It was a relatively quiet week, uneventful except for a dentist appointment, a much-needed hair cut, and a couple of Zoom meetings. We did get a little snow on Monday, which made the woods look beautiful. It was followed by (barely) freezing rain on Tuesday. By barely, I mean it turned to slush rather than creating sheets of ice all over everything. Then the skies cleared and the temperatures plummeted…
Tag: book haul
Sunday Post – 1/14/2024
I had fun at my fiber guild meeting on Saturday, and bought more yarn than I should have at the sale afterward. And I finally got everything unpacked from our month-long vacation in December, and put most of it away. I still have to find room for the books and the yarn and fiber, but I want to photograph and catalog them first.
Sunday Post – 1/07/2024
We drove home over three days (Monday–Wednesday.) It was hard to leave, but also good to get home. I spent what was left of the week unpacking, doing laundry, catching up on email, and trying to bring some sort of organization to my various plans and goals for the next few months.
Sunday Post – New Year’s Eve, 12/31/2023
Happy New Year! It’s the last day of 2023; tomorrow starts a brand-new year. I am not ready for 2024, so bear with me whilst I get home and try to catch up!
Sunday Post – Christmas Eve, 12/24/2023
We had a whirlwind week-before-Christmas, juggling family time and Christmas shopping, wrapping, and cooking. Today we have two church services: regular Sunday service in the morning and the Christmas Eve mass tonight. And we’ll put the farolitos out at my parents’ house; it’s a tradition on their street, and people come from all over town to view them.
Sunday Post – 12/17/2023
I can’t believe Christmas is only a week away! I’m still finishing up the last of my Christmas shopping, but what’s left is mostly digital (audiobooks and ebooks.)
Sunday Post – 12/03/2023
Can you believe it’s December already? I have so much to do before Christmas! I finally started my gift shopping, but I still have a long way to go. This week, I’ll be getting ready for our trip next week.
Sunday Post – 11/26/2023
The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books! This week I’m also participating in The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz, and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading… Read more »
Sunday Post – 11/19/2023
The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books! This week I’m also participating in The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz, and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading… Read more »
Sunday Post – 11/12/2023
The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books! This week I’m also participating in The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz, and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading… Read more »