E-book Sales Overtake Traditional Formats?

CNN reports that, according to an Association of American Publishers study, February’s e-book sales topped sales for “all other formats” for the first time ever.  This isn’t particularly surprising, given the number of e-reader devices and e-books currently available.  Unfortunately, the figures are less than informative.  The study depended not… Read more »



Digital Book World conference reports

The “Sisters In Crime” blog has some interesting posts on the recent Digital Book World conference.  The predictions about the chain stores are scary but probably accurate, given the trouble Borders is already in (probably filing for bankruptcy, and their stock has been delisted because it’s staying under $1 over… Read more »


Bewitching Mysteries series (Madelyn Alt)

Bewitching Mysteries series (Madelyn Alt)

Following an Amazon recommendation, I recently read two books in Madelyn Alt’s paranormal mystery series, Bewitching Mysteries: The Trouble with Magic and Hex Marks the Spot.  (Those are numbers one and three of the series; sadly, my library doesn’t seem to have book two.)  I called them “paranormal” mysteries, but… Read more »



A Voiceless Howl of Anguish

     I love to read aloud, especially to our daughter.  We — mostly I — have been reading to her since she was a baby, and I’m still at it now that she’s 16.  It’s been a wonderful way to share wonderful books with her: some that we’ve discovered together,… Read more »


First DRM e-books on my Sony Reader

I’m very proud of myself!  I figured out how to:  1)       download Adobe Digital Editions, so I could download ePUB books with DRM from the Borders and Kobo bookstores (both free books and books I buy.) 2)       authorize my computer on Digital Editions, so I can actually open DRMed books… Read more »


Books for Halloween

Books for Halloween

     It’s Halloween, so it’s time for a Halloween reading list. The problem is, I don’t like scary books, I don’t do horror, and I don’t care for gore.  But there are still some wonderful non-scary books well-suited for Halloween reading.  Here then are some of my favorites for a… Read more »


Recommended: WG on reforming education

I highly recommend WG’s recent post, “Dysfunctional Middle Schools.”  WG is a former teacher and co-founder of The Interlocking Curriculum, a Quaker school in the late 1970s.  When he talks about how to establish a culture of respect in schools, he speaks from his own experience.  The IC did indeed… Read more »


“I do love knitting patterns.” — Albus Dumbledore

“I do love knitting patterns.” — Albus Dumbledore

Knitting is taking over my life. I tend to go on reading jags.  For several weeks, or even months, I find myself focusing almost exclusively on a single genre: fantasy/SF, mystery, children’s/YA, historical romance.  Then suddenly (and unpredictably) I feel surfeited, and I switch to another genre.* Recently, I’ve been… Read more »
