The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimberly, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
This Week
I’m still working on the index. I had a Spinners and Weaver’s Guild meeting on Saturday, and I have a Zoom reading of Twelfth Night this afternoon. I’ll be reading Viola, which is a role I’ve always wanted to play. And as of Friday, we are fully vaccinated — hurray! But given the transmission rates in our area, and the rise of several variants, we won’t change our habits very much for the time being.
Recent Posts
- Easter Sunday Post – 4/04/2021
- Sunday Post – 4/11/2021 – this post
Looking Ahead
- Google celebrates Johannes Gutenberg
- News & Notes – 4/17/2021 – tentative
- Sunday Post – 4/18/2021 – tentative
What I’m Reading/Watching

Reading: I finished rereading Storm Warning and started Storm Rising… but I barely read at all this week. Most unusual for me.
Listening to: Just a few podcasts: Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, The SheepSpot Podcast, The Allusionist, and Smart Bitches, Trashy Podcast.
Watching: Campion and Warehouse 13, along with Stephen Colbert and Trevor Noah.
Added to the Hoard
Purchased (Kindle, print, or audio)
Print: Pride and Prejudice. (I already have a gorgeous collectible edition, but I bought a used paperback that I can read and mark up… something I rarely do with books, but want to try.)
Kindle: A few too many to check links for, when I have an index breathing down my neck. I’ll give you the whole list next week.
Anne - Books of My Heart
Yay for the vaccine! I hope you get a bit more balance once the index is completed.
Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Sunday Post – 11 April 2021
Me too!
Yay to everyone getting vaccinated, and I totally agree, that we’re not quite ready for dancing on tables yet without masks(lol) Though the WWE is celebrating Wrestlemania in Florida this weekend (yesterday and today), and the crowds were over the top, with lots of closeness and very few masks. Nope, I’m not a fan of wrestling, but a close friend is, and when I saw that crowd it was shocking. I’m hearing that lots of readers are really reading as much these days, but hopefully that will start to pick back soon. Be well and sending lots of hugs, RO
I really thought I would read more because of the pandemic, but on the whole it hasn’t worked that way. (I thought I would knit and spin more, too. And exercise more. And eat less. Oh, well!)
I haven’t seen the Wrestlemania photos, but I’ve seen other indications that people think this is over. It isn’t. And because they won’t distance, it’s likely to surge again, even though people are getting vaccinated. (And especially because too many people say they won’t get vaccinated.) Sigh.
Thank you for the good wishes, and for coming by, RO. I hope you have an awesome week!
Stephanie @Once Upon a Chapter
Good luck with that indexing! I know you’ve been working hard on it. March and April (so far) has been a huge reading slump for me! Here’s to hoping we get more reading in this week! 😉
Stephanie @Once Upon a Chapter recently posted…The Sunday Post {4/11/21}
I’ll drink to that! (Metaphorically, at least.)
Pride and Prejudice… always a treat. Happy re-reading.
That’s great that you will be getting the vaccine. Hopefully it’s the beginning of some kind of normalcy.
Hope you have a great week!
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits
Hooray for the vaccine! Hopefully the caseload will calm down again as more people get vaccinated. I don’t see us changing our habits much after we eventually get vaccinated either, though, at least not until the transmission rates look like they’re under control.
Nicole @ BookWyrm Knits recently posted…BookWyrm’s Alphabeticals ~ Y
Most of my extended family agree, as does my doctor. He did say we could consider seeing other vaccinated people one household at a time, if that household was also being cautious… but since we have no family close by, I think we will continue to err on the side of caution for now. I might consider seeing a fully-vaccinated friend outdoors, at a distance. I would really love to visit with my dear friend and music mentor at some point.
That’s great about the vaccine! I’ve had my first dose so far. Pride and Prejudice Is a favorite, sometimes I can’t help buying another copy if I see a pretty version of it.
Happy reading this week.
Bookworm recently posted…Sunday Post/Mailbox Monday 4/11/2021: Updates
I’m glad you’ve had your first dose! If enough of us get vaccinated, we might be able to see friends and family again. 🙂
Yay for being fully vaccinated! We will be soon but like you won’t really be changing our habits. It will still be such a relief. I’d really love to go back and listen to some of Shakespeare’s plays. My high school English lit teacher had us listen to audios of Macbeth and Hamlet and I really fell in love with them that way. But it’s been years since I either saw one performed or listened. Have a great week!
We are really fortunate to live only about two and a half hours from Staunton, VA, the home of the American Shakespeare Center. Their productions are wonderful, and it’s close enough to drive there and back on a Saturday. Back when we were homeschooling Robin, we used to go several times a year. Since Robin graduated, we don’t go as often, but we still try to get there at least once or twice a year—until the pandemic, of course. I have no idea when we will feel comfortable going back.