I’m too old to play adolescent characters anymore, but there are some wonderful adult characters of all ages that would be lots of fun to cosplay. In no particular order:
Professor Minerva McGonagall. Because she’s awesome. And I’m a little old to be Hermione. (Harry Potter series, J. K. Rowling)
Molly Weasley. An underappreciated character, Molly is fiercely protective of those she loves – and a much better witch than most people realize. (Harry Potter series, J. K. Rowling)
Menolly the Harper. A highly talented composer and musician and the friend of nine (later ten) fire lizards. I’ve identified with Menolly since I was in high school and first read Dragonsong. . . but now I’d have to play the older, more settled Menolly of the later books. (Dragonsong, Dragonsinger, and subsequent Pern novels. Anne McCaffrey.)
Polgara the Sorceress. Several thousand years old, incredibly powerful, intelligent, and strong-minded. And beautiful, of course. I love her ongoing sparring with her father, which doesn’t quite mask the deep love they have for each other. And her gentleness when that’s what’s needed. (The Belgariad and the Mallorean series, David Eddings)
Marguerida Alton. A musician, a scholar (those two fit me to a T!) and a member of the Comyn (Darkover’s ruling class) with incredibly strong laran, red-haired Marguerida is stubborn, compassionate, and a feminist and outsider in the semi-feudal world of her birth. (Exile’s Song; The Shadow Matrix. Marion Zimmer Bradley and Deborah K. Ross)
Mary Russell. Face it, I’m totally the wrong shape to cosplay Mary, who is tall and boyishly thin. But she’s a fantastic character, the female match for Sherlock Holmes (literally). Initially his apprentice, she becomes his partner in every sense of the word. She’s intelligent, observant, talented, and possessed of both compassion and a sense of humor – someone I can really admire. (the Mary Russell mysteries, Laurie R. King)
Penelope Featherington. Clever and witty but shy in public, Penelope is a wallflower and, secretly, a gossip columnist whose work is avidly followed by the ton. She’s plump and only averagely attractive, which fits me pretty well. And she ends up with nice-guy Colin Bridgerton, one of my favorite heroes. (Romancing Mr. Bridgerton, Julia Quinn)
A Valdemaran Herald. Not any particular Herald, though there are several I really like and admire – Talia, Elspeth, Kero, and Selenay, to name a few. But if I were cosplaying this, I’d make up my own character and fit her into the world, which is why this one is at the end of the list. (the Valdemar series, Mercedes Lackey)
What about you – who would you like to be this Halloween?
Selah at A Bibliophile's Style
Molly Weasley is the character I identify with the most from HP! I’m happy to see her on your list. 🙂
Selah at A Bibliophile’s Style recently posted…Top Five Tuesday: Bookish “E”
I’m glad you like her, too! I always wish she got more page time. I love how she kind of adopts Harry. You just know that if Dumbledore had allowed it, she would have had Harry live with them whenever school isn’t in session. And I love how fierce she is in defending her children and Harry. Plus, she’s a pretty awesome witch if she can beat Bellatrix!
Angie @Angela's Anxious Life
I love that you picked older characters. Especially the strong women from Harry Potter!! This year I am going to a Halloween party but not dressing up. The past couple years I have dressed up but it can be a hassle.
Angie @Angela’s Anxious Life recently posted…Sunday Post
Well, at around 50 I would fee pretty silly dressing up like an adolescent character, but there are so many great women to pick from!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
I love your characters! I definitely agree with Molly Weasley. What a great costume idea and you’re right about how under appreciated she is! Penelope Featherington is one of my favorite Quinn characters. I like how we kind of get to watch her grow up. Great list!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…Top Ten Books to Read to Get in the Halloween Spirit
Molly would be a lot of fun – I totally want that knit/crocheted cardigan she has in one of the early movies. (I’ve even got a pattern for it – it’s in Charmed Knits… which come to think of it, I ought to review one of these days.)
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review
Tanaqui the weaver from The Spellcoats by Diana Wynne Jones — her costume would really tell a story.
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review recently posted…Witch Week starts in one week!
Ooh, I haven’t read that one! Must add it to my TBR list!
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review
Definitely, and don’t forget to check out Witch Week — it’s one of the featured books.
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review recently posted…Witch Week starts in one week!
I’ll check it out!
Rita @ My Home of Books
I like that you picked rather different characters than the mainstream picked. I’ve only read the first three Harry Potter books out of your choices, but I like the sounds of Menolly, a woman who is a talented musician and has dragon friends. Now that’s strong!
Rita @ My Home of Books recently posted…Picture This: A Wordless Essay
I love the Pern books, and Dragonsong and Dragonsinger are probably my two favorites of all of them. And I wanted to pick characters I could see myself cosplaying now, even at 50-ish. 🙂 While Menolly starts out as an adolescent, she matures in later books, even becomes a mother, and I could totally imagine her at my age, a beloved musician and icon on Pern.
The Molly Weasley costume would like be so comfy too. I also like your choice of Polgara! I haven’t thought about her in ages and she’s awesome!
Stephanie recently posted…TOP TEN TUESDAY – Top Books or Movies for getting into the Halloween Spirit
Glad you like my picks! I don’t read scary books or watch scary movies (plus I did a Halloween books post several years ago) so I figured I’d go with the “characters I want to cosplay” idea. 🙂
Kimberly @ Turning the Pages
Yes and yes to McGonagall & Molly Weasley! They’re forces to be reckoned with indeed 🙂
They are indeed – strong women, both of them, and talented witches, and fierce in defense of what they love.