Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Ten Books I Plan To Have In My Beach Bag This Summer.
I’m probably not headed to the beach this summer, but I am going to a cabin on a lake – a week-long vacation with Mr. Bookwyrm’s family in the Minnesota Boundary Waters, followed by a few days on Mackinac Island. And I’ll be bringing along plenty of vacation reading! I only had one rule for today’s list: it has to be on my Kindle. (For three reasons: First, I have ARCs I need to read; second, I don’t want to haul around a bunch of print books; and third, I’m participating in the COYER challenge that starts June 20.)

Older Books From My TBR List
New Books

Will I get to all of these? Who knows! I will try to read the ARCs; other than that, I may stick to this list or read other books from my Kindle. I have a ton of mysteries and romances on Kindle, both new-to-me and re-reads, and a fair few fantasy books as well. The books above are books I want to read, but I will let my mood guide my choices. It’s my vacation, after all!
Rosy @ The Review Diaries
I’ve got Silver in the Blood to read too, I’m really looking forward to it. I hope you enjoy Grave Mercy – it’s the start of one of my favourite trilogies!
Rosy @ The Review Diaries recently posted…Top Ten Books I Plan to Have in my Beach Bag this Summer
I can hardly wait to start Silver in the Blood!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
I’m so behind on Balogh’s books and I don’t even know why. I always enjoy reading them but I just haven’t been picking them up. I’ve had The Escape for over a year and haven’t read it. I liked that Deborah Crombie and the Finch and Dare are on my TBR. Enjoy your reading and have a great vacation!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten Books I Want in My Beach Bag
Good to know you enjoyed that Crombie! I gave up on the one before it, not because it wasn’t good but because I just really didn’t like the adultery subplot. I’m just going to plow ahead with the series, and maybe go back to that one some other time.
Lianne @
Great list! I hope to get around to The Winter Sea this summer–or any one of Susanna Kearsley’s books on my TBR pile, lol 🙂
Lianne @ recently posted…Top Ten Tuesdays
Sounds like we’re both in the same boat – I have at least 5 unread Kearsley books on my Kindle, and four print books (with a little overlap.)
R_Hunt @ View From My Home
Nice choices, Lark! Good mix there. I’ve read a Jessica Day George so I would be interested in that one. I have Grave Mercy on my kindle, recommended by my eldest and started it but put it aside. I will need to start again and concentrate to get a handle on the world-building she is describing. The only Kearsley book I did read was The Winter Sea– very good! I know you keep recommending Crombie to me– I started the first one for a few chapters and found it too slow going. Of course first books in a long series aren’t always the best as they have to set up the setting and characters.
Since you are going to the same area that William Kent Kreuger lives and writes, I would suggest his Cork O’Connor series. It’s a more cerebral series than most, and concerns relationship with the residents of a nearby Native American rez as he is a police officer. Nice descriptions of the area, makes me want to go there!
R_Hunt @ View From My Home recently posted…TTT & First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros
Oh, I’m glad to hear you liked The Winter Sea! The first Crombie actually is fairly slow going – try the second one instead. Thank you for the recommendation re the Kreuger books. I’ll see if my library has any.
Debbie Haupt
I’ve got some of those on my lists, looks like all good choices and a nice genre mix too. Oh and a cabin on the lake is a slice of heaven. Have Fun!!
Well – three families in two cabins may get a little crowded, but we’ll have fun anyway!
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
What a lovely list and such a nice mix. Your vacation sounds lovely too. I like that you limited yourself to Kindle books, so much more practical than hauling around print books.
I’ve heard so many good things about The Winter Sea that I have it on my wishlist, along with about 800 other books. 😀
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Bea Reviews Flashback by Simon Rose
Thank you, Bea! “along with about 800 other books” – LOL! I can so relate.