Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Bookworm Delights
These aren’t in any particular order; they’re just things and experiences I love as a bookwyrm.
1. Spending the whole day reading. That’s a pleasure I rarely have time for anymore, but I have so many fond memories of reading the day away when I was younger.

2. Getting lost in the world of a book. ‘Nuff said.

3. Finding a book you’ve been searching for in a used bookstore or library book sale. Especially if you’ve been looking for it for a long time. It’s even more thrilling if it’s rare or out of print.
4. Being completely surrounded by bookshelves. Full ones, of course! Libraries and bookstores are some of my favorite places on earth. I can spend hours and hours there.
5. Rereading old favorites. It’s like spending time with an old friend.
6. Reveling in gorgeous prose. Some books are mostly about the story. But some books are a feast for the mind’s ear.
7. The feel and smell of books. Old or new, I enjoy the sensory experience.
8. Reading aloud. Sharing a book with others is a joy. Listening to someone I love reading aloud is also special.
9. New editions with gorgeous covers. Heck, any editions with gorgeous covers.
10. Special bookmarks. Whether it’s the beads-and-ribbon bookmark Robin made for me about 12 years ago, or the leather bookmark I got on a trip to Wales, or one of my collection of plasticized bookmarks from bookstores, I love bookmarks that make me smile.
[edited to add] Also these:
11. Signed copies of books I love. Especially when they’re inscribed to me.
12. Bookish mugs like my “Books turn Muggles into Wizards” mug from DFTBA.
13. Bookish totes, shirts, and accessories. Like the tote bag my Mom gave me with the Borges quote, “I have always imagined Paradise will be a kind of library.”
Image Sources: 1. via Pezibear, Pixabay; 2. Kiera Knightly, Pride and Prejudice, via Giphy; 3. Shelf search, via Giphy; 4. Belle in the