Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Ten Books Recently Added to My TBR.
I have to admit, this topic doesn’t work very well for me, given the ways I use my TBR lists and piles.
I add new books to my Goodreads “to-read” list all the time. The order in which I add them has nothing to do with how much I want to read them, how recent they are, or when I plan to read them. I add books to the list as I discover them — older titles mixed in with books that aren’t out yet, books I’ve requested as ARCs but not been approved for yet, books I heard about on another blog or from a friend, books discovered by searching for what’s next from authors I like. There are currently 761 books on my GR to-read list, and 863 more that I’ve migrated to my “someday” list, so you can see that it doesn’t really reflect what I’m planning to read in the next few weeks. (For that, I renumber the books so that the ones I need or want to read immediately are numbers 1-20 or so.)
On the other hand, if I limit this topic to only books I recently acquired — in other words, they’re in my physical or digital TBR piles — the results are skewed by the boxful of books I brought home from October’s library book sale. It includes about 15 or 20 cozy mysteries, all of which I’d like to get around to eventually, but none of which are high on my want-to-read list at the moment. Any list based on recent acquisitions would also be skewed by all the Kindle bargain books I buy, but don’t plan to read anytime soon.
So I decided to put together modified versions of both lists. Neither goes further back than September 1. I’ve left out any titles that I’ve migrated into “someday,” even if I own the book, so none of those cozies I bought at the library are on the Recently Acquired list, and few of the Kindle bargains. Recently Acquired are books I got within the last two months and will probably read within the next two months. Recently Added to Goodreads are books I added within the last two months, and really want to read whenever I can get my hands on them.
Recently Acquired
(on my TBR pile, either virtual or physical; hope to read it soon)
ARC = I have an advance review copy Bought = I own a copy Library = borrowed from the library Ordered = I’ve ordered it but don’t have it yet
- Untimely Death (bought)
- Agatha: The Real Life of Agatha Christie (library)
- Closed Casket (library)
- Bell, Book, and Candlemas (ARC)
- Tempest (ARC)
- The Inheritance (ARC) (was on TBR pile when I prepared this post, but I’m reading it now)
- The Wind Off the Small Isles (ordered)
- The Trouble With Mirrors (ARC)
- Dangling By a Thread (ARC)
- Death and the Gravedigger’s Angel (ARC)
Recently Added to Goodreads
(on my to-read list; want to read once I get my hands on it)
NYR = Not yet released
- Someone to Hold (NYR; preordered)
- Aunt Dimity and the Widow’s Curse (NYR)
- Rose Blood (NYR)
- Four Weddings and a Sixpence (NYR)
- The Dragon with the Chocolate Heart (NYR)
- Hospitality and Homicide (NYR)
- Fatality by Firelight (NYR)
- A Shadow Bright and Burning
- The Case of the Curious Cook (NYR) (no cover yet)
- The Reader
My Goodreads to-read list sounds similar to yours — a gigantic hodgepodge of new releases, upcoming releases and recently discovered backlist (not to mention all the books that’ve been on the list for years). It never occurred to me to change the order of the books though, and I may give that a try! I feel like books I’m really interested in sometimes get lost in the jumble, never to be seen again, so it might be helpful to move them to the top of the list.
Lindsay recently posted…11 Recent Additions to My To-Read List
It’s definitely helpful. Click on “#” in the column headers to put the books in number order. then hover over any number you want to change, and you can change it. And if later you want to see the order in which you added them, click on “Date Added”; you won’t lose the number assignments.
Rita @ View From My Books
I have the same problem with GR, though I started my list fresh recently when I had to restart GR wth a new email due to the email hacking. I put so many books on my wishlist that sound good in the moment, but weeks later I am sometimes confused as to why it’s even there 🙂
I like how organized your list is, above. It gives us a better picture of what you really want to read soon. I would like to check out Untimely Death, Bell, Book and Candlemas, and the Cahoon books some more!
Hope you do get to read many of the titles that you listed, and I’ll read the blurbs on all of them to get a better idea of them, so thanks.
Rita @ View From My Books recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday- 11/8/16
I try to do periodic purges of my GR list, but it’s hard to let go of the possibility that I might read a particular book someday. Generally, if I can’t figure out why I added a book, or if it no longer appeals to me, I remove it from the list. But that doesn’t turn out to be all that many books!
That was all very complicated! LOL
My Goodreads TBR shelf has everything I OWN- print or e-copy – but haven’t read yet. Then I have a Wishlist shelf for books I want but don’t have yet (these are a mix of backlist titles and books that haven’t been released yet). When I buy one, I move it from the wishlist to the TBR.
Then I take books from my TBR shelf and add them to a 2016 or 2017 TBR shelf so I know those are the ones that I am planning to read soon.
Melissa recently posted…Book Review, Excerpt and #Giveaway: One Snowy Night (Heartbreaker Bay #2.5) by Jill Shalvis
Yeah, I kind of overdid it. 😉 Your way of handling your GR list makes a lot of sense. I’ll have to think about it.
Michelle @Because Reading
I have been wanting to read a book by Mercedes Lackey. I have heard good things about her and I always think I would love her books.
I also just added The Dragon with the Chocolate Heart to my TBR on Goodreads. Need to look into that one 🙂
Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday ~ Ten Books I’ve added to my To-Be Read List Lately
I do enjoy Lackey, but don’t recommend starting with this because it’s a series of short stories set in her world, by other people. One of these days I’ll get around to doing my “where to start with Mercedes Lackey” post…
Doesn’t that dragon book sound like fun? I love Burgis anyway, and the premise of this just tickles me.
I go through times when I want to read a cozy or three, just simple reading or comfort reading, so several of those look good. The Inheritance looks good. Hospitality and Homicide (love that title) and Fatality by Firelight do too- -I always seem to be drawn to Lynn Cahoon’s mysteries even though I haven’t read any yet. Need to get on that I guess. 🙂 And The Dragon With A Chocolate Heart looks interesting- another very nice cover.
Greg recently posted…Favorite SF Tropes
The Inheritance is in a series I love. And Lynn Cahoon is usually fun. The Dragon With a Chocolate Heart cover is cute, but I think I like the British version better 🙂

I’m a little like you always adding to my GR want to read list and just acquired a pile of books from a a fair, so I looked at what I had and picked ten I either had recently or really want to buy or borrow.
The Reader is one that is drawing my eye, I see it shortlisted in the GR semi final so think I want to find out more about it.
Kathryn recently posted…Ten Books I Recently Added to my TBR.
The Reader is getting a lot of attention, and it sounds amazing. I hope my library gets it.
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
Aaack! I basically just want all of these and the only one I have is Death and the Gravedigger’s Angel! I need the new Lynn Cahoon and that Elkins book. I really need to catch on on the Alex London series!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – Ten Recent TBR Additions
It’s funny how many of my books turned out to be mysteries, even though I’m on a fantasy kick right now. But they all appeal to me!
Tiffany @ I Was Angelized_1st
I want to read Roseblood, too! The cover is beautiful. I hope the book is just as great.
Tiffany @ I Was Angelized_1st recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books I’ve Recently Added To My TBR List
Me too!
Rachel Patrick
Other people have heightened my interest in A SHADOW BRIGHT AND BURNING–I’ve heard it’s really, really good!
Rachel Patrick recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday (178)
That’s what I’ve heard, too!
Jane @ Raincity Librarian
Library book sales are my nemesis….I can’t resist second-hand books, especially when they’re at a book price and on sale for a good cause!
Oh, I know, me too! It’s why I have *looks around, whispers* two whole bookcases full of unread books. Plus a box or two.
Ooo, look at all those Agatha Christie novels! So fun; I’ve not read any of those, but do love ITV’s “Marple.” Also I’m curious about ‘Bright and Burning’ and ‘Rose Blood’ too. 🙂
Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland.
Rissi recently posted…Timeless Pilot (2016) –Yesteryear Time Travel (A Historian, a Soldier and a Coder Walk into a Bar)
Thanks for stopping by! If you enjoy “Marple”, give the Poirot series (starring David Suchet) a try as well. They are really good; Suchet is the best Poirot I’ve ever seen.
Kimberly @ Turning the Pages
The Wind off the Small Isle and A Shadow Bright and Burning caught my eye and I have to say they’re getting added to my TBR mountain 🙂
I added at least ten books to my TBR list based on this week’s TTT!
Kimberly @ Turning the Pages
TTT is the downfall of my TBR list lol.
LOL Mine too.
A Shadow Bright and Burning was on my list this week too.
Jo recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday #82
It looks good, doesn’t it?
Pages and Tea
I love the way you describe your tbr lists and piles, because it’s SO relatable. I have more books either in piles or on lists than I’ll ever get to read, but that still doesn’t stop me adding more. I went through my e-reader the other day and was amazed at all the books I’d forgotten I’d already bought 😀
I like your idea of numbering the books on GR, perhaps I should give that a try, because otherwise I forget half of what’s on there.
The cover for A Shadow Bright and Burning is really eye-catching, I think I’ll have to check it out (and probably add it to my TBR list).
Pages and Tea recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – Recent TBR List Additions
I generally only renumber the top 20-30; it’s where I keep track of a) review copies, b) library books that are due back soon, and c) new purchases I really want to read immediately. Otherwise, I don’t worry about renumbering. With over 750 books in the to-read list, that would be a nightmare! 🙂