Spock is dead.
And I am crying.
When I was growing up, Spock was one of my favorite characters on Star Trek. I loved that he was smart and didn’t have to hide it, and I loved the humanity that lurked beneath the cool Vulcan exterior. I loved the usually unspoken friendship between Kirk and Spock, and the way he and Bones traded barbs but you could tell they were friends, too. I loved how Spock’s presence on the Enterprise showed that the Federation embraced diversity even beyond racial diversity. And I was so taken with his single raised eyebrow that I spent hours in front of the mirror learning how to raise one of my own. 40 years later, I still raise one eyebrow to indicate interest, surprise, skepticism, and polite disbelief.
Leonard Nimoy died today, at the age of 83. He brought a surprising depth to a character supposed to be without emotion. He didn’t just play Spock; he was Spock – in my eyes and those of his many fans (sometimes to his annoyance, though he was usually gracious with fans.) Star Trek is pretty much the only thing I ever saw Nimoy in, and yet I felt that I knew him through Spock. My world feels diminished by his death. Scotty… Spock… the icons of my nerdy childhood are disappearing, one by one, and I am startled by how much it hurts.
Farewell, Mr. Spock, and rest in peace. You are, and always will be, my friend.

Now I feel like crying! Spock was always my favorite character on Star Trek, too. What are we going to do without Leonard Nimoy in the world?
Lark recently posted…Bookish First Impressions
I don’t know. I’ve been tearing up on and off all afternoon.
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
Spock was an amazing character and Nimoy gave him so much depth. I had the chance, many years ago, to hear him speak; once at a lecture and years later at a con. He was smart, funny, and passionate. This weekend, I will be re-watching my ST movies and I may have to watch TOS on NetFlix.
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Bea Reviews The Lost Empress by Steve Robinson
What a wonderful tribute, Bea! I might have to do that too. Although The Search for Spock might be a little too emotional for me right now.
THE EYEBROW! I did that, too. Spock was my first TV crush.
We will really miss him.
No matter what else he was in he was always Spock.
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