NeilNews & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book- and publishing-related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff
Book News
- Carla Hayden approved as new Librarian of Congress (NPR)
- Barnes & Noble to Sell Self-Published Books in Stores. As in, actual print copies. There are a few catches—authors have to be selling a certain number of copies of their e-book via NOOK—but it’s a chance for at least some self-published authors to get their books displayed in stores. (BookBusiness)
- Small Claims Copyright Act Introduced in the House (GalleyCat) Currently, authors must defend their copyright with a federal lawsuit, which is expensive. This legislation would create a tribunal through which authors could defend their copyright without hiring a lawyer (or at least not a high-powered one.)
- Amazon’s Audible launches Audible Channels: an audiobook/podcast service that offers short-form news and articles from well-known newspapers and periodicals, podcasts like those you’re already listening to, and original content feeds as well. (BookBusiness)
- eMusic Relaunches Audiobook Service as eStories (Publishers Weekly)
- Novellic Builds Book Club Communities On- And Offline With Meetup-Like App. (BookBusiness)
Worth Reading
- Here’s Why E-Book Sales from Major Publishers Are Plummeting (Fortune) Hint: it’s all in the pricing.
For Writers & Bloggers
- Google Removes Dennis Cooper’s 14-Year-Old Blog from Blogger. A cautionary tale. (WP Tavern)
Book & Movie Announcements
- Bernie Sanders to Write a Book, which St. Martin’s Thomas Dunne Books imprint will publish on Nov. 15. (GalleyCat)
Awesome Lists
- 8 Reasons to Catalog Your Books (And How to Do It) (Emma Nichols, for BookRiot) I’d like to add two other options to her list: Calibre (for your ebooks, if you download them to your computer) and Book Collector, which allows but doesn’t require you to be online to work with your catalog.
Really Cool / Just for Fun
- The first Little Free Library Festival took place in Minneapolis in May. Here are highlights from the festival, along with the official Little Free Library song! You can read more about it at BookRiot.
Bookish Quote

That’s it for this week!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
That article about Dennis Cooper’s blog is scary and definitely a reminder to me to back stuff up. I’m not sure I have the attention span right now to deal with self-hosting but at some point that will definitely be an option. That Little Library festival looks fun!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…Home Cooked – Cookbook Review + Recipe
Bea @Bea's Book Nooknnn
I have Calibre but it’s overwhelming but I don’t use it often. I should check out the article on the guy who whose blog was removed, eep.
Have a good weekend!
Bea @Bea’s Book Nooknnn recently posted…Sunday Book Share #179