The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
Last Week
After yesterday’s big curbside-pickup grocery run, I think I have everything in the house I need for holiday cooking and baking, except the turkey. Alas, I couldn’t get the ready-to-cook, freezer-to-oven bird I wanted, because Walmart and the local grocery store were both out. I’ll try again next week, and get a regular frozen turkey if I can’t get the oven-ready type.
As far as Christmas shopping goes, most of what I have left to buy are virtual presents — books and audiobooks — and there’s less pressure on those because they don’t have to be shipped. I do still have some knitting projects to finish up, though, so that and decorating will be my focus this week.
Thinking ahead to 2021
Looking at my blog, it’s clear that in addition to affecting my reading habits, the pandemic has exacerbated the issues I was already having with consistency and scheduling. I’m going to give some thought to what’s next for the blog in the next few weeks. I don’t plan to give it up, but I’m not sure whether to try shaking things up a bit, or just keep doing what I’m doing and hope I can work my way back to more frequent posting and reviewing. Just curious — what do you like best when you stop by? Also, have you ever participated in The Backlist Reader Challenge, and would you like to see it continue?
Last Week on the Blog
- Sunday Post – 11/29/2020
- News & Notes – 12/05/2020
- Sunday Post – 12/06/2020 – this post
This Week on the Blog
- A Deadly Edition by Victoria Gilbert – review and character interview
- WIP Wednesday – tentative
- News & Notes – 11/28/2020 – tentative
- Sunday Post – 11/29/2020 – tentative
What I’m Reading/Watching

Reading: I’m just finishing up A Deadly Edition for next Wednesday’s blog tour post. Over the last month or so, I have been rereading Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton series and Emily March’s Eternity Springs series; this week, I reread March’s Reflection Point and Miracle Road (the latter of which I reviewed years ago.) But overall it wasn’t a great week for reading, for some reason.
Listening to: Mostly podcasts this week. Several episodes of Smart Podcast, Trashy Books, and a couple of episodes of The Allusionist; Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me; and 99% Invisible.
Watching: We continued watching Aerial America and watched the first episode of Star Trek: Discovery, season 3. We also started in on the Christmas movies with Frosty the Snowman and Rudolf, the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
Playing: Carcassonne, Merge Magic, and Dragonvale.
Added to the Hoard
Purchased (Kindle, print, or audio)

Print: Kindle: Daughter of Smoke and Bone; An Extraordinary Union; Sea Swept; A Summer for Scandal (Click title for Goodreads page.)
You make me think I need to catch up on Star Trek. Oh well, reading, reviewing, blogging, visiting, watching stuff, it’s hard to do it all, isn’t it ? If you need a break, take it, if you want to revamp the blog, have fun 🙂 I personaly like to read book reviews, book haul but also, like on the sunday post, know how people are doing 😉
Hey Lark, I usually pop by and enjoy these Sunday Posts very much and while I haven’t taken part in your Backlist Reader Challenge, it sounds like something I should!😅
And thank you – I hope you and yours will stay safe and healthy, and that you will find books a haven in the coming week.🙂
jessicabookworm recently posted…🙏 Sunday Reflection | 6th December 2020
Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books
I too am thinking of what to do with my blog in 2021… This year, I’ve struggled in a big way and I know the pandemic and its knock-on effects are to blame but I don’t want it to be the thing that makes me quit. (I’ve tried quitting blogging before and lasted 6 months before I started again with Sunny Buzzy Books, lol. Quitting doesn’t stick. I miss it.) So, change – of some sort – it is!
I’ve been doing the a backlist challenge (beat the backlist) for the past couple of years and though I like it, I’m thinking of cutting the challenges down or out next year. Plus, I’m not sure how much attention people pay to the posts anyway and they’re a lot of work to prepare as you’ve got to actively track what’s what, you know?
Good luck with whatever you choose to do with the blog to switch it up. Maybe more crafty posts? I’m personally fascinated by the spinning you do… 🙂
Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books recently posted…Weekly Update #130
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
It can be hard to develop a blog schedule that works for you, especially when real life often changes or interferes. I actually don’t have much of a backlist so I don’t participate in your challenge, but I think it’s a good one 🙂 Im an oddity in that I’m more likely to read reviews more than anything, though I also do my best to comment on this post every week. I hope you find what works for you!
Wishing you a great reading week
Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out recently posted…It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #SundayPost #SundaySalon
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits
I know what you mean about needing to shake up the blog a bit. I have that issue now and again. Usually for me, changing up my posting schedule helps (often—though not always—making it less structured).
I have participated in the Backlist Reader Challenge, but I tend to forget to update it. For example, I don’t know when the last 2020 update I added was. I wouldn’t blame you for not wanting to continue it; year-long things are not always enjoyable to run.
My favorite posts are just seeing what you read, honestly. While I enjoy the other updates as well, if I had to pick one favorite it’s the books. We have similar enough tastes that I can often get new rec’s from your posts, so I like those. 🙂
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted…Holiday Linkity 2020
I love reading the posts you write about the books you’re reading or have read. And I’ve participated in your Backlist Readers Challenge twice and had a lot of fun both times. I should have done it this year because when my library closed I ended up reading a ton of books off my own shelves. Oh well, Hindsight is 2020. Good luck figuring out what you want to do with your blog. 😀
Lark recently posted…A Christmas Romance…
I know a lot of us have been wondering what the next step is when it comes to blogging in 2021, so you’re definitely not alone. But it is an avenue to connect with kindred spirits and to get some news and points out to the masses. Yay for getting most of your ordering done.I remember years and years ago that I used to ask for a gift certificate for books. As much as everyone knew that I was a hardcore reader, not one person ever gave me books or that gift certificate.(lol) No turkey for me for Christmas. I’m torn between a cheeseburger or a roast.(lol) Stay safe and be well! Hugs, RO
Congrats on having the Christmas shopping almost done. I have bought my husband’s gifts, 1 for Dante, 1 for a friend and that’s it. I don’t even know who all I still need to buy for, but it’s a lot of people for sure. And time is ticking… we may be doing lots of digital gifts this year because I am not going to a crowded store.
Blogging – well I’ve had my ups and downs and honestly (from my experience), I think you just do you and we’ll all be there for the ride. I’ve had months with only 1 post and then times, like right now, where my blogging mojo feels strong and I have posts scheduled for weeks ahead. Somehow, the same people are always there, regardless of what end of the spectrum I’m on… with a few additions when I’m doing better.
Personally, Sunday Posts are my absolute favorite – I like hearing about what everyone has going on in their personal life. Good luck figuring out what works for you. OH and your backlist challenge is great IMO, though I probably won’t participate because I just can’t handle too much.
Have a great week!
Berls recently posted…Just a Few Pretty Covers
My consistency hasn’t been great the last few months but I’m trying to get back into it a little bit because I do enjoy it. I’m just trying to decide what I really enjoy most and focus on that. I think we will be here for whatever you decide so I hope you come up with a plan you love. Sunday Posts are probably one of my favorites because they’re a bit more personal. I haven’t done the backlist challenge because I’m terrible at challenges but I do love seeing reviews for older books. I hope you’re having a lovely week.
I’ve been hearing a lot about Star Trek from my boss this week, he’s really enjoying it, I may give it a try!
Heather recently posted…#Blogmas – Best Reads of 2020 – Best Series