Monthly Wrap-Up – September 2024

October 14, 2024 Challenges, Monthly Wrap-Up 1

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Books Read – June 2024


Title links (if there are any) go to my reviews. As you can see, I was on a Celia Lake rereading binge for most of this month.

  1. Eclipse (Celia Lake) – reread
  2. Tea and Meetings (Celia Lake) – novella; reread
  3. With All Due Speed (Celia Lake) – novella; reread
  4. Illusion of a Boar (Celia Lake) – reread
  5. As the Ground Shifts (Celia Lake) – novella; reread (no GR pg; it’s an extra for her newletter or Patreon folks)
  6. Ancient Trust (Celia Lake) – novella; reread
  7. Goblin Fruit (Celia Lake) – reread
  8. On the Bias (Celia Lake) – reread
  9. “Unexplored Territory” (Celia Lake) – novellette; reread (no cover available)
  10. Magician’s Hoard (Celia Lake) – reread
  11. The Muse of Maiden Lane (Mimi Matthews) – ARC (review in progress)
  12. Sailor’s Jewel (Celia Lake) – reread
  13. In the Cards (Celia Lake) – reread
  14. Point by Point (Celia Lake) – reread
  15. Carry On (Celia Lake) – reread
  16. A Marriage of Undead Inconvenience (Stephanie Burgis) – ARC; novella (review in progress)
  17. Wards of the Roses (Celia Lake) – reread
  18. Pirate King (Laurie R. King) – reread
  19. Beauty (Robin McKinley) – reread
  20. The Fairy Godmother (Mercedes Lackey) – reread (reviewed in 2015)


These are the books I read for various challenges. Since I have not written or posted all the reviews yet, some may not show up on my 2024 Challenges tracking page (which isn’t working yet anyway.) All links go to my reviews.

Goodreads Challenge 2024: 19 books read or listened to in September. 124 books read this year so far, toward my year-end goal of 125 books. (Titles listed above.) NOTE: Goodreads said the total on September 1 was 109 rather than 105 by my count. One of the “extra” titles is a short story, which I am not counting as a book. Another of the extras is a duplicate (Wards of the Roses), which GR thinks I read twice in February, even though the “read” dates only show one set of dates for that month. The third extra is The Muse of Maiden Lane, which GR thinks I read twice; GR won’t let me delete on of the completed reading dates. I haven’t figured out where the fourth extra book is coming from.

The Backlist Reader Challenge 2024: I didn’t read or review any qualifying books in September. For the year so far, 5 books read and 3 reviewed, toward my year-end goal of reading and reviewing 16 books.

Audiobook Challenge 2024: I didn’t listen to or review any audiobooks in September. For the year, I have listened to 6 audiobooks and reviewed 3, toward my year-end goal of 10 books.

Library Love 2024: I didn’t read or review any library books in September. So far this year, I have read 3 library books and reviewed 2, toward my year-end goal of 12 books.

NetGalley & Edelweiss Challenge 2024: I read two ARCs in September, and I’m working on the reviews. I didn’t post any reviews for ARCs I read earlier in 2024, or from 2023 or earlier. For the year so far, I have read 18 ARCs and reviewed 8 ARCs, toward my year-end goal of reading and reviewing 15 ARCs. Current NetGalley percentage: 51%; I started the year at 52%.

COYER Unwind, Chapter 3 (Summer): In September, I read at least 17 qualifying* books (all but the two Laurie R. King books), but reviewed none of them. I didn’t post any reviews, either. The Chapter 3 challenge is now over. For the 3-month challenge, I read or listened to 26 qualifying* books, updated 4 older reviews, and wrote 1 new review. My 3-month challenge goal was to read and review 10 qualifying books between July 1 and September 30, so while I met the reading part of the goal, I failed the review-writing part pretty badly.

*The rules were much looser for the Summer COYER challenge, AKA Chapter 3. To qualify: (A) the book can be in any format, including both digital and print. (B) I can get it from any source, including ARCs, gifts, books I buy or own, and books I borrow, including through Amazon Prime. (C) The price doesn’t matter. So basically, every book I read counts! Chapter 3 of the COYER Unwind Challenge began on July 1 and ended on September 30.

Resolutions (this month)

Writing: I didn’t write at all this month; I was too busy.

Reviews posted this month: None, so I failed my goal of one review per week.

Reviews of ARCs from 2023 or earlier: None, so I failed my goal of one overdue ARC per month. So far this year, I’ve written a whopping one review for an overdue ARC.

Prioritizing reading time over screen time: I didn’t watch much this month, so I guess I did fine on this one.

Pruning and reorganizing my book collection: I wasn’t home all month, so I couldn’t work on this. I did buy a bunch of Kindle books that I own in paperback, so I should be able to let go of some paperbacks when I get home.

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