Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. The meme was originally the brainchild of The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Favorite Book Quotes.
Confession time: These aren’t necessarily my very favorite quotes, although some of them fall in that category. Instead, they are some of my favorite among the graphics I have created myself. I haven’t yet created graphics for all my favorite quotes, and some of them are too long to do well in a graphic, anway. But these are lovely quotes, and I have had fun turning them into graphics through the years.
Note: All images used were open license. Software and aps used include but are not limited to Corel, Canva, Pixabay, and a quote generator I can no longer find.

Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books)
I used that LeGuin quote as well. I also used one by Quindlen, although it’s different than the one above. As for bookish quotes I use most often, that last one is it! Ha ha.
Happy TTT!
Katy @alibrarymama
Thank you! These are lovely.
Katy @alibrarymama recently posted…Top 13 Books I Missed Reviewing in the Past Year for Top 10 Tuesday
Great list! Your quote graphics are amazing. My favorite quotes would probably be #3 and #5. I’ve never heard them before, and they speak to me anyway!
My TTT: https://steppingstonesbookreviews.blogspot.com/2020/09/top-ten-tuesdays-favorite-bookish-quotes.html
JadeSky recently posted…Top Ten Tuesdays: Favorite Book(ish) Quotes
Books more definitely are the carriers of civilization.
Lydia recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Humorous Book Quotes
These are amazing! I love how you’ve done them. Next time I want a quote with an awesome graphic I’m going to hire you to do it. 😀
Lark recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday
These are so pretty! I love that Anne Patchett quote – my sister and I talk about that issue all the time!
Sammie @ The Bookwyrm's Den
Love your choice of quotes! The Anne Patchett quote is basically the tagline of my life. xD I’m super good at collecting books to read, less good on the reading them part.
Here’s my TTT post.
Sammie @ The Bookwyrm’s Den recently posted…My Favorite Quotes From Sarcastic Characters
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits
This is a great take on the topic! I do love seeing your bookish graphics, but I never thought about the length of the quote being important before. (It obviously is, but since I don’t make graphics myself it never occurred to me.)
Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday ~ (Current) Favorite Book Quotes
Christopher @ Plucked from the Stacks
I think that quote by Anna Quindlen might be my favorite that I’ve read during this week’s theme. It perfectly encapsulates how I feel about reading—there’s no underlying reason that I read. I just love books! Thanks for shairng.
Great quotes 👍
Books are so important, it is what helps expand our knowledge and be able to learn and keep improving our self.
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