign, so I’m very, very happy for you. National Treasure is fun, and glad your day was peaceful with family. Happy Blogoversary tomorrow and BIG Hugs…Ro
He’s almost done configuring it and porting my data over, so I guess I’d better take a deep breath and prepare for the switch! I’m definitely looking forward to faster speeds and a lighter carrying weight. But I’ll miss Harry, my current machine. I get attached to them!
I do enjoy knitting but haven’t taken a lot of time for it recently, so it felt really good to finish that sock. Maybe I’ll start sock #2 tonight. And yes, getting the good news on those test results really made my whole week brighter!
Have a wonderful week, and thank you so much for the warm wishes and the hugs!
Awesome sock! I wish I could do Great haul as well, enjoy your new reads. 🙂
Week in Review
Thanks, Stormi! If you can knit, socks aren’t nearly as hard as they look. And if you can’t knit, well, knitting isn’t as hard as it looks, either. I’d be happy to teach you if we lived near each other. 🙂 Have a great week!
Oh, so nice to get a new computer. I hope you really like it. The Susanna Kearsley book sounds really good. I’ll look forward to your review, Lark. So glad for the good news for your test results, too.
I hope you have a great week.
Jan recently posted…Sunday Post: Jul 5
I hope I like it too! The computer, I mean. I’ll probably hate the new software for a month or two while I get used to it. Then I’ll adjust and think it’s OK. Then by the time I have to switch to whatever’s next, I’ll prefer this one!
Have a great week! I’ll pop over tomorrow morning sometime. 🙂
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
I also watched National Treasure (and Sahara and Independence Day and…):D HURRAH for benign results, I’m so glad.
Oys, new computer. Good luck. I don’t envy you the learning curve but you’ll have some shiny new toys. 🙂
As always, I’m coveting your books. 🙂
Have a wonderful week!
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Sunday Book Share #148
Wow, you had quite a movie marathon! 🙂 Yes, the computer will take some getting used to. OK, a lot of getting used to. But it’s going to be FAST. 🙂
I love MacLean and hope you do to. I got sick on the 4th and ended up with pneumonia. I am so glad the health scare turned out ok. Happy Reading my friend!
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Flight from Death by Yasmine Galenorn
Pneumonia – Oh, not fun! I hope you’re feeling better now! As for the MacLean, I have a vague recollection of starting Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake and enjoying it, but I don’t think I finished it. It may have been while visiting my mom, in which case I probably meant to buy a copy when I got home, and then got sidetracked and forgot. But it might not have been that book, so we’ll see whenever I actually get time to read it!