The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
My Week
We’ve been having a wonderful time this week. We visited the River of Lights festival in Albuquerque, and also saw Star Wars: The Last Jedi. We watched a few Christmas movies, listened to Christmas music (we’re very fond of John Rutter), and wrapped presents. I was even able to sing with the choir at my parents’ church last Sunday, and again for Evensong that evening. I’ll be singing with them again at the 11:00 pm service tonight.
And I managed to finish all my Christmas shopping and knitting with a few days to spare. Whew! I usually prefer to get most of it done before December 1, but that didn’t work out this year.. So I’ve been doing it most of it over the last two weeks…and mostly online. (The shopping, that is!) I’ve still got a lot of wrapping to do between church services today, but we’ll put on some Christmas music and it will be fun.

Pirate ship, just one of over 100 light installations at River of Lights in Albuquerque, NM. Photo © K. Pekar 2017
We’ll be celebrating Christmas over two days: Christmas Day with the immediate family (Mr. Bookwyrm, Robin, and I, plus my parents) and Boxing Day over at my sister’s with the wider family (the five of us, plus my sister and BIL, my niece and nephew and their SOs, and a dear friend and her two teens, who are “adopted family.”) Spreading the celebrations out keeps it from becoming too overwhelming, especially since most of us are introverts and need our quiet time.
I wish you all a very Happy Christmas if you celebrate it, and a lovely week and happy holidays if you do not!

Last Week on the Blog
- Sunday Post – 12/17/2017
- Books I Hope Santa Brings Me – Top Ten Tuesday
- The Backlist Reader Challenge 2018: Rules and Sign-up
- Last-Minute Gifts: Kindle Books and Ebooks
- Sunday Post – 12/24/2017 – this post
Upcoming on the Blog
- Three Fates by Nora Roberts
- Books I’m Looking Forward To in 2018 – tentative
- Sunday Post – 12/31/2017 – tentative
NOTE: News & Notes is on hiatus and will return sometime in January.
The Backlist Reader Challenge 2018
The sign-up linky for The Backlist Reader Challenge 2018 is live!
What I’m Reading/Watching
Reading: There’s been so much going on this week, and so much shopping and wrapping Ineeded to do, that I’ve gotten very little reading in. I’m still working on Bloodstains with Bronte by Katherine Bolger Hyde (ARC), but I finished Pathways, a short story anthology set in Mercedes Lackey’s Valdemar (also an ARC.) I also reread The Fairy Godmother, a book which I reviewed back in 2015.
Listening to: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I’m about 29% through the book. Also lots of Christmas music.
Watching: On Tuesday, we saw Star Wars: The Last Jedi, which I really enjoyed! Well, other than the bit about… no, wait, that’s a spoiler. We went in the middle of the day on a weekday, so there were only about 6 or 8 other people in the theater besides us (Robin, Owl, and my parents as well as Mr. Bookwyrm and me.) Later in the week, we watched A Christmas Carol (the George C. Scott version) and A Child’s Christmas in Wales, which is probably my favorite Christmas movie.
New Additions to the Hoard
Cover links take you to Goodreads.
For Review or Review Consideration
Purchased for Kindle
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog)
Lovely Christmas lights! I’ve listened to a few Christmas tunes for Christmas and I’m so excited for Christmas to come! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog) recently posted…The Sunday Post Meme (115)
Ooooh, looks cool! You should post more photos 😀
Have a wonderful holiday weekend too!!
Evelina recently posted…Sunday post #38
Maybe I will do a post about the festival. It’s not bookish, but it’s pretty cool.
Have wonderful Christmas! Enjoy the time with your family!
Samantha recently posted…#SundayPost: Merry Christmas!
Jenea's Book Obsession
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family.
Stormi Johnson
Merry Christmas!! That light thing you went to sounds really cool and that pirate ship is cool! Have a great week and happy reading!!
Stormi Johnson recently posted…The Week In Review #172
Aj @ Read All The Things!
It sounds like you’ll be busy. I hope you have a great Christmas!
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…The Sunday Post #128
Thank you! I hope your holidays were wonderful, too.
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
I love the light installations! They look amazing. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas Lark!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…Now That You Mention It – Contemporary Fiction Review + Giveaway
Thank you, Katherine! The light installations were indeed amazing. And we had a lovely Christmas. I’m feeling a little sad that the holidays are drawing to a close, though. There’s so much to do and catch up on once I get home.
I hope you had a joyous holiday. That pirate ship looks amazing!! How phenomenal.
River of Lights was really amazing. There were so many cool displays. The pirate ship is one of the largest and most complex, but there are dinosaurs, animals, birds, a whole cornfield complete with scarecrow, cows, and a UFO… it’s really cool. I should post some of my other photos.
And thank you; we had a lovely holiday! I hope you did, too.