News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff
Book News
- Amazon opens a bricks-and-mortar store in Seattle, while Indiebound adds a buy-now option to let ebook buyers choose the indie bookstore they want to credit with their purchase. (Book Patrol) In an interview with Publishers Weekly, an Amazon VP talks about the new store and how its inventory is chosen — and whether more such stores are likely in the future.
Worth Reading
- No, All Romance Novels Are Not The Same (Jenny Trout, Huffington Post)
- An interview with influential fantasy author Tamora Pierce(holdfast magazine)
- Career of Evil, by J.K. Rowling Writing as Robert Galbraith. Author Charles Finch (The Laws of Murder; Home by Nightfall) thoughtfully reviews Rowling’s latest novel. (New York Times)
- Short film ‘The Library’ is a lovely, leisurely ode to the power of books, libraries, and love — and you’ll swoon over the gorgeous library. The film is by Jason LaMotte, and runs about 20 minutes. Don’t miss it. (Vimeo)
- The Zen of Adult Coloring Books (Julie Beck, The Atlantic)
- Problems Only Book Lovers Understand (BuzzFeed, on YouTube)
For Writers & Bloggers
- Why You Should Plan for a Successful Blog! Like a Blogging Ninja! (Between My Lines)
- Why You Should Have Social Media Share Buttons on Your Blog (Caffeinated Reviewer) After reading this post, it’s on my list of things to get to!
Book & Movie Announcements

Eddie Redmayne, Fantastic Beasts film (via E.W.)
- The first publicity stills from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them are out!
- J.K. Rowling has begun working on first children’s novel since Harry Potter (Mashable)
- The BBC is Adapting Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials for Television (Tor.com) It makes more sense than trying to squeeze it into a movie.
Awesome Lists
- Books Design and Book Art Boards on Pinterest – lots of lovely bookish Pinterest boards
Bookish Quote

That’s it for this week!
Grace Fonseca
I totally get that video. That video details some of the issues that I go through as well. You got a nice assortment of books. I hope you love all your new books this week.
Grace @ Books of Love
Grace Fonseca recently posted…Stacking The Shelves, Bought, Borrowed and Bagged, Coloring Book Updates
Thanks, Grace! Yes, a fun video and one I related to as well.
Red Iza
Thanks very much for sharing the book problems video, I can relate ! I’ll take a look at the library later, my coworker is claiming the computer 🙁
Red Iza recently posted…Review / Laura Drewry : Accidentally in love
I can relate, too!
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review
I loved the Pinterest boards. No shortage of beautiful bookish art out there!
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review recently posted…Witch Week 2015: Wrap-Up and Preview
I can spend so much time on Pinterest if I’m not careful! But I started following a bunch of those boards because they post so much gorgeous stuff.
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
Yes, you need share buttons!!!!!
I need to check out some of those Amazon articles and I want a coloring book. 🙂
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…October Challenge Wrap Up
I’ll be concentrating on a work project all this week, but it’s on my list of blog tweaks and improvements to get to after I turn the project in.
Jess@Fairday's Blog
What a great post! I am curious to see Fantastic Beasts and am thrilled to hear that JK is working on another children’s book. Yeah! 🙂
There might have been just a little squealing about that particular announcement at my house! 😉
I am cautiously excited about the His Dark Materials mini-series! I think you are right that it will be done better then the movie. Lately, I’ve been thinking that a series of mini-series would also do the Harry Potter books more justice than the movies though it would have to have quite the budget. Love seeing the first stills of Fantastic Beasts!
Stephanie recently posted…Saturdays in the Garden – Beauty in Mundanity
I probably should try reading the Pullman novels again. I found it hard to get into the first one (and never finished it), but I was reading it during a period of intense anxiety and panic attacks, and at that point, all I really wanted to read was old familiar books — British mysteries, childhood favorites, beloved fantasy novels and historical romances — basically, anything guaranteed to come out all right in the end.
I loved your Saturday post last week, with the lovely photo of an Iowa sunset. I didn’t do an HP re-read this fall, but I did a year or so ago, via the audiobooks. It’s like going home, isn’t it? And I’d be interested in your take on the Murdoch Mysteries. My mom really enjoys them, but I haven’t tried them yet. I’m thinking it might be time for a Cadfael rewatch soon, though. You can never go wrong with Derek Jacobi in the 12th century…
I really love His Dark Materials but don’t think it would be a series of books to read during anxiety – they are darkish and not comfort reads at all. Hopefully you do try them again or perhaps just watch the mini-series!
I LOVE Cadfael! In fact now that you’ve mentioned it that may be my next re-watch as well:) I think you would really enjoy Murdoch Mysteries. It’s a little goofy but I love all the characters and the puzzles/mysteries are pretty unique and creative. I also really do like the main ‘ship though they go to ridiculous lengths to draw it out.
Stephanie recently posted…Saturdays in the Garden – Beauty in Mundanity
Yes, I think you’re right about the Pullman series. Maybe someday. And thank you for the recommendation on the Murdoch Mysteries! Mom and I have similar tastes and I usually like what she does, but it’s always good to have another friend’s point of view!
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them looks fantastic. Thanks for the shout out on my post. I love your bookish quote 🙂 Happy Reading!
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #186 All the Leaves are Brown and the Sky is Grey….
You’re welcome! And I can’t wait for the Fantastic Beasts movie; I’m so excited!