Category: Miscellany


Google celebrates Johannes Gutenberg

Google celebrates Johannes Gutenberg

Today’s Google Doodle celebrates Johannes Gutenberg, often called “the father of the printing press”, who somewhere around the year 1439 introduced the technology of moveable-type printing to Europe. Books and other materials printed using Gutenberg’s technology were easier and quicker to produce than earlier hand-copied books or books printed using… Read more »


Facsimile Dust Jackets for Vintage Books

Facsimile Dust Jackets for Vintage Books

Did you know you can buy facsimile dust jackets for some vintage or antique books? The website Facsimile Dust Jackets LLC offers dust jackets for a number of vintage books, first editions, and later reprintings. The proprietor, Mark Terry, and his sister Gail have scanned tens of thousands of dust… Read more »


Banned Books Week 2020

Banned Books Week 2020

It’s Banned Books Week! Censorship of books (“banning” books) occurs all over the world, even in countries that generally oppose censorship.* In the US, it’s usually a state or local issue, and often involves books that a minority of people don’t want their library (or libraries) to carry, or their… Read more »


The Omnivore’s Hundred tag

The Omnivore’s Hundred tag

  I saw this tag on Book-Wyrm-Knits and thought it looked like fun. The original tag was posted by a blog called Very Good Taste, which is no longer online. To quote Nicole’s post, “The tag is the Omnivore’s Hundred, a foodie tag where you take a list of 100… Read more »




Women dominate this year’s Hugo Awards

Women dominate this year’s Hugo Awards

Women dominated the Hugos this year, winning all the fiction categories as well as graphic story and best related work. At least four of them are women of color, making this year’s Hugo Awards a resounding YES to diversity in science fiction and fantasy. N. K. Jemisin won Best Novel for… Read more »



Happy 37th Birthday, Harry!

Happy 37th Birthday, Harry!

26 years ago, a giant stepped through a door and told a small, unloved boy, “Yer a wizard, Harry.” Happy 37th birthday to the Boy Who Lived. Twitter Facebook 0 Pinterest 0 StumbleUpon 0
