The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures – I mean books!
My Week
The semiannual Friends of the Library book sale was this week, and I actually managed to come home with only about 15 books for me and four for Robin. That’s due to a combination of factors: fewer books over all, fewer of the kind of books I’m looking for, and full shelves at home. Robin says we’ve already found a lot of the books we’re looking for, but I did go in with a long list of books and authors. There were hardly any cozy mysteries, and not a lot of relatively recent fantasy in hardcover or trade. And the romances were about a third of what they would have been four years ago. I think it’s partly that we’ve been in a recession, during which people weren’t buying as many books, and now they’re buying more ebooks. But I found some good titles anyway. And I went back and cashiered for the sale on Saturday. Anything to help the library!
Other than that, there’s not much news. I’ll be pretty busy this week – I have two indexing projects, plus I need to get the publicity materials started for the concert on May 17. I really need to catch up on reviews, somehow, but I don’t think it will be this week!
I’ve been reading some old favorites this week, getting ready for Elizabeth Goudge Week over at The Emerald City Book Reviews (starts ??) She’s one of my favorite authors, and I’m loving the excuse to delve into her books again.
The giveaway for Dawn Eastman’s A Fright to the Death ends tomorrow – don’t miss it!
Last Week on the Blog

- Tues. 4/14/15: Top Ten Inspiring Quotes from Books (Top Ten Tuesday)
- Thur. 4/16/15: Hold Me, by Susan Mallery (review)
- Sat. 4/18/15: News & Notes 4/18/15 – Gunter Grass has died; HC & Amazon’s agreement; the most banned books of 2014; Amazon sues fake review sites; Shakespeare “lost play” identified; 3-page passage cut from A Wrinkle in Time; more on the Hugo controversy; and a slew of fun and interesting lists. Plus LEGO libraries!
Next Week on the Blog
- Tues. 4/21/15: Top Ten All Time Favorite Authors (Top Ten Tuesday)
- Sat. 4/25/15: News & Notes – 4/25/15
- Rest of the week TBD
New Additions to the Hoard
For Review
Purchased for Kindle
From the library book sale (just mine, not Robin’s)

Moonheart (Charles deLint)
The Book of Atrix Wolfe (Patricia McKillip)
Trickster’s Choice (Tamora Pierce)
Tales from the Great Turtle (various)
Dragongirl (Todd McCaffrey)
Dragonsblood (Todd McCaffrey)
Dragonheart (Todd McCaffrey)
Unforgiven (Mary Balogh)
M’Lady Witch (Christopher Stasheff)
Uncertain Voyage (Dorothy Gilman)
Hot Ice (Nora Roberts)
Charmed & Enchanted (Nora Roberts)
The False Prince (Jennifer Nielsen)
Shadow and Bone (Leigh Bardugo)
The Moving Toyshop (Edmund Crispin)
Arsenic and Old Books (Miranda James)
Have a great week, everybody, and happy reading!
Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know
Sorry you didn’t get as many books as you hoped! It looks like you still got some good ones. Shadow and Bone reminds me that I still need to read Ruin and Rising! AH! So many books! Never enough time! Hope you enjoy them all! Have a great week!
Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know
Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know recently posted…Sunday Post – 145 & Stacking the Shelves – 103
Oh, I got plenty – more than I should have, probably! Seeing as how I haven’t come close to finishing the pile I bought at the last sale, that is. 😉 It was more that they didn’t have any of the specific things I was hoping to find – but I did find some nice books all the same!
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review
Your pile from the book sale looks gorgeous! Elizabeth Goudge Reading Week starts on Friday, April 24! It’s Goudge’s birthday as well as Anthony Trollope’s, an interesting coincidence. See you there!
Lory @ Emerald City Book Review recently posted…For Love and Money: Doctor Thorne
Doesn’t it just?! I was tickled about those Pern novels; they are in really good condition. (Sorry it took me a while to answer this – we’re in EG Reading Week now!)
Michelle@Because Reading
My daughter has a book fair as school this week and managed to sucked me, my mom and my dad into giving her money to get books. I can’t complain really but I am hoping this means she will start getting into read but she really can’t read yet but she is trying and it’s good to have a library started for her when she is ready.
Enjoy all your new books!
Have a great week and Happy Reading!!!
Michelle@Because Reading recently posted…Getting organized, then the Sims happened ~ WIR & TSP
She will get there, and all the sooner if she has books she has chosen for herself and really wants to read!
Laurel-Rain Snow
I also buy more e-books these days, but nothing feels quite like a nice stack of books. Enjoy!
Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
I do have a fondness (and a weakness) for print books, but I sure like the convenience and easy storage of ebooks!
Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
I went to my local library’s book sale yesterday as well. Definitely not as many books as usual. I almost picked up two of the books that I see you found!
Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf recently posted…Added to the Bookshelf – 4/19/15
Oh, that’s eerily coincidental – which ones?
Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
Trickster’s Choice and Charmed & Enchanted …I couldn’t for the life of me remember if I’d read the Donovans! lol
Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf recently posted…Teaser Tuesdays – Black Iris by Leah Raeder
And I couldn’t remember if I had either Charmed or Enchanted in the 3/4 full box of Roberts books I picked up at the last sale! (Hey, it was $5-per-box day!) I still don’t know – I’m afraid to look! 😉
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
Moonheart! One of my fave books. de Lint was my gateway to urban fantasy; a college friend loaned my his books and I’ve been reading urban fantasy ever since. Happy sigh.
I skipped a library sale yesterday; I just have too many unread books as is. I never thought of taking a list with me; I just browse and see what they have.
Once Upon A Curse looks interesting. I skipped your Mallery review since it’s still in my TBR review pile but I’ll come back eventually to read it.
Good luck this week!
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Sunday Book Share #137
I’ve been meaning to read deLint for a while, but never have. I picked up another of his fantasy books at the last sale; I hope I can get at least one read this year! I was a lot pickier about what I bought at this sale, but most of what I picked up wasn’t on my list. Oh, well!
Bummer about the limited selection at the Friend’s of the Library sale..but in retrospect did you really need more..LOL Loving the dragon books in your haul. Enjoy Lark and hopefully this week is a calm one.
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #157 April Showers Bring May Flowers
You’re right, I really didn’t need a lot more books! 😉 I could easily spend a year or two just reading the physical books I own but haven’t read yet (let alone the Kindle books I haven’t read.) I keep thinking I ought to try that some year, but that would mean giving up reading new books by authors I already love and follow! And giving up NetGalley (gasp!) And I’m just not quite ready to do that. But at least I didn’t go overboard this time. 🙂
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
I haven’t been to a library sale in ages partly because I always got into so much trouble when I went. It does make sense why there are less books but it still looks like you did okay! I wondered if you were going to get Henrietta Who? I’m looking forward to that one and the newest Lynn Cahoon. I’ve enjoyed that series so far. Have a great week!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…This Week in Reading – April 19
I did request Henrietta Who, but more to make sure I would make time to review it, since I’ve read it at least three or four times already! I love Catherine Aird, and if her older books are coming out on Open Road, that’s great! I’ll be in line for them. I did get the newest Cahoon book, too – yay!
Leeanna @
Those are some nice hauls from the library sale! They look in good shape, too.
Leeanna @ recently posted…The Reading Machine [13] – April 19, 2015
Most of them are in really good shape – I was lucky! There’s one that’s not (The False Prince), but I have read and enjoyed it and wanted a copy, so the beat-up paperback will do for now!
R_Hunt @ View From My Home
I am mostly reading on my kindle for convenience, generally lesser price, e-book arcs, etc. but I love a good stack of used books! I love the feeling of being able to be impulsive and take a chance on a new to me title or author, because the price is minimal. Glad you had a good week and try to stay sane while you do your projects this week.
R_Hunt @ View From My Home recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up: 4/18- 4/19/15 + 10-Second Reviews
I read on my Kindle a lot, too – it’s easier to read in the dark when I have insomnia, for one thing, and then as you point out, ARCs and lower-priced books (I keep an eye on sales!) But I have a ton of print books to get through, including these new ones, most of them picked up for the same reason: they cost very little, so I can take a chance on them.
Thanks for the good wishes (and pay no attention to me procrastinating on my projects by answering comments! 😉 )
Love those library sales. Your stack looks great! Could you send some spring cleaning motivation my way?
Nise’ recently posted…Reading Wrap-Up/What Are You Reading?
If I had any to spare, I’d be glad to send it your way, but as it is, my cleaning motivation is pretty weak! 😉
laura thomas
Love the new books. Todd McCaffrey must be related to Anne. I loved The Dragonriders of Pern. Do these connect to that series.
laura thomas recently posted…What’s New On My Bookshelf #105 and The Sunday Post
Yes, Todd is Anne McCaffrey’s son. They collaborated in her later years, and he had her blessing to continue the Pern novels. I don’t love his books the way I do hers; they don’t have the same “feel”, but they are set in Pern, and they’re generally pretty readable. Todd isn’t writing Anne’s characters, though – his books are usually set in time periods that Anne didn’t really explore, like the long Interval before Dragonquest, or earlier Passes.
I always contribute to the library sale with books people or publishers have given me, but I’m not a book buyer myself.
I didn’t know about Eileen Gouge week, but I’m going to look into it. She’s one of my favorites, too.
Elizabeth recently posted…It’s Monday! What are you reading? 4/20
Hi, Elizabeth! Yes, I donate to the library sale, too, whenever I’m pruning my books – and then half the time I end up coming home with more than I donated! LOL
Actually, it’s Elizabeth Goudge Week. (I think Eileen Goudge is her great-niece or something like that.) Elizabeth Goudge wrote both children’s books (The Little White Horse, Linnets and Valerians, etc.) and adult novels (The Dean’s Watch, A City of Bells, Pilgrim’s Inn, etc.), some historical fiction and others set in her “present day” (the 1930s through 1960s.) I’ve loved her books since I was a child, so I’m having fun revisiting some of them.