Category: Musings


How fast do you read?

How fast do you read?

Staples has a short reading-speed test which you may find interesting or perhaps amusing: Source: Staples eReader Department There are only three short passages to read; you read one, answer three questions on it, get your speed report, then see how long it would take you to read various books… Read more »


Tablet and e-Reader Comparison Charts has posted a nice table comparing the features and capabilities of a number of tablets and e-readers from Amazon (various Kindles, including the Fire tablet), Barnes and Noble (various Nooks, including the Nook Tablet), Sony (the WiFi reader), and Kobo (Touch and the Vox tablet.)  It’s a good place… Read more »



Finding Free, Bargain, and Best-priced e-Books

Free and bargain-priced e-books are a good way to try a new author, but what if you don’t have time to troll the various e-book retailers looking for the latest available freebies?  Likewise, it can be time-consuming to check multiple retailers for the best price on a title you’re interested… Read more »


First DRM e-books on my Sony Reader

I’m very proud of myself!  I figured out how to:  1)       download Adobe Digital Editions, so I could download ePUB books with DRM from the Borders and Kobo bookstores (both free books and books I buy.) 2)       authorize my computer on Digital Editions, so I can actually open DRMed books… Read more »


Dipping a Toe in the e-Book Pond

Dipping a Toe in the e-Book Pond

Well, I finally broke down and bought an eReader. I’ve done a lot of research and a lot of thinking about e-books since the Kindle first came out. I still have reservations, particularly about the cost and ephemeral nature of e-books, but I decided it was time to get my… Read more »



Recommended: Baker on the Kindle

Apropos of my earlier post about e-books, I recommend Nicholson Baker’s “A New Page” in The New Yorker‘s Aug. 3, 2009, edition. The article discusses e-books, e-book devices in general, and Amazon’s Kindle in particular. Baker explores the history and marketing of e-paper and the Kindle as well as his… Read more »


Take two novels and call me in the morning….

Without going into details, the last month has been… pretty stressful. And when I’m stressed, there are three things I reach for (well, after my husband; hugs are the best stress relief I know): gallons of chamomile tea, plenty of chocolate, and a comforting book. Now, by “comforting,” I don’t… Read more »
