Sunday Post – 7/07/2024

July 7, 2024 Sunday Post 6

The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!

This week I’m also participating in The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz, and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality.

The Past Week

In real life: I hope my US readers had a safe and happy Fourth of July. I spent a few hours in the morning at an outdoor event put on by a nearby historical society, but left shortly after noon when I couldn’t stand the heat anymore. It was fun, though. They had some costumed interpreters/reenactors from the Revolutionary War period, including a blacksmith, a wigmaker, a surgeon, a soldier, and several sailors. The live music included a pipe band and a musical group that specializes in sea chanties and other songs of the 18th and 19th centuries. I was there, along with several of my fiber-guild friends, to demonstrate spinning and weaving—in my case, spinning on a drop spindle (also known as “spindling.”) In the evening, Mr. Bookwyrm and I avoided the rain and watched the national fireworks display on PBS.

Speaking of spinning, Tour de Fleece is in full swing. In addition to the July 4 event, I spent last Sunday afternoon at the Guild studio for an in-person spinning meetup, and I hosted a virtual spinning meetup via Zoom on Tuesday evening. Friday night was First Friday, when all the arts places in the nearby small city are open for the evening, including the building that houses our Guild’s studio… so I was there again for a few hours with several other spinners. And this afternoon there’s another in-person meetup in the studio.

Next week won’t be quite as busy, just the Sunday and Tuesday get-togethers. But we really, really need to push now on both packing up the house to get the floors replaced (end of July) and for our family vacation/reunion with Mr. Bookwyrm’s family coming up soon.

Decluttering: I moved the rest of my signed books downstairs. Now I need to box up the rest of my books and clear out my office.

Writing accountability: My minimum goal is an achievable 250 words every day (fiction or other creative writing; book reviews for the blog don’t count.) Unfortunately, I didn’t do too well this week. I wrote 2 days this week. Word count for the week: 1185 words of fiction (my goal was 1,750 total for the week.) I am using 4theWords to gamify my writing sprints, and I signed up for the July Camp NaNoWriMo with a month-long goal of 7500 words.

Recent Posts

Looking Ahead

  • reviews TBD
  • Sunday Post – 7/14/2024

What I’ve Been Reading/Watching

Reading and Listening: I started rereading The Spellshop (Sarah Beth Durst; ARC) so I could write the review. And then, because the national and international news has been so depressing and anxiety-provoking recently, I reread a familiar favorite where the dangers are dire but completely fictional, and where Good—and love—eventually triumph: Stars of Fortune (reviewed 5/05/17), Bay of Sighs, and Island of Glass, all by Nora Roberts.

I’m also slowly making my way through How To Read Novels Like a Professor, by Thomas C. Foster.

Listening to: Just podcasts this week.

Watching: We finished Season 10 of The Brokenwood Mysteries. I started watching a series on Netflix about Britain’s great castles.

Playing: Some of the NYT word games, mostly Wordle, Connections, Strands, and my favorite, the Spelling Bee. I also played Pokémon Go occasionally.

Added to the Hoard

Purchased or Free (Kindle, print, or audio)

Kindle: Nine-Tailed; Daughter of Fire; The Dark Lord’s Daughter; The Scandalous Confessions of Lydia Bennet, Witch; Main Character Energy;

(Click title for Goodreads page.)

Stay kind and hopeful… and may your books bring you joy this week!

6 Responses to “Sunday Post – 7/07/2024”

  1. Anne - Books of My Heart

    With the holiday, regular schedules get juggled. We didn’t really do anything to celebrate other than grill out and have corn on the cob. I was happy to have it just a little cooler earlier in the week and perhaps some rain this next week.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post
    Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…An Art Lover’s Guide to Paris and Murder by Dianne Freeman @difreeman001 @diannefreemanwrites @KensingtonBooks @Austenprose @sophiarose1816My Profile

  2. Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    I worked on the 4th, but in my town they don’t do fireworks. There’s too much risk for a wildfire. I was happy to not hear a single firecracker go off. So was my cat, lol! Sounds like you had a wonderful 4th. I enjoyed your pictures on Instagram for the event and to see your beautiful yarn! Yes, the news has been disturbing, right? I have to change channels and immerse myself into fiction where I can get justice and a happy ending, too. I want to start The Brokenwood Mysteries. You’re the second blog I’ve seen recommend it. Have a great week!
    Rachel @Waves of Fiction recently posted…Sunday Post #257My Profile

  3. Katherine

    We spent 4th of July on the beach which is about the only place that isn’t miserably hot right now! I really want to reread that Nora Roberts trilogy. I love the first book especially. I hope you’re having a wonderful week.

  4. Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits

    I haven’t been spinning lately (too much else going on to start a new spin) and I miss it. Hopefully I’ll pick something up again soon.

    My dad got me into the NYT word games recently, and I’ve been having fun with them! Though I still don’t play Wordle. (I developed a dislike for it early on because of friends spoiling the answer and haven’t tried it again since.) I really like Strands and Connections and the Mini, though.
    Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…FO Friday: Rainbow Yoshi Cross StitchMy Profile

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Some of her early romances are a bit dated, but she excels at good romantic suspense, and I enjoy her contemporary fantasy novels as well.

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