on Aug. 8, 2017
Pages: 336
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Also in this series: The Madness of Mercury
The stars predict a wedding-day disaster, but San Francisco astrologer Julia Bonatti never expected murder
Julia Bonatti is alarmed by the astrological signs looming over Geneva Leary’s wedding day, but nobody asked Julia’s opinion and being a bridesmaid means supporting the bride no matter what. Even with the foreboding Moon-Mars-Pluto lineup in the heavens, no one’s prepared for the catastrophes that strike: a no-show sister, a passed-out wedding planner, and a lethal shooting in the dead of night.
With anger and grief threatening to tear the Leary family part, Julia is determined to understand how such a terrible tragedy could occur. As she digs deeper into the family’s secrets, her astrological insights will lead her to the truth about a criminal enterprise that stretches far beyond the California coast.
I received a review copy of this book from the publisher.
Don’t miss the giveaway at the bottom of this post!
A Remarkable Woman
Guest post by author Connie di Marco
A Remarkable Woman
No, I’m not referring to my protagonist in the Zodiac Mysteries – Julia Bonatti – although she is a remarkable character and a very talented San Francisco astrologer who solves crimes. I’m referring to Gladys Cox Hansen (June 12, 1925 – March 5, 2017). A Gemini! I’m sure Julia, the astrologer, would appreciate that!
If you’ve never heard of Gladys Hansen, it’s well worth learning about her work. Because if it were not for her, we would still be woefully uninformed about the real history and the aftermath of the great earthquake of 1906 that destroyed San Francisco.
On April 18, 1906 at 5:12 a.m., a quake, somewhere between 7.8 to 8.3 magnitude, ripped the northern 296 miles of the San Andreas fault. Geologists now consider it had a Mercalli intensity of XI, i.e., extreme! It lasted approximately sixty seconds, a very long time for an earthquake. And if you’ve ever been in a quake, you can appreciate just how torturingly long that time span is, as you hang on and pray and hope to survive.
Approximately 28,000 buildings were destroyed, 498 city blocks were leveled and a quarter of the city burned. After the dust settled and the ensuing fires were put out, the powers-that-once-were in the city were determined to rebuild. In order to do that, they had to attract money and investors and there was only one way. They had to lie. A lot! They worked hard to propagate the myth that fire destroyed San Francisco, not earthquake. They even went so far as to alter photographs to show buildings, destroyed in the quake, still standing. So began a conspiracy of disinformation that lasted for many decades.
Thanks to dedicated researchers like Gladys Hansen we are now closer to the truth. Not all the way there, but at least a lot closer. Gladys was a librarian and City Archivist Emerita of the San Francisco Library system. One day in 1963, well prior to her retirement, she was asked to provide a list of the dead from that fateful day in 1906. She was sure the library could offer accurate records, but when she searched and found no names and only a vague figure of 478 dead, she was positive this number could not be correct. She later discovered the city never reported casualties from either Chinatown or the slums and she came across many victims with Chinese, Irish and Italian surnames. She’s quoted as saying, “The lack of death [in these areas] simply isn’t credible.”
Gladys decided to make it her mission in life to find and name the dead. She searched all available records — birth and death records, tenant rolls of buildings, voter registration lists, military files, church records and coroner’s records. She requested information nationwide, and letters from other parts of the country came pouring in. Her task was monumental and it continued for years.

Mrs. Hansen created an online museum, The Virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco, and in 1989 co-authored a book, Denial of Disaster, with Emmett Condon, retired Chief of the San Francisco Fire Department. It’s a shocking account of the disaster and the ensuing political machinations.

Here at the museum site, you can find a partial list of “Who Perished.”
