News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff
Book News
- Unemployed Aboriginal poet surprised by $165K Windham-Campbell Prize (NPR Books; more from The Guardian)
- Barnes & Noble Still Searching for ‘Magic Bullet’ to Stop Sales Slide (Publishers Weekly)
- The Obamas’ Book Deals Spark $65m Mystery… as in, how will Penguin Random House make a profit? The answer is that the former president’s book (which will be “more than a memoir”) stands to do very well indeed. Also, PRH has not confirmed the size of the advance. (Publishers Weekly)
- The 2017 Children’s and Teen Choice Book Awards finalists have been announced. (Children’s Book Council)
- HarperCollins Marks Its 200th Anniversary. (Publishers Weekly) And the firm has had quite a history.
Worth Reading
- The Silly Side of Shakespeare. Mya Gosling talks about finding the ridiculous in Shakespeare as she draws her webcomic, Good Tickle Brain. (And if you aren’t following her comic, you should be — it’s a lot of fun!) (for Blogging Shakespeare)
- Andy Weir’s Best-Seller ‘The Martian’ Gets a Kid-Friendly Makeover. (New York Times) Basically, they replaced the swear words with more innocuous ones, so middle- and high-school science teachers could use the book with their classes. I’m not generally a fan of bowlderization, but in this case, I think it makes sense — not that students don’t hear and even use the profanities uttered by main character Mark Watney, but it’s hard to get that much of it past parents and school boards. (As a middle school parent, I would probably have objected to using it in school myself, despite the fact that I love the book.)
Great Blog Posts
- What books have shaped your view of the world? (The Emerald City Book Review)
- Why We Need More Awesome Parents in YA (Quite the Novel Idea)
For Writers & Bloggers
- A Blogger’s Guide to Acronyms. (Feed Your Fiction Addiction) Every bookish and blog-related acronym you’ve ever wondered about, and then some.
Bookish Quote

In honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday (March 2)
That’s it for this week!
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review
Thank you for linking my post – and for another interesting assortment of news and notes!
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review recently posted…March Magics guest post
You are most welcome!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Thanks for linking up to my guide to acronyms. This is the second time I’ve seen someone link up to Why We Need More Awesome Parents in YA. I’m off to go check that one out!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 3/5/17
You’re welcome! It’s a great post.
Jan @ Notes from a Readerholic
I always find so many interesting links in you News & Notes posts, Lark. I haven’t done very well keeping up with other blogs lately, but I plan to try to visit and comment at three or four blogs a day so I can catch up with my favorite blogs.
I hadn’t heard of Mya Gosling’s webcomic so I have to go check that out! Hope you have a good week!
I’m glad you found some interesting links! Good Tickle Brain is a great webcomic. I always enjoy it.
La La in the Library
Thanks for the heads up on the Children’s Book Council Award finalists. The only one of the books I have read is Fuzzy. 🙂
La La in the Library recently posted…WAITING ON WEDNESDAY – MARCH 2017
I haven’t read any of them! A few of the teen finalists are on my TBR list, though.