In the Dragon’s Eye: Revisionary

January 27, 2016 In the Dragon's Eye 6


In the Dragon’s Eye is where I share the books I’ve got my acquisitive eye on: the ones I’m really excited about and hope to read and perhaps add to the hoard.  I also link to “Waiting On” Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the SpineCover links take you to Goodreads; all blurbs are also from Goodreads.


Revisionary (Jim C. Hines)

Magic Ex Libris #4
Hardcover: DAW, Feb. 2, 206

When Isaac Vainio helped to reveal magic to the world, he dreamed of a new millennium of magical prosperity. One year later, things aren’t going quite as he’d hoped. A newly-formed magical organization wants open war with the mundane world. Isaac’s own government is incarcerating “potential supernatural enemies” in prisons and internment camps.

Surrounded by betrayal and political intrigue, Isaac and a ragtag group of allies must evade pursuit both magical and mundane, expose a conspiracy by some of the most powerful people in the world, and find a path to a better future. But the key to victory may lie with Isaac himself, as he struggles to incorporate everything he’s learned into a new, more powerful form of libriomancy.

Why I want to read it:
  1. Omigosh, this series is just so terrific!
  2. Libriomancy is every fantasy-lover’s dream. Being able to pull things out of books and have them work? Totally cool.
  3. Isaac is a wonderful, flawed, and very human hero. And Lena is pretty amazing, too.
  4. The author has a great sense of humor, great pacing, and a good ear for dialog.
  5. All the geeky literary and SF/F pop culture references!



6 Responses to “In the Dragon’s Eye: Revisionary”

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Nope, definitely not a kids’ series or even YA. All the main characters are adults (in the first 2 books; I can’t speak to the second 2 since I haven’t read them.) We’re geeky here, too, and my daughter and I love the series.