I spent the week packing stuff away for the remodel, and packing my suitcase for a family reunion.
Also, a look back at this week’s writing, reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!
I spent the week packing stuff away for the remodel, and packing my suitcase for a family reunion.
Also, a look back at this week’s writing, reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!
Independence Day celebrations, spinning, and more spinning this week. Also, a look back at this week’s writing, reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!
Not much new. My wrist is still about the same, and we’re still working on packing stuff up for when the flooring is replaced.
Also, a look back at this week’s writing, reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!
I voted in the congressional primary and was diagnosed with carpal tunnel.
Also, a look back at this week’s writing, reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!
Updates on my wrist and our house renovations.
Also, a look back at this week’s writing, reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!
I spent most of the week at an indexing conference. Saturday was Worldwide Knit in Public Day.
Also, a look back at this week’s writing, reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!
I spent about half the week working on the house, about half getting ready for the conference, and a day working on stuff for the fiber guild.
Also, a look back at this week’s writing, reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!
My wrist is coming along. So is our decluttering project — slowly. On Saturday there was a family get-together at my cousin’s house.
Also, a look back at this week’s writing, reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!
My mom and stepdad came for a whirlwind 2-day visit, and we had a lovely time. I’m starting to prepare for a business conference in two weeks. And of course, we’re still working on the house — although not so much this week.
Also, a look back at this week’s reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!
It’s Mother’s Day, and I’m spending it with my mom for the first time in many years. In house news, we had some tree work done.
Also, a look back at this week’s writing, reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!