The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures – I mean books!
My Week
What a weekend! Friday the 13th, then Pi Day, and today is the Ides of March. Quite a conglomeration of unusual holidays!
It’s been a busy week; I had to work pretty hard on that index (now thankfully done and turned in!) and Robin came home with a lot of homework. Still, it’s been great having her home! She has been shepherding me through the last episodes of Doctor Who Series 2, which I’ve been avoiding because I don’t want to lose Rose. We had a bunch of friends over for tea on Friday, and yesterday we celebrated Pi Day with pie (of course.) Mr. Bookwyrm took her to the airport this morning at about 4:30 am. (I stayed home in order to have enough energy for rehearsals this afternoon.) We won’t see her again until she comes home in mid-May.
Last Week on the Blog

- Mon. 3/09/15: COYER Wrap-up
- Tues. 3/10/15: Ten Books for Readers Who Love Fairytales (Top Ten Tuesday)
- Thur. 3/12/15: Terry Pratchett (1948-2015)
- Sat. 3/14/15: News & Notes – Pi Day 3.1415… – Terry Pratchett’s death, Harper Lee, a “clean reading” app, the latest salvos in the genre wars, male writers and female characters, more essays on representation and diversity in SF/F, and of course, Pi Day. Come check out the links!
The winner of the Ladle to the Grave giveaway is Barb – Congratulations!
Next Week on the Blog
- Mon. 3/16/15: TBD
- Tues. 3/17/15: Top Ten Books On My Spring TBR List (Top Ten Tuesday) – tentative
- Wed. 3/18/15: TBD
- Thur. 3/19/15: TBD
- Fri. 3/20/15: TBD
- Sat. 3/21/15: News & Notes 3/21/15 – tentative
The Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge is underway! I’ve read only 2 qualifying books so far, but I’m hoping to get 2 or 3 more read this week.
New Additions to the Hoard
For Review
Bought for Kindle
Have a wonderful week!
anna (herding cats & burning soup)
LOL it was a lot of ‘holiday’ fun in a matter of days. 😀 And St Patricks right around the corner. 😀
anna (herding cats & burning soup) recently posted…Interview w/ Laura Simcox– We’re having cookies!!! *squeals with delight*
Indeed – and here it is! (Sorry it took me so long to reply.) Happy St. Paddy’s Day! If I know you, you’re cooking up something yummy…
Laurel-Rain Snow
Enjoy the new week…and I am curious about The Bottom Line.
Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
I bought that after reading the author’s story over on Herding Cats and Burning Soup. I liked the sound of this book and series, so I took a chance on it!
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
A busy week for you! And yes, a lot of quirky holidays bundled together. I’m glad you had time with Robin and I’m sure she enjoyed it.
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Sunday Book Share #132
She did indeed! I think the break and chance to reconnect with family was a help. Also the cats – she’s cat-deprived at school, so she soaks them up when she’s home.
I have such a hard time determining which ten books I want on my seasonal TBR list that I never end up doing these posts. But they are so fun to read and see what everyone else plans on reading! Both of your new books look great. I hope you enjoy them all!
Samantha recently posted…The Sunday Post #11 (Reading Progress)
I never know whether I should choose books that are coming out this spring, or actually what I want to read. I think I’ll go with the latter. Thanks for stopping by!
Ooo I was sad when Rose left too, but it is also one of the things I love about the show..I always get mad or sad but then fall in love with the next one. Glad the indexing went well. Hope your week is lovely!
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #152- “The ides of March have come..”
Thank you, Kimba! I’ll be starting the Martha episodes this week. Robin really likes her, so I’m hopeful I will, too.
Catherine @ Book Club Librarian
So nice to hear you had a nice time with your daughter. I feel the same way when my daughter comes to visit. Hope you have a great week and lots of reading time ahead.
Catherine @ Book Club Librarian recently posted…Weekly Book Recap #102
I’m hoping for more reading and blogging time this week. Robin has been gone only a day and I miss her fiercely already!
Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
Definitely a bunch of odd “Holidays” Enjoy your new reads – one of these days I will get to Seraphina!
Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf recently posted…Added to the Bookshelf – 3/15/15
Seraphina was so good! I’m in the middle of Shadow Scale now.
I hadn’t even picked up on all the crazy dates this weekend! And sadly I had not one piece of pie yesterday:(. Glad you got to spend some time with your daughter and its sweet that she helped you get through the end of DW’s season 2. I completely understand – Rose’s departure kills me. Have a good week!
Stephanie recently posted…I Wish I Lived in a Musical: My Favorite Broadway Musicals
Those two episodes were heartbreaking – and so was the Doctor’s sadness in the next episode (the Christmas special with Donna.) I’m told I’ll enjoy the third season a lot, though.
I love your musicals post! The Secret Garden is one of my favorites, too, along with The Sound of Music, Oklahoma, Wicked, My Fair Lady, The Music Man, Les Mis, Phantom of the Opera, Cats, West Side Story, The King and I, Fiddler on the Roof, and the little-known but wonderful The Scarlet Pimpernel. And Gilbert and Sullivan, of course – I’m a big fan (and I’ve performed in most of their operettas at one time or another.) I’m rather fond of some of the songs from various Disney musicals, but I’ve never seen a live Disney show – though I would dearly love to see The Lion King.
Season 3 of DW has some of the best episodes of the whole series but Martha is my least favorite companion. She’s fine but not the most compelling for a number of reasons.
I am very intrigued by The Scarlet Pimpernel you mention – I’ve not heard of it and it seems like that story would make a great musical! I should be kicked out of Iowa for not listing The Music Man:). I’ve not seen that one live though I watched the movie shortly after moving here. I’ve not seen any Gilbert and Sullivan (shame on me!) or any of the Disney musicals. I agree that I’d like to see The Lion King.
Stephanie recently posted…The Mermaid’s Child by Jo Baker
The Scarlet Pimpernel is really good. It’s only problem is that the pacing is a bit odd, but the music is wonderful. I saw it in the round at the Hale Theater in Salt Lake City and they did a fantastic job. If you want to listen to a recording, see if you can find The Scarlet Pimpernel: Encore.
Red Iza
Losing Rose was sad, but hey, you’ll soon be meeting Donna Noble – she’s my favorite Dr Who companion, her and David Tennant were a wonderful pair 🙂 I bought The bottom line, too. Enjoy and have a great week !
Red Iza recently posted…The sunday post #13 : Spring is coming
I’ll be watching the first Donna episode tonight – the Runaway Bride or whatever it’s called. But I loved Rose… at least they didn’t kill her off. Thanks stopping by – and for cheering me up!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
That’s nice that you had some time with Robin! I’m avoiding thinking about Emma going to school in August because I know she’ll be home very rarely. I didn’t like the whole romance aspect with Rose and the Doctor so I was okay with her going. Plus I love Martha. I think she’s seriously under appreciated as a companion. You’ve got some of my favorite episodes coming up in series 3. Have a great week!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…Shadow Spell – Review
We don’t see Robin much during the semester – spring break, but not at all in the fall. Luckily her winter break is a whole month long, and her summer break is long, too.
Robin likes Martha a lot, too, so I’m looking forward to this season.
Jennifer @ The Relentless Reader
A bunch of strange days right in a row, how true! There have been way too many Friday the 13ths lately by the way 😉
Have a great week! Happy reading 😀
Jennifer @ The Relentless Reader recently posted…It’s Monday! What are you reading? 03/16/2015
Well, maybe we’ve seen the last of them for a bit… Have a good week!
Sounds like you have a busy week!
Hope it’s a good one and that you read many good books.
Yvonne recently posted…Blog Tour: Mansion of Meows by Patricia Fry (Guest Post/Spotlight)
Well, I’m trying to get some good books read! Thanks for stopping by, and have a good week. 🙂