The research she gathered also led to a cookbook: After the Shake, They Baked, containing actual recipes created by people who were living among the rubble or in Army tents in Golden Gate Park. In fact, I have met people who as young kids remembered living in Golden Gate Park in order to survive. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to get a copy of this book from Mrs. Hansen’s heirs, although I would dearly love to have one. With the museum’s permission, here are a few teasers: Shrimp salad, to be served in a dozen eggs “boiled hard.” This specifies the amount of pickles, celery, parsley, radish and onion to be used, but neglects to mention how many shrimp are needed. The recipe suggests to “chop the shrimps a little.” I guess it depends on how many shrimps a housewife can get her hands on. The amount of butter called for in a fricassee of oysters was defined as the size of an egg. Bread puddings were prepared in covered pots and pies were cooked in Dutch ovens set directly over an open fire. Every recipe is a tribute to ingenuity under hardship.
Finally, in 2005, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a resolution, co-authored by Hansen, that set aside the official 1907 death count. At last count, to the best of my knowledge, the number of named dead is well over 6,000 and still counting. But there are undoubtedly many more souls to be found and named.
I wish I could have met Mrs. Hansen at some time during the years I lived in San Francisco. I would have been fascinated by her dedication and persistence. She died just a few months ago on March 5th at the age of 91 from natural causes. Even though she has passed on, we can still read her interviews:
- 1996 interview with Gladys Hansen (SFGate)
- Ms. Hansen’s obituary (SFGate)
Gladys once said, “Sometimes I think all those who died are right there behind us saying, ‘Keep going. Keep going. Keep going.’”
A remarkable woman indeed. I hope you’ll explore her virtual museum to learn more.
~ Connie di Marco
Lark’s Review
I really liked the first book in the series, The Madness of Mercury, so when the opportunity arose to tour and review the second book, I jumped on it. Julie is a likable and believable protagonist: intelligent and observant (but not in the Holmesian mold), empathetic, and and loyal to her friends. She approaches astrology as a science as well as an art, and it seems to work well for her, giving her insights into people and their actions and motivations, but not specific answers. The combination of traits makes her an engaging heroine, an amateur sleuth whose involvement in mysteries has yet to stretch my credibility.
The mystery this time around is quite baffling; clues point toward a variety of suspects, and the plot twists and turns in unexpected directions. That said, I did spot the villain early on — or to be precise, I had a gut feeling about them early on, which proved to be correct. Which isn’t to say that Ms. di Marco didn’t have me questioning my instincts a time or three!
If I have any quibbles about the book, it’s that I had a hard time keeping track of who was who, and the relationships between the characters, in the early chapters, largely because there were so many people introduced in the first chapter. Eventually, I got all the important characters sorted out in my head, but a “cast of characters” page wouldn’t come amiss.
In addition to the mysteries, I’ve also been enjoying the gradual exploration of Julia’s past and personal life, and I’m curious to see where that leads. It’s been rather refreshing to read about a young protagonist (late twenties or early thirties?) who isn’t in a relationship. Not that I have any objection to a bit of romance with my mysteries, but kudos to Ms. di Marco for realizing that it isn’t necessary to pair up every young heroine, at least not for a while. I’m looking forward to the next book!
And don’t miss Connie’s previous guest post about San Francisco’s cable cars, posted with my review of The Madness of Mercury.
Sign up for the tour-wide giveaway: three paperback copies of The Madness of Mercury, book one of the Zodiac Mysteries!
And don’t forget to visit the tour page for links to other bloggers’ reviews!
Connie di Marco
Dear Lark ~
Thanks so much for hosting me today, and especially hosting my post about Gladys Hansen!
You are most welcome, and thank you for a fascinating guest post! I knew about the earthquake and fire, of course, but not about the attempt to cover up the number of deaths and the extent of the earthquake damage. Ms. Hansen deserves much praise for her efforts to set the historical record right.
Connie di Marco
I agree! The city has honored her, but so many don’t know about her years of hard work. I heard the same ‘urban legend’ when I first lived there – that the city was destroyed by fire, not earthquake. And I heard that from people who were born there and whose families had lived there for generations.
