Stuck on what to give your favorite book lover for the holidays (other than a book)? Here are some cool ideas:
- An ebook subscription. Both Scribd and Oyster offer ebook subscriptions. The concept is similar to Netflix, but for books. A monthly fee of around $9 or $10 lets you read any ebooks in the service’s library, with no limit on the number of books. Oyster currently works only on iPad, iTouch, and iPhone running iOS7; you can read on- or offline, and they have a free 30-day trial. Scribd works on- or offline on both iPad and iPhone and Android devices, and also offers access through any Web browser (online only.) While not all publishers have signed on yet, both services offer a healthy selection of books… and both offer gift subscriptions.
Emma on a totebag (Litographs) |
- An entire book on a tshirt… or print, or totebag. Litographs offers graphic-design totes, shirts, and prints that are not only inspired by books, they are the book. They use the entire text of the book to create the design. From Jane Austin to Lewis Carroll to Darwin to Jules Verne, you’re sure to find something that appeals.
- A literary scarf. Or maybe not so literary. I like this Middle Earth map infinity scarf, but if your tastes run more to the classics, there are lots of other book-related scarves out there this year.
- Bookends are always useful, at least for the top of the shelf where there’s nothing else to hold the books up. I like the Library Books set with its little drawers, and the British phone kiosk bookends remind me of any number of books, from Harry Potter to Hercule Poirot.
- A book safe. Take a book, hollow out the interior with a scroll saw, glue the page edges together, add some sort of closure and voila! you’ve got a book safe. If you don’t feel up to making your own, there are plenty on Etsy to choose from.
- Book jewelry. How about a pendant proclaiming the wearer’s love of fairy tales? If that doesn’t strike the right note, there’s a vast array of book quotes on bracelets and necklaces, miniature books dangling from just about anything, and jewelry inspired by everything from the classics to Harry Potter. Try Etsy, or just google ‘book jewelry.’
- A Personal Library Kit will let your book lover turn their collection into a real library. Self-adhesive pockets, checkout cards, a date stamp and inkpad — you can even order refills.
- An LED book light for reading in the dark. A great idea for teens, preteens, insomniacs, and anyone whose significant other goes to sleep before they do. And because it’s an LED light, it won’t go through batteries as fast as a flashlight.
- Your Literary Thumbprint. If you’re feeling extravagant, artist Cheryl Sorg can make a custom literary thumbprint for your book-lover’s wall – their own thumbprint created out of the titles and authors they love most. A unique and original gift.
- And of course, you can always fall back on
- a beautiful blank book for a budding writer or diarist (or just to keep a book list in!)
- a one-of-a-kind e-reader cover (try Etsy for these)
- or the guaranteed book-lover pleaser, a gift certificate to their favorite bookstore!
That thumb print is pretty cool. I want that fairy tale pendant, it’s practically perfect. 😀
There are some neat ideas here. 🙂
Pamela D
I love the Middle Earth scarf. I would totally wear that!
Very nice gift ideas, Lark! Of course, I look at them and want them for myself…lol. I especially like the bookends, the thumb print and, of course, the mugs.
Barbara Thompson
I love the tote bag. Recently I became disabled because of a medical error that causes serious health complications, so I have to see doctors every month and it’s a possibility that I may have to have some tests done. I always carry my Kindle Fire and Tablet Computer, so I need tote bags plus I love them.
Barbara Thompson