News & Notes – 9/30/2023

September 30, 2023 News & Notes 1

News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff

Literary Losses

Echo Brown, author of Black Girl Unlimited and The Chosen One, died Sept. 16 of renal failure at the age of 39. Brown had been battling end-stage kidney disease caused by lupus. She was “widely praised for her genre-fluid YA novels that blend memoir and magical realism” (Publishers Weekly.) Until her death, Brown had been working on her third novel, a collaboration with filmmaker Tyler Perry (and based on his screenplay); A Jazzman’s Blues is scheduled for January 2024.

Before turning to novels, Brown wrote and performed a one-woman show, “Black Virgins Are Not for Hipsters,” which toured for two years across the US and in Europe. She also gave two TEDx talks, “Transforming the Stage through Laughter and Pain” and “There Are No Promised Lands” (both viewable on YouTube.)

Obituaries and tributes: Dovin funeral home; Publishers Weekly. Bibliography and Biography: Goodreads

Bookish News

Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week begins tomorrow, October 1, and culminates with Let Freedom Read Day on Oct. 7. This year’s Honorary Chair is Levar Burton (best known for Roots, Star Trek: Next Generation, and the long-running PBS show Reading Rainbow.) Check out the planned events and download graphics at Shelf Awareness has a good rundown as well.

AI (“artificial intelligence”)

Earlier this week, I published a post on “AI and Intellectual Property Theft,” which includes the recent revelations that many pirated, copyrighted works were used to train Meta’s generative AI. The post contains a number of links related to that story.

Below are more links to other stories about how generative AI is interacting with the book industry. Links go from most recent to oldest.

Worth Reading/Viewing

For Writers & Bloggers

Books, Movies, and TV

Dumbledore from the Harry Potter movies, played by Michael Gambon

One Response to “News & Notes – 9/30/2023”

  1. Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits

    The strike news is so good! I’m really happy that they got that AI stuff in the contract.

    I hadn’t heard about Michael Gambon yet. We’ve been focused on news about Dianne Feinstein here (since I’m in California, and she was my senator for all of my adult life).
    Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted…This is Halloween LinkityMy Profile