The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
My Week
It’s Veteran’s Day here in the US, Remembrance Day in the UK and Commonwealth countries… and 100 years since the guns of World War I fell silent. May the memory of our fallen soldiers and the bravery of all who served guide all of us toward peace and greater understanding.

Fall is really here. Yesterday was sunny, crisp and chilly; the temperature never made it over 46 F. Another sign of fall: today is the last rehearsal before next weekend’s concert. As usual, I’m worried that we’re not ready. But I worry about that every year at this point, and every year, it works out fine. So I should really stop worrying!
We bought a new washing machine! Our front-load washing machine broke Monday after 8 years of use (and good care.) After a lot of research, we decided to replace it rather than try to fix it. The new one won’t be delivered until Thanksgiving week, though, so we’ve got at least one trip to the laundromat ahead of us.
Other than that, things are going well. I’ve been able to do some knitting and spinning as well as reading.
Challenge Update
I’m still not doing well on my challenges. Even with this week’s reading, I’m 6 books behind on my Goodreads challenge. I haven’t read anything for The Backlist Reader Challenge in a while.
Last Week on the Blog
- Sunday Post –11/04/2018
- Sunday Post –11/11/2018 – this post
Upcoming on the Blog
- Echoes of Evil (Heather Graham) – review
- WIP Wednesday – tentative
- Other posts TBD
- News & Notes – 11/17/2018 – tentative
- Sunday Post –11/18/2018 – tentative
What I’m Reading/Watching
Reading: I seem to be on a Ngaio Marsh binge, which at least has me reading again! This week I reread Night at the Vulcan, Vintage Murder, Artists in Crime, and started Death in a White Tie. I wasn’t originally rereading the series in order, since I started with several of the later books. But after finishing Vintage Murder (#5; it’s OK but not her best) I thought, well, why not? and went on to books #6 and #7. I’ll probably continue on through the series for a bit, but will probably skip the few I don’t like all that much.
I also continued reading Uneasy Lies the Crown (Tasha Alexander; ARC.) The “modern” (1901) plot line is interesting and baffling (so far!) The interspersed sections that take place in 1415 are puzzling, because I know they will eventually relate to the 1901 murders, but it’s not yet clear how.
Listening to: Podcasts, mainly Imaginary Worlds and Writing Excuses.
Watching: Campion: “Sweet Danger” and “Flowers for the Judge,” The Alleyn Mysteries: “Death in a White Tie,” and Saving Mr Banks and Henry V (the Kenneth Brannagh version.)
New Additions to the Hoard
Cover links take you to Goodreads.
Purchased for Kindle
I have an old hardcover edition of Vintage Murder, but it’s falling apart a bit. And the print in my old paperback of Death of A Peer is too small, so I bought the Kindle version, published under the original title, A Surfeit of Lampreys.
Good luck with your new washing machine. Enjoy your books and have a great week!
Thank you, Yvonne!
Amen to your words about Veteran’s Day. 🙂
And wow I’m so behind on Tasha Alexander! Yikes. I hadn’t even seen that one yet…
Good luck with the concert, and have a supr week. 🙂
I just finished Uneasy Lies the Crown last night! It was good, but didn’t go where I was expecting it to. And yes, I’m behind, too; there are about 4 or 5 books I haven’t read, in various spots in the series.
Mary @StackingMyBookShelves!
We got a new washer a few years ago the best thing we ever did. The one we had before that was a hand-me-down and about 25 years old. Have a great week!
Mary #SundayRoundup #44!
The washer that just died was only 8 years old. The one it replaced was almost 20, maybe a little more. The more complicated they get, the shorter they last, I think. I hope we get at least 10 years out of the new one, when it gets here.
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
I need to reread the Ngaio Marsh books. I’ve read them all but don’t remember most – except one involving an actress who sprays herself with perfume that ends up being poison. A reread is definitely in order. I was surprised with how much I enjoyed Saving Mr. Banks. I didn’t really love the Mary Poppins book though I do love the movie. It was fascinating and I heard an interview with Emma Thompson that made it even more interesting! Have a great week!
I remember that one, though not the title offhand; it’s one of the later books in the series and wasn’t one of my favorites but I liked it all right. I have a lot of other books to read, so the Alleyn reread may start slowing down now, but I do think I’ll reread a bunch more of them.
I did like the Mary Poppins books as a child, and bought myself a lovely hardcover collection of them a few years ago, which I have yet to reread. But I agree that the movie is more charming. I can’t wait for the new sequel with Emily Blount and Lin-Manuel Miranda! And Dick Van Dyke makes an appearance too, I think.
I love those covers, although I haven’t read the books. Urg! What a dreadful gap between buying your washing machine and waiting for it to be delivered! I hope it gives many years of trouble-free service…
I hope so too! Seems that as appliances get more complicated, they don’t last as long. Our previous front-load definitely washed the clothes better and with less water than the old-style, top-load agitator washer we had before that, but the old top-loader lasted us almost 20 years…
I hope your reading gets easier for you. I think I read one Ngaio Marsh book about 20 years ago and wasn’t into it. I’m glad it’s working for you. Wow I hate going to the laundromat. Good luck on the install. The last people I had out for a dishwasher were idiots. It didn’t work, and had to call a repair guy. I hope to get in some knitting and maybe my first tv watching in months. I can’t remember the last thing I watched, probably Daredevil 2 on Netflix, early summer maybe. Have a great week and don’t sweat the challenges – they are for fun. Anne – Books of My Heart
Northwoman recently posted…Skyward by Brandon Sanderson
Thank you, Anne! I hope the washer install goes OK. The guys that came to install the dryer were good, but this is a different company, so… fingers crossed. They aren’t coming until next week, anyway.
Lucky me; Mr. Bookwyrm did the laundromat run while I was at physical therapy. 10 loads in 90 minutes—impressive!
I hope you get some time to knit and watch TV soon. Do you combine them? I find I can if it’s relatively mindless knitting (or spinning) and a show where I don’t have to watch the screen every instant, but it doesn’t work too well if the pattern is more complicated—or the show is!
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
Hey, challenges are supposed to be hard, right? Don’t beat yourself up too much over not doing as well on them as you’d like. Have a great week!
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday ~ Bookish Items/Merchandise I’d Like to Own
Thank you, Nicole! You too!
Literary Feline
I do hope we will find our way to peace again. I hope the concert goes well! Fall is definitely here. And wouldn’t you know it my daughter has outgrown most of her long pants . . . Hopefully we can do a little shopping this coming week to remedy that problem. I hope your new washing machine works out well. We are going to need to replace ours in the next couple years, I have a feeling. It’s an expense I am not looking forward to. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Lark. Enjoy your reading!
I hope your shopping goes well! Mr. Bookwyrm hauled the old washer to the landfill today. They have a section for appliances, so hopefully someone can scavenge the good parts from it. Have a great weekend!
Those colored Ngaio Marsh covers look great. I hadn’t heard of that author before, will have to check out some of his books. Yay for your new washing machine. Too bad your old one died tough and you have to wait a bit till the new one arrives. Have a great week!
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #307
She’s good but dated, and there is a bit of unconscious race and class prejudice lurking in some of her books. But then, there’s a little of that in Christie and other Marsh contemporaries as well.