So glad you enjoyed this post, Lark!
Connie di Marco recently posted…City Lights
Malka Essock
now i want to know more about Gladys Cox Hansen!
Connie di Marco
Hi Malka ~ Isn’t she fascinating? Click on the links at the bottom of the post to see her interviews. I was so impressed when I first heard of her.
Thank you for including those links, Connie! I read them and enjoyed finding out more about Ms. Hansen and her work.
She must have been an interesting and very dedicated woman!
Anne Louise Bannon
I had heard about this project. Did not know Ms. Hansen had passed. Bummer. My husband and I would have loved to have met her. Thanks for the post!
Anne Louise Bannon recently posted…Post Re-Visit: Born on July 4
Connie di Marco
Me too, Anne! I managed to contact her son, trying to get a copy of her cookbook, but had no luck. I suspect it might be out of print. Glad you enjoyed the post!
I’ve had fairly good luck finding out-of-print books at abebooks.com; you could check there. 🙂
Connie di Marco
Oh, I didn’t think of that, Lark. I’ll try that site. Thanks!
Connie di Marco recently posted…City Lights
It’s a fascinating period of history, and a much-needed project. I’m glad Ms. Hansen was able to pursue it for as long and with as much determination as she did.
I love that the author mentioned this author! I love learning about history (which is why I love historical so much) and this part of our history has always fascinated me.
kindlemom1 recently posted…Happy 4th of July!!
Connie di Marco
My husband reads non-fiction history almost exclusively. He always says truth is stranger than fiction. We have loads of great books, which I’m trying to read, but have trouble tearing myself away from mysteries and thrillers!
Historical mysteries satisfy both cravings for me: history and mystery in one!
Connie di Marco
This is true. I’m always so impressed by writers who can put themselves into another time and culture!
Rita @ Paging Through Books
This book has so much more substance than just the average cozy mystery series. I can’t wait to start it with book 1!
Thanks Lark, for hosting Ms. di Marco here. What a fascinating story about the lack of accountability in tallying the dead. They all deserve our respect. I’ll check into this topic on my own further to satisfy my curiosity more.
Rita @ Paging Through Books recently posted…Review: The Truth We Bury
Connie di Marco
Hi Rita – Thanks for visiting! Julia takes on an evil religious cult in The Madness of Mercury. I hope you enjoy her first adventure!
Connie di Marco recently posted…City Lights
I hope you enjoy the series, Rita! Yes, I would say it has more substance than some of the lighter, fluffier cozies out there. Not that I don’t enjoy some of those, too, but I tend to prefer cozies with a more serious tone, like this series, Loretta Ross’s Auction Block series, and Lea Wait’s Mainely Needlepoint mysteries.
nancy cole silverman
Connie, we never know where research will lead and this is a fascinating piece of evidence you uncovered. I’m not surprised Ms. Hanson was also a writer, I think it takes that type of curiosity and commitment to do the work she did to name the dead. Thank you for an informative and thought provoking post. I look forward to reading The Madness of Mercury.
Connie di Marco
Thanks, Nancy! So glad you enjoyed the post! I was stunned I hadn’t heard of her before, and sorry I never got to meet her!
Connie di Marco recently posted…City Lights
Writers, historians, genealogists… I think they have commitment and curiosity in common. And I hope you enjoy The Madness of Mercury as much as I did!
Cyn @ Bookmunchies
Sounds like a fun mystery read with a little more! Thanks for sharing!
Cyn @ Bookmunchies recently posted…Review: The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
Connie di Marco
Thanks for stopping by! I always try to make Julia’s adventures exciting and interesting!
Connie di Marco recently posted…City Lights
And you’re succeeding admirably!
Connie di Marco
Thank you, Lark!!!
Connie di Marco recently posted…City Lights
You’re welcome—and thank you! 🙂
If you like cozies, I hope you’ll give the series a try!