My Most Anticipated New Books for July–December 2024

June 25, 2024 Book lists, Top Ten Tuesday 8

Graphic: Most Anticipated New Books, July–December 2024
Graphic: Top Ten Tuesday,

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The meme was originally the brainchild of The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List.

My Most Anticipated New Books for July–December 2024

I’m not even going to try to keep this down to 10 books, because I simply can’t. And the list
has a lot of crossover with last week’s post, Books on My Summer 2024 TBR, but this one includes books that are publishing in October, November, and December. Today’s list also includes books that didn’t make it onto my Summer 2024 TBR list because I don’t know when I will have access to a copy. I do have ARC requests in on a several of these that aren’t already marked “ARC”, so wish me luck.

New & Forthcoming

What did I miss? What new releases are you most looking forward to?

8 Responses to “My Most Anticipated New Books for July–December 2024”

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Fingers crossed indeed! The Spellshop is lovely and charming and delightful; I read it as an ARC, though I really want the print copy. (I mean, look at it — it’s so pretty! And I would certainly read it again.)

  1. Katherine

    I just added The Teller of Small Fortunes to my TBR and I’m so excited about The Mirror, Storybook Ending, and A Witch’s Guide to Magical Innkeeping. Oh and the Mimi Matthews!

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