Sunday Post – 5/05/2024

Sunday Post – 5/05/2024

My wrist and thumb are still sore and weak, but making progress. We’re also making headway on the house and finding contractors. And I’m still keeping up my writing, even with Camp NaNoWriMo over.

Also, a look back at this week’s reading, reviews, and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!



Top Ten Reasons I Have DNF’d a Book

Top Ten Reasons I Have DNF’d a Book

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The meme was originally the brainchild of The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Petty Reasons You’ve DNF’d a Book. So first of all, my apologies for being late with this post! Yesterday’s prompt was “Petty… Read more »



Sunday Post – 4/28/2024

Sunday Post – 4/28/2024

I can gradually start leaving the wrist brace off. We bought a new piece of furniture and are selling an old one. I’m still trying to get contractors for the work we need to have done. And writing is going really well.

Also, a look back at this week’s reading and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!




News & Notes – 4/20/2024

News & Notes – 4/20/2024

Indie publishers lose a major distributor; Hugo Awards finalists announced; Google discontinuing “news” search refinement; Herculaneum scroll partially deciphered; authors and translators facing threats from AI; and more book news and interesting articles.


Sunday Post – 4/14/2024

Sunday Post – 4/14/2024

The eclipse was really cool, with about 87.9% of the sun obscured at maximum. We’re close to a decision on flooring. I prepared a tutorial and demonstration for the fiber guild meeting yesterday.

Also, a look back at this week’s reading and blog posts, plus the weekly book haul!


A Midnight Puzzle, by Gigi Pandian

A Midnight Puzzle, by Gigi Pandian

A Midnight Puzzle is the third book in the Secret Staircase Mysteries, a delightful cozy mystery series featuring Tempest Raj, a stage magician/illusionist, and her family. The series gets its name from her father’s architecture-and-construction company, which specializes in secret rooms, hidden staircases, and other architectural puzzles. Tempest’s skills in creating and figuring out illusions come in very handy as she and her friends investigate several murders, each involving the Secret Staircase firm’s clients or jobsite in some way.
