I mentioned this in my 2014 reading and blogging goals post, but now I’m making it official: I’m joining the Take Control of Your TBR Pile challenge in March. It’s hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and she’s also hosting a related Ides of March read-a-thon from March 13 – 17.
It’s a little tricky for me to commit to read-a-thons, because I don’t always know when I’ll be in crunch mode with an indexing project. But Kimba is making it really easy: write either a sign-up post or a wrap-up post; participate in at least one challenge during the read-a-thon (these are often a game or puzzle or something fun); and join for however many days of the read-a-thon you can. That much I can probably manage, even if things go into crunch mode with work.
So consider this my official sign up post for both the Take Control of Your TBR Pile challenge and the Ides of March read-a-thon. My goal for both is the same: to make at least a dent in the intimidating piles of books, real and virtual, in my TBR pile, with the proviso that I’m going to focus on books I choose to read — books I would want to read even if I weren’t a blogger. Books I’ve been putting off because I had to get through my NetGalley backlog. Books my daughter has raved about, but I haven’t gotten around to yet. Series I started and never finished. They all add up to a truly impressive list, and I know I don’t have a hope of getting through them all, but if I can read just 10 of them — just 10, in a whole month — I’ll feel like I aced the challenge.
I’m not making an actual list, because the other thing I’m going to do is let my mood dictate my choices — something I don’t always get to do anymore, when I’ve committed to reviews or blog tours. I’m going to read exactly the books I want to, when I want to.
It will be fun to see what the end-of-the-challenge list looks like!
Melissas Eclectic Bookshelf
I am joining both as well, but plan to keep it as stress free as I can.
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
Absolutely! I’m hoping to get through enough of my backlog of ARCs and review copies by the end of February so I can just read what I want during the challenge, without stressing over fitting in books I “have” to read.
Pamela D
I am doing these read-a-thons too! They will be tons of fun!
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
I think so too!
10 is a reasonable goal and a number I would like to achieve. This will be fun 🙂
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
As I said above, I think so too! 😉
I’m skipping the read-a-thon, but I am in for the month long challenge! I have a long list of books I hope to get read though it may change depending on my mood.
Good luck!
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
Good luck to you, too! I have some mental ideas of books I’d like to get to, but I’m not making a list because I want complete freedom that month. . . well, as complete as I can manage, anyway. Also some are library books and may not be available when I want them. Of course, as you point out, you can change your mind even if you do have a list!