Sunday Post – 2/09/2024

February 9, 2025 Sunday Post 5

The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!

This week I’m also participating in The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz, and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Marlene at Reading Reality.

The Past Week

In real life: Every time I think the news can’t get worse… it gets worse. At least people are starting to push back via protests, lawsuits, and calling their senators and representatives. I’m having to strictly ration my social media and news consumption; it’s ramping up my anxiety and making my stomach hurt.

Mr. Bookwyrm will be back in the office full-time beginning week. I have really enjoyed having him work from home several days of the week over the last several years, and the house feels very empty when he’s not here. If I didn’t spend so many weeks away throughout the year (mostly visiting family), I would be looking for a nice pair of kittens or young cats to keep me company. As things are, I guess I’ll have to find more activities that get me out of the house and interacting with people, while still leaving me time to get my actual work done.

We celebrated Valentine’s Day early, because I have to catch an early flight on the 15th; I’ll be too busy on the 14th getting ready for my trip. I’m headed to Utah to celebrate my dad’s birthday.

5 Good Things:

  1. I stopped at my local (county) library and renewed my library card. I hadn’t been in there since the pandemic because I’ve been using the much larger regional library system, but I was pleasantly surprised at the way their collection has grown. And they had a copy of the latest Nora Roberts on the shelf, so I checked it out. Score! (I’ve been on the hold list at the regional library since October, and I was still at least a couple of weeks away from getting a copy.) I still love the regional library, but I figure you can never belong to too many libraries—the more books, the better! Another plus: the county library has a small maker lab, which includes an embroidery machine, a 3D printer, a button maker, and a bunch of Cricut machines It’s closer and more convenient than the regional library’s (much larger) maker space. I will appreciate having access to either one.
  2. Mr. Bookwyrm assembled a new DVD storage shelf for our DVDs and BluRays.
  3. The hour-and-a-half drive each way to see my rheumatologist gave me lots of audiobook listening time.
  4. I found a critical item that we haven’t been able to find for nearly 6 months. Yay!
  5. Mr. Bookwyrm brought me lovely roses for an early Valentine’s Day gift.

Recent Posts

Looking Ahead

  • TTT Love Freebie – Top 10 Tuesday, tentative
  • The Lost Flock, by Jane Cooperreview
  • WIP Wednesday – a look at what I’m making (tentative)
  • other reviews TBD
  • Sunday Post – 2/09/2025

What I’ve Been Reading/Watching

Reading: I read Murder at King’s Crossing by Andrea Penrose. I reread Inheritance by Nora Roberts (reviewed in 2024) to refresh my memory before I dive into The Mirror today for the Libraries & Love readathon. I started Weaving Hope by Celia Lake. I also started another of my library books, Miss Amelia’s List by Mercedes Lackey, but I had to return it before I finished it; I’ll borrow it again when I get back from my trip. And I’m still reading Bayou Moon by Ilona Andrews for the read-along hosted by Books of My Heart… although I won’t be able to attend the live chat for this one, because it’s at the same time as my dad’s birthday party. I’m also reading

Listening to: Needing something calming and without any suspense to counteract my anxiety over the state of the world, I listened to The Lost Flock by Jane Cooper (borrowed from Hoopla; review scheduled.) I’ll go back to The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd soon. My second library hold for Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays the Rent (Dame Judi Dench) has still not come in.

Watching: Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 2 (rewatch). Also cat videos, because we are in dire need of cuteness and laughter right now.

Playing: Pokemon Go, occasionally. Wordle, Connections, Strands, Spelling Bee, and Sudoku (all from the NYT.) And way too much Wingspan.

Added to the Hoard

(Click title for Goodreads page or my review.)

Library Haul

Library: The Mirror

Purchased (Kindle, print, or audio)

Kindle: Museum of Magic; The Beast Takes a Bride; This Will Be Fun; Weaving Hope; Truly Madly Magically

Stay kind, hopeful, and steadfast… and may your books bring you joy this week!

5 Responses to “Sunday Post – 2/09/2024”

  1. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I’m also disturbed by the radical actions happening in government by the unelected, unvetted and unqualified and unfit. I hope you have a really good trip for the birthday celebration though we will miss you at the chat. Thanks for finding some good things.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  2. mae

    Some days I find myself rereading the same headlines over and over, as if that might make them go away. Nothing is going to make this situation go away.

  3. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    I ordered a copy of The Happy Writer, but I’m still waiting to hear from the bookshop that it has arrived.

    It’s a stressful time, so I’m doing everything I can to support the people who are speaking up for what is right for all of the people in our country. It doesn’t feel like much, but I do feel better when I send an email of support.
    Deb Nance at Readerbuzz recently posted…The Sunday Salon: Winter Birdwatching on the Bluewater HighwayMy Profile

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