Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The meme was originally the brainchild of The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Books.
This week’s topic actually fits well in my ongoing project of clearing out the books that don’t bring me joy. I went through my shelves of unread books, both physical and virtual, and pulled out some that have been hanging around for a long time. Let’s face it, if I haven’t read them yet, I’m probably not going to… and if I change my mind, there’s always the library and Amazon.
If you see a book you think was really good… that’s great. Really! I’m glad you enjoyed it. But I can’t read everything, and I’ve still got two whole bookcases of unread books to find time to read. There are more books in this world than anyone can read in a lifetime, and I’ve got to prioritize somehow!
Physical Books

- Catch as Cat Can (Claire Donally)
- Fat Cat at Large and Fat Cat Takes the Cake (Janet Cantrell)
- A Song for Arbonne (Guy Gavriel Kay)
- Unlock the Truth (Robena Grant)
- A Live Coal in the Sea (Madeleine L’Engle)
- The Girl Who Chased the Moon (Sarah Addison Allen)
- Vampires, Bones, and Treacle Scones (Kaitlyn Dunnett)
All of these will go to the used bookstore or the library’s booksale. (Most of them came from the library booksale, so it seems only fair to take them back there.)
Books from my Kindle Library

- Dead is the New Black (Christine D. Rice)
- Magic of Thieves (C. Greenwood) (not pictured)
- The Haunted Fixer-Upper (Rose Pressey)
- Game, Set, Match (Nana Malone)
- Shoe Strings (Christie Hayes)
- Moonlit (Jadie Jones) (not pictured)
- Another Saturday Night and I Ain’t Got No Body (Jennie Marts)
- Geoducks Are For Lovers (Daisy Prescott)
- Swan (Katherine Hole)
- How (Not) To Kiss a Toad (Elizabeth Reeves)
I’ve deleted these from my Kindle library. They were all freebies (not ARCs), so I didn’t even lose any money… but now I don’t have to feel guilty for not reading them.
Are there books you’ve decided no longer interest you?
Too many to list. And not all freebies.
Yes, I’m sure I can do more “pruning” of both my physical and virtual TBR shelves, too!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
Why the Sarah Addison Allen and Madelyn L’Engle. I don’t know much about those books but I like both the authors. There are a few freebies on my Kindle that I need to delete and probably more than a few physical books that I need to give away.
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…Family Tree – Contemporary Fiction Review
Well… as I said, I’ve had them for years and not gotten around to reading them. I do love L’Engle, but the plot of this particular book doesn’t really appeal to me for some reason. If I ever change my mind, I’m sure I can find a copy. Meanwhile, I’ll let the universe store them. 🙂
Sally Schmidt
Perfect timing for this post. When I started double-shelving print books and saw my Kindle and Nook were both in triple digits realized I can never read all of them and probably don’t want to read a lot of them, and as you say if I change my mind there is the library or Amazon. I do read books a second time but that is a small set, so if I enjoyed it isn’t it better to donate it and let someone else enjoy it, too? We go to a military base for our healthcare and the VA Clinic there has several book cases of books to read while waiting or take if you like, so I’ve been packing a bag of books to donate each time we go. As for the e-books, that lure of the freebies really gets you at the beginning, doesn’t it? I still probably download more than I need but I have limited it and also trying to win books. When I saw how many books I have on the shelves that I really did want to read years ago I know how caught up I got in just acquiring more. Just keep telling myself it’s okay to not read it at all, to stop reading it at any point if not enjoying it, and to actually delete e-books.
I do a lot of rereading of favorite books, and I enjoy being surrounded by books, so I don’t think I’ll be culling my shelves drastically. But there are some books I no longer want to read, and more books that I’ve read and probably won’t reread; all of those can go on to someone else.
With Kindle books, I’m more inclined to keep them if I think I might read them (or read them again), because they don’t actually have to be on my device. I just keep a selection of unread (or as-yet-unreviewed) books on my Paperwhite; the rest are stored in my Kindle library at Amazon, and I pull them onto my device as needed. My current Kindle library is over 1000 books… and about half are books I’ve read and will probably read again. In fact, I’ve been duplicating favorite books and series on Kindle as they go on sale (or as I can afford to.) In some cases, I’ve let the physical copy go, but in others, I also enjoy the physical copy, so I keep both: the physical book to read at home and the Kindle copy to read on the go.
Michelle @Because Reading
I have a shelf on my Kindle that is called No interested anymore before I go on a deleting spree I let them sit for a little bit and then recheck them, If i am still not interested I let them go. My physical books are mostly YA so I am hoping if I don’t read them eventually my daughter will. 🙂
Michelle @Because Reading recently posted…Currently I’m….Feb 20, 2018
What a great idea! I’m totally stealing it. 🙂
Literary Feline
I haven’t read any of these. I need to do another culling of my shelves as it has been awhile. I’ve done a couple of major ones in the past ten years, giving away hundreds of books. I have been a lot better about not buying physical books, but the e-books sure have added up!
Literary Feline recently posted…Where Is Your Bookmark? (A Peek at Pressed to Death & My First and Last Reads as a Book Blogger)
Rissi @ Finding Wonderland
I like what you say to open this post, talking about clearing out books that don’t bring you joy. Reading should be about joy and enjoying what we’re reading. Clearing out the books we don’t think we’ll read (and enjoy) is often the best feeling – plus it leaves room for MORE books. 🙂
Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland.
Rissi @ Finding Wonderland recently posted…Book #Giveaway | Be Transported to the Seas of the Caribbean