Sunday Post – 6/16/2024

June 16, 2024 Sunday Post 9

The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!

This week I’m also participating in The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz, and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality.

The Past Week

In real life: I started OT/PT for my wrist and thumb this week. The occupational therapist is recommending an MRI (which will have to be ordered by the orthopedic doctor), because she thinks there may be soft-tissue damage and/or carpal tunnel in addition to the sprain and possible fracture. She says that after 3 months I should be doing better than I am. (I agree, which is why I pushed for the PT.)

Bad news on the house renovations. Although the flooring place told us to call them about 3 weeks before we were ready to have the work done, they are now scheduling at least 6 weeks out. So we won’t be getting the new floors until late July, and we’ll be living with a lot of our belongings (including my books!) packed away for a lot longer than we thought. The current schedule has the floors going in right before the deck contractor starts work on the deck, so lots of upheaval all at once. And it means we will be trying to paint the interior (after the floors go in) in the height of the summer heat. Yuck.

Decluttering: We went through the hall closet. Several suits, coats, and backpacks went off to the thrift shop, along with some dresses I had been meaning to donate for a while, and few other odds and ends.

Writing accountability: My minimum goal is an achievable 250 words every day (fiction or other creative writing; book reviews don’t count.) I wrote 5 days this week (or 6, if you count as two days the time I wrote from 11:30 at night until 12:30 in the morning — and surpassed my 250-word goal both before and after midnight.) Word count for the week: 3158 words (my goal was 1,750 for the week.) I am using 4theWords to gamify my writing sprints.

Recent Posts

Looking Ahead

  • Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read ListTop 10 Tuesday
  • reviews TBD
  • Sunday Post – 6/23/2024

What I’ve Been Reading/Watching

Reading and Listening: Once again, I had little time or energy for reading this week. I reread Never Pick Up Hitch-Hikers! by Ellis Peters, then reread an ARC of Mind Games by Nora Roberts so I can (hopefully) write the review. Next, I started A Collection of Lies by Connie Berry (also an ARC, and releasing this week.)

Listening to: I finished re-listening to A Desperate Fortune by Susanna Kearsley (read by Katherine Kelgren) and went on to start Bellewether by the same author (narrated by Tim Campbell, Sarah Mollo-Christensen, and Megan Tusing.)

Watching: We finished up Star Trek: Discovery, Season 5, including all the Ready Room episodes. I’m really sorry to see the end of this show. I had really mixed feelings about it at the beginning, mainly stemming from how drastically they altered the Klingons, but I really grew to love both the show and the Discovery‘s captain and crew.

Playing: Some of the NYT word games, mostly Wordle, Connections, and the Spelling Bee. The NYT is beta-testing a new game called Strands, which I like. I also played Pokémon Go occasionally, when I could squeeze in a few minutes.

Added to the Hoard

For Review or Consideration

Many thanks to Zaffre for The Launch Party!

Purchased or Free (Kindle, print, or audio)

Kindle: Ask Cassandra; A Fragile Enchantment; Fathomfolk; The Raven Heir; Time Was; The Ward Witch; Infinity Alchemist

Audiobooks: This Side of Murder; Treacherous Is the Night

(Click title for Goodreads page or my review.)

Stay kind and hopeful… and may your books bring you joy this week!

9 Responses to “Sunday Post – 6/16/2024”

  1. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I’m glad you got more help and hopefully more information for your wrist. You seem to be handling your house reno projects and decluttering so well. I’d like to do some things but right now am caught in the day to day without adding another project. It’s getting hot here but the humidity has been moderate at least.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
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    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      It’s getting hot here, too, but as you say, the humidity hasn’t been too bad yet. We’ll be taking some photos of toys and things today, and dropping some stuff at the thrift store this week. We’re also pulling together some stuff to take to a children’s resale shop in town.

  2. Diana @ Book of Secrets

    I’m sorry to hear about the delay getting your new flooring. We just had new flooring put in last month. We love the results, but it seemed to take a long time to complete. The contractor said it would be a two-day job, but what I think he meant was 48 hours spread out over two weeks, lol. It all worked out though. I hope you get some answers about your wrist with the MRI!

    It’s been a while since I’ve read a Susanna Kearsley novel. The Shadowy Horses is one of my favorites. Have a great week!
    Diana @ Book of Secrets recently posted…Weekend Update: Indie Bookstore LoveMy Profile

  3. hena

    House renos are always such a pain.. sorry to hear about the delays.
    Hope your wrist feels better soon.

  4. Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits

    Best of luck with the OT/PT. I’m glad you saw someone who agrees that this healing process is taking longer than it should. Always good to have health professional who are proactive instead of taking too much of the “wait and see” attitude.
    Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…SPSFC3: Finalists RecapMy Profile

  5. aimee can read

    Hoping for positive results for your MRI. Only wishing for a speedy recovery for you! <3

    Our house renovations are delayed too. Contractors are taking forever to follow instructions and it's getting quite frustrating. 🙁

  6. Katherine

    Congratulations on passing your writing goals. I’m so sorry to hear about your wrist. How frustrating. I hope the MRI will give you a direction to go so that it starts making more progress. Oh no about the flooring! You’ve had quite a time of it with that.

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