The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures – I mean books!
My Week
This week was less exciting than last week (thank goodness!) but very busy. I’m packing for a trip to see my dad and stepmother (and hopefully some of my dad’s family), plus trying to get an index done. I leave Tuesday and the index is due Monday, so it’s a bit frantic here this weekend! Hopefully I can catch up on some blogging while I’m away, and build my cushion of posts up a bit more. But time with family and Christmas shopping come first!
Last Week on the Blog
- Mon. 11/30: Classic Children’s Books
- Tues. 12/01: A Cold Creek Christmas Story – review
- Wed. 12/02: In the Dragon’s Eye: Secret Sisters – W.O.W.
- Thurs. 12/03: By Winter’s Light (Laurens) – review
- Fri. 12/04: The Last Chance Christmas Ball – review
- Sat. 12/05: News & Notes – 12/05/15
- Sun. 12/06: Sunday Post – 12/06/15
Upcoming on the Blog

- Mon. 12/07: DIY Bookmarks
- Tues. 12/08: Top Ten New-To-Me Authors of 2015 – Top Ten Tuesday
- Wed. 12/09: TBD
- Thurs. 12/10: TBD
- Fri. 12/11: The Martian: A book-and-movie review
- Sat. 12/12: News & Notes – 12/12/15
- Sun. 12/13: Sunday Post – 12/13/15
What I’m Reading/Watching
I finished reading A Desperate Fortune (Susanna Kearsley), which I really liked. And I finally finished listening to The Night Circus, which is a beautiful book; I loved it. I also re-read Harm’s Way (Catherine Aird) and Rosamunde Pilcher’s lovely Winter Solstice, one of my favorite books for this time of year.
New Additions to the Hoard
Cover links take you to Goodreads.
For Review

Purchased or Free for Kindle
Since Black Friday, a lot of Catherine Aird’s and Dorothy Sayers’ mysteries and a few of Ellis Peters’ Cadfael mysteries have gone on sale, and I’ve one-clicked most of them – far too many to show you here, and they’re all re-reads for me anyway. Besides all those, I got these (below). The Tamora Pierce titles are also books I’ve read before, as is Princess of Glass, but Robin and I are both really fond of them. The other two I have not yet read.
anna (herding cats & burning soup)
Good luck getting everything finished! Hope you have a great time away with the family 😀
anna (herding cats & burning soup) recently posted…Christmas Dinner Invite. No, really! If you’re around Raleigh, NC this invite is for you 😀
Thanks, Anna! I hope you have a great Christmas, too. How’s that kitty cat doing? Ours is holding her own for now, I think. (I hope.)
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
I love Winter’s Solstice but haven’t read it in years. I need to go dig it out. Sounds like things are going to be super busy getting ready to leave but it is good that your index is due Monday. You can run around like crazy and than collapse on Tuesday when you’re on your way out of town. I’ll be curious to see what you think of The Martian. We have a copy and have both wanted to read since I used to work in the space industry and my husband is an aerospace engineer. Have a great week!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…This Week in Reading – December 6
How cool that you have ties to the space industry, Katherine! I’ll look forward to your take on The Martian when you’ve read it or seen the movie. Winter’s Solstice is one of my favorite Pilcher books, and one of my favorite books at Christmas time. I read it a little early because I’m hoping to post a review on the solstice (although the book takes place in the lead-up to Christmas, culminating on Christmas Eve.)
Laurel-Rain Snow
I have loved several books by Pilcher, including Winter Solstice…I think that one was a movie, too.
My favorite from her was The Shell Seekers…and I also have the movie.
After reading my first book by RaeAnne Thayne (Snow Angel Cove), I am eager to read more…and A Cold Creek Christmas Story looks perfect.
Thanks for sharing…Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
I hadn’t realized Winter Solstice had been made into a movie… although looking at a few reviews, it seems they changed things a fair bit.
I’m glad you enjoyed Snow Angel Cove and I hope you like A Cold Creek Christmas Story. It’s the sequel to The Christmas Ranch, but I think you could read them out of order without a problem.
Whew sounds like a busy week and weekend indeed. I hope you have a great trip! That’s nice so many books you wanted were discounted! Have a great week!
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #155
Thanks, Lola! I hope your week goes well, too!
Michelle@Because Reading
Have a great trip and after last weeks I am glad nothing exciting happened 🙂
I actually am ahead with blogging but I have 12 posts I need to do before the end of the year and they are big ones.
Have a great week, Lark! Happy Reading! ox
Michelle@Because Reading recently posted…Sign Ups and a Slump…or maybe not~ WIR & TSP
I have some stuff scheduled out (including some Waiting On Wednesday posts as far out as May), but I’d like to have more. And I have a ton of reviews to write up, some from notes or drafts, and some from scratch. So here’s hoping!
You sound pretty busy, hope you get everything done. 🙂 You got a great book haul!
Stormi recently posted…The Week In Review #65
I did manage to get everything done – barely!
Oh I hope you loved the Martian. Have a safe trip, and I confident you got the indexing done 🙂
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #190 – Would December please slow down?
I did on both counts. The index was turned in on time, and what a terrific movie! I’m hoping Drew gets nominated for best adapted screenplay, too.
Literary Feline
I hope you have a good visit with your family! I am sure you will be able to get the index done in time. 🙂 I look forward to reading your thoughts on The Martian. Enjoy your week! It’s back to work tomorrow–I’m hoping it will be slow so I can work on my blog–and maybe sneak in some reading when no one’s looking. 😉
Literary Feline recently posted…November 2015 In Review (And a Big Digression)
Sorry it’s taken me so long to answer these comments! I am having a wonderful time with my family. We celebrated the January birthdays today; it was great.
Charlie @ Girl of 1000 Wonders
Good luck getting the index done and everything packed accordingly. I realized on my last trip I was so time crunched I was just throwing items in my suitcase and not checking and thinking out what I was actually bringing…and leaving behind! Happy reading!
Same here. I ended up waaaaay over-packing because I didn’t have time to plan better. Of course, when you’re going to be gone for five weeks, you need more clothes, but I really overdid it.
It does sound like you’ve been busy. I hope you get through everything you need to before you leave (and you have a great time!).
Deborah recently posted…Weekly check-in
Well, I got it all more or less done! I still had a little work to do on the index once I reached Salt Lake City, but I got it done and turned in and the author was happy with it, so all is well.
Laura Thomas
Ooh. I hope you enjoy The Martian! I recently finished it and loved it. Can’t wait to see the movie too! Here’s to getting everything wrapped up and have a lovely trip:)
My Sunday Post –
Laura Thomas recently posted…By any other name….The Beast by A.R. Davis ~ Excerpt and Giveaway
The Martian was really, really good!