The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
This Week
I am still quite busy with work, hence no reviews last week. Hopefully, I’ll have a brief break this week before the next demanding project comes in on Friday.
We’re over two weeks into Tour de Fleece, with a week to go. We hope to schedule a couple of get-togethers (one virtual, one live) to wrap things up next weekend.
My sympathies to everyone experiencing these horrible heat waves, particularly in parts of the world where air conditioning is less common than it is here in Virginia. While I do have AC now, I spent whole summers at camp as a child, living in cabins or tents, so I remember how hard it is to cool off without it. This Twitter thread is full of useful ideas for keeping cool(er) for those who don’t have AC.
Recent Posts
- Sunday Post – 7/10/2022
- Sunday Post – 7/17/2022 – this post
Looking Ahead
- – Top Ten Tuesday; tentative
- A Duchess by Midnight – review, tentative
- Sunday Post – 7/24/2022
What I’ve Been Reading/Watching

Reading: I’m currently buddy-reading The Secret of Bow Lane (Jennifer Ashley; ARC) with Sophia Rose of Books of My Heart. Due to a stressful week, I’ve mostly been rereading: Eclipse, Sailor’s Jewel, and The Hare and the Oak, all by Celia Lake, and The Fairy Godmother by Mercedes Lackey (my review.) I’m currently rereading The Sleeping Beauty, another book in the same series.
Next up on the “first time” reading front is The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna, which I’ll be buddy-reading with Lenore of Celebrity Readers.
Listening to: Nothing until I finish this index project, but then I plan to dive into A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers. I can’t wait!
Watching: I haven’t had time, and what time I have had, I preferred to spend reading.
Added to the Hoard this week
Purchased (Kindle, print, or audio)

Kindle: Threads of Life; Absence of Mallets; Touchstones: A Collection; All the Queen’s Men; The Ogress and the Orphans; Death in Castle Dark; Magic Strikes; A Letter to Three Witches; The Jane Austen Project. (Click title for Goodreads page or my review.)
Audiobooks: Threads of Life; A Prayer for the Crown-Shy. (Click title for Goodreads page.)
Jenni Elyse
Yay! I’m so glad you’re enjoying Tour de Fleece. Does it go for the whole month? I don’t know much about the Tour de France so I’m not sure how the Tour de Fleece is structure either. I hope work calms down for you. 😀 I also hope you enjoy your week.
Jenni Elyse recently posted…Sunday Post #27
It goes for a little over 3 weeks. It started this year on July 1, and ends on July 24. Thank you for the good wishes!
It’s wild, we had AC as a kid but it was a window unit, I was grown up before we ever had central air. wouldn’t want to live without it now lol!
Death in Castle Dark looks fun, and yay for Chambers! I always enjoy her work.
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #461
People in the northern parts of the US, in parts of the Southwest, and across Europe are much less likely to have AC. Our Robin doesn’t have it, and 10 years ago, wouldn’t really have needed it in their high-altitude mountain desert town. There was usually only one really hot month before the monsoons started, and they would cool things off each day. Now it’s hotter even in monsoon season, and although the monsoons started early this year, most or the past 10 years they’ve been coming later.
Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer
Agreed about the heat waves. I remember as a kid we did not have central air and during heat waves we kids would sleep in sleeping bags under the window unit in the dining room. I cannot imagine these 90, 100+ plus days without some relief. Between that, the fires, flooding and droughts you think people would get on board with climate control.
Hope your week is a good one!
You would think so. It’s really sad how many people, especially politicians and folks in big business, aren’t willing to make changes that would make a difference. Do they not understand that we’re already paying a significant financial price for the climate change we have already experienced? (Fighting massive fires across the West and Southwest, losing crops due to drought, more and more flood damage, and so on.) SMH.
I can’t imagine how the people in the UK are getting through the heat. So tough! Hope you get a much needed break and have a good week!
Tessa recently posted…Sunday Post 86: Another Leak But Otherwise Quiet
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews
I loved Death in Castle Dark. I just finished the second book in the series and loved that too. You had a great book haul this week.
When I was younger we didn’t have a/c in every room. We didn’t even have it in our cars. Now, I can’t imagine living without it. Of course then I was living in New York and now I’m in Florida…so, I guess I can’t really compare. LOL
Hope you have a great week!
Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews recently posted…The Weekend Review – July 16th-18th
You have been busy! I hope you get a break soon and can have a break. The heat wave is terrible. We just got central air in our home 2 years ago, and it’s been wonderful.
Wendy recently posted…Sunday Post #49
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books
That was so nice that you shared the Twitter thread for those dealing with the terrible heatwave. I live in Florida so AC is a fact of life. It’s hard to imagine being without in that kind of heat. I hope you enjoy some great reading this week. Take care!
Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted…The Sunday Post #295 | July 17, 2022
Anne - Books of My Heart
While we grouse about the heat, we have AC that works well. We only had a window unit as kids. And even as an adult I lived in a lot of places with radiator heat because central air would blow dust and mold and allergens into the air. Radiator heat did not. But I’ve had central air for the past 20 years which is also how long I have taken Allegra and have not had problems anymore. The cost may be high but we are staying cool. I really worry about those with little or no resources to deal with the wild weather changes. And yes, I wish politicians and business people would get a clue.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…🎧Terrible Personal Shopper by Laura Burton
Diana @ Book of Secrets
I remember when Harlequin launched the Luna imprint. I’m thinking The Fairy Godmother was the first one. I thought the cover was so gorgeous (still do!). Enjoy your week!
Diana @ Book of Secrets recently posted…Weekend Update — Mid-July
Tour de Fleece sounds like it’s going well and I’m glad you’re enjoying it! As much as I prefer hot weather to cold, I can’t imagine trying to weather these 110-115 degree days without the AC. Good luck with the indexing!
I can’t imagine life without AC! My grandmother was a huge fan of the movies and partly because it was the only place with air conditioning when she was a teenager and up. Right before WWII she and her husband managed a movie theater in a little Alabama town and they used to stay late and screen movies so they could stay cool longer. I loved Death in Castle Dark. There’s a theatrical element that’s fun and a bit different. Have a wonderful week!