The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!

This week I’m also participating in The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz, and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality.
Last Week
In real life: Mr. Bookwyrm flew home last weekend, but I stayed on to spend a little more time with Robin and my parents and sister and her family. It was a quiet week, but restful and with plenty of family time. This coming weekend, I’ll head to Utah to spend a week or two with my other set of parents. (I am so blessed to have all four of them not only living, but in fairly good shape and still independent!)
Kindle frustrations: Late this week, I tried to open a book on my Kindle Paperwhite, and got an error message. Repeatedly. The message said the book wasn’t available on my Kindle, and deleting and reloading it made no difference. In the end, after nearly three hours spent trying to find a solution that didn’t involve a factory reset, I gave up and did the factory reset. (It takes your Kindle back to the factory settings. From there, you have to reregister the Kindle to give it access to your Kindle library on Amazon.) That means that everything that was on my Kindle (which was a lot) will have to be reloaded from my Kindle library on Amazon before I can read it. For now, I have reloaded a bunch of ARCs that I have either coming up and a bunch I have already read but still need to review. I also reloaded the Celia Lake series I’m currently rereading. I’ll pull up other books as I decide to read them.
Recent Posts

- Sunday Post – 8/20/2023
- News & Notes – 8/26/2023
- Sunday Post – 8/27/2023 – this post
Looking Ahead
- Monthly Wrap-Up – August 2023
- Sunday Post – 9/03/2023
What I’ve Been Reading/Watching

Reading: I finished rereading Wards of the Roses by Celia Lake, and went on to reread Winter’s Charms, Goblin Fruit, and started rereading On the Bias. I’m nearly finished reading Murder at the Merton Library by Andrea Penrose (ARC), which I am buddy-reading with Sophia Rose. I’m also partway through both Claws and Contrivances (Stephanie Burgis) and Anything with Nothing, a Valdemar short-story anthology that includes a novella by Mercedes Lackey (both books are ARCs.)
Listening to: I still haven’t started Shattered by Kevin Hearne, but I need to read it before Sept. 10. And I will continue with Season 6 of the Writing Excuses podcast as soon as I get back from visiting my family.
Playing: Wordle and the NYT Spelling Bee, and Robin and I have played a fair bit of Pokemon Go. We also played Rummikub and Wingspan over at my sister’s house.
By the way, if you play Pokemon Go, I’d love to friend you! Drop a note in the comments and I’ll send you my trainer code via email.
Watching: Robin introduced me to Kiki’s Delivery Service, which I loved!
Added to the Hoard
For Review or Consideration

Many thanks to Avon for The Bright Spot and to Berkley for The Lily of Ludgate Hill! I’m excited to read both of these, because I’ve really been enjoying both series so far.
Purchased or Free (Kindle, print, or audio)

Kindle: Wyrde and Wayward; Gate Sinister; Burning Bright; The Golden Spider; Tall and Dark; Intellivore; The Tea Master and the Detective; Nectar for the God. (There were several big indie-fantasy-and-SF sales this week. Each of these books was $0.99, and most were recommended by other authors I follow.)
(Click title for Goodreads page.)
Anne - Books of My Heart
It’s wonderful you have the family time. I gave up on my Kindle devices a year or so ago and read / listen to everything on my phone. You have almost 2 weeks yet for Shattered and it’s another good one.
Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…LIBRARY LOVE BINGO Results #GIVEAWAY #LibraryLoveChallenge #Giveaway @BooksofMyHeart @angels_gp #COYER
I can only read for brief periods on my phone. For some reason, it causes much more eyestrain than the e-ink Kindle Paperwhite, and after a short while, I start to see double in each eye. (In other words, the astigmatism in my eyes causes each eye to see two images, one just slightly off from the other.) It affects my distance vision as well, until the effect wears off (which can take 15-20 minutes.) So while it would be really convenient to read on my phone, I have to keep it to a minimum. 🙁
I love the sound of Celia Lake’s books and I’ve just also got hold of the Patrick Samphire book, having very much enjoyed the first one in the series during July:)). Glad you had an enjoyable holiday and sorry about the Kindle issue! How every annoying:((. Have a great week.
Barb @ Booker T's Farm
It must have been the week for Kindle snafus. Mine started beeping it had moisture in the port every time I went to charge it. There was no way it did an after 2 days, I decided to start experimenting. If it meant an upgrade so be it. Finally have figured out if I turn it off to charge it, it seems to do okay so it’s a work around for now. How frustrating!
Barb @ Booker T’s Farm recently posted…A Late Farm News – August 28, 2023
Oh, geez, that must be so frustrating and annoying! I hope it cleared up eventually?
Rachel @Waves of Fiction
Such a bummer to have Kindle issues and worse that you had to do a factory reset! I have so many books on mine and I know they’re in my kindle library online, but still. What a hassle.
Nice to hear you’re enjoying your stay. I’ve enjoyed your beautiful photos on Instagram.
I still haven’t started Shattered either. Must get to it soon. I’m also looking forward to The Bright Spot and The Lily of Ludgate Hill!
Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted…Review: Mixed Signals by B.K. Borison
It was frustrating initially, but honestly, I realized I had too many books on the Kindle anyway. And since I can’t keep my whole Kindle library on the Kindle (I have over 3000 books!), I have to move books on and off the Kindle as I want to read them, anyway.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the photos on Instagram! I had a great time in NM, and now I’m having a nice but quiet time in Utah.
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
I saw some of those $0.99 sale books too, but I already owned most of the ones I wanted to read. I’m glad you found some good picks!
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…Book Review: Emergent Properties (Aimee Ogden)
Some of those were recommended by Stephanie Burgis, whose books I really like. 🙂
Oh how frustrating about your Kindle! It was a big enough pain when I got a new Kindle but I imagine having to do it after a factory reset is even more irritating. I’m trying to get Will to watch Kiki’s Delivery Service. I think he’d love it – especially since a cat is a main character. Have a great week!
Katherine recently posted…Cursed at Dawn – Paranormal Mystery Review
It was frustrating, but honestly, I can’t read 400+ books at a time, so now that I’ve reloaded the ARCS I need to read (plus the entirety of my current rereading obsession), I’m just loading books as I want to read them, the removing them after I review them.
I agree, I think Will would love Kiki’s Delivery Service! It’s so charming, and the cat is great.