WIP Wednesday (for “Work In Progress”) is a meme where we share our current fibery projects. It was started by Nicole @ Book-Wyrm-Knits, who also reviews books at book-wyrm-reads.
Since my last WIP Wednesday post (10/24), I finished skeining the Bambino “Duckle Daisy” yarn, but since I haven’t washed it yet, I haven’t taken any new photos of it.
I’ve done more spinning than knitting lately. I spun a lovely superwash BFL from Llady Llama Fiber Company, in what she calls “Pumpkin Spice,” a colorway ranging from cream through warm orange down to a rich brown. To me it looks more like fox colors than pumpkin, so I think I’ll call the finished yarn — when it is finished — “Vulpes.” (If you saw my Nov. 4 Sunday Post, you’ve seen this photo already.) Anyway, I overspun the singles a bit, and I’m rubbish at chain plying (which was my original plan), so I think I’m going to try plying it with dark brown, heavy-duty sewing thread and see how that goes. I practiced on some very thick-and-thin natural wool spun by the 11-year-old previous owner of the wheel, which was still on one of the bobbins when I bought the wheel. I used very fine crocheting thread for that project, in a cream that almost matches the natural wool. There’s not a lot of it, and I’m not sure how it will look knit up, but it will be interesting to try.
I also spun a 4-ounce braid of Malabrigo Nube in “Whales’ Road,” a lovely mix of blues and purples. I hope I didn’t overspin that one! I have a second braid which I plan to spin, and then ply the two together.

Singles handspun from Malabrigo Nube (merino), in “Whales’ Road” colorway. (Photo © 2018 The Bookwyrm’s Hoard)
My Hermione’s Not-So-Everyday Socks are on hold until I finish a secret knitting project for Christmas. Or two. Or maybe three. I made good progress on the first project, anyway. I’m more than 3/4 done with the knitting, though I’ll still have ends to weave in when I’m done. But it means I have no knitting to show you. (Yarn: KnitPicks Stroll Multi in the Paisley colorway.)
Do you knit, spin, crochet, or do other arts or craftwork? Tell me about your latest project!
You sound busy. I love the mix of blues and purples.
Aren’t the colors gorgeous? I should have posted a photo of the unspun fiber, too. Maybe I’ll do that with the next braid.
Wow! I have to admit that never in my life have I met a person in real life who can actually spin yarn!!! I’ve seen it on television, and read about it in historical fiction, but an actual real blogger who does it is just the coolest thing to me!!! (I don’t think I’ve ever shared that) I’ve often tried to knit, but only end up with a very long single chain of nothing(lol) My crafting is done with my Planner, which I sometimes take pictures of and post on Instagram or my blog and that’s the skinny on my mostly nonexistent crafting skills(lol)
RO recently posted…CAN WE TALK ABOUT STUFF?
Thank you, RO! Don’t knock your planner craft skills—that’s one I wish I had! I’ve tried gussying up mine, and I’m not very good at it. All crafts and arts take practice to build the skills; it’s just which ones you choose to put the time and effort into. I’m still at the practicing stage with spinning, but I’ve been getting better, I think.
What lovely yarns – I’m full of admiration! These days I don’t do much in the way of knitting. I look forward to seeing what you do with these in due course:)
Thank you! I’m trying to think what I want to knit with some of my handspun yarns.
I love to see this. I hope maybe over Thanksgiving I can get to some crafty projects. Good luck with the gifts. Anne – Books of My Heart
Northwoman recently posted…Author Guest Post: Kristi Charish
I hope you can, too, Anne. There’s something very soothing and satisfying about making things with your own hands.
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review
I have not been spinning OR knitting lately! But I’m feeling I need to get some christmas presents going. Plus I crave the soothing activity. I just feel like I haven’t had time to even sit down and decide on a project. Nice to see the lovely colors of your spinning.
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review recently posted…Words and Pictures: There were no men left
I really hope you get a chance to spin or knit (or both!) soon. You are so right about how soothing it is. In fact, I think I’ll knit a little this evening, to wind down from the concert I just directed (half of) and sang in (the other half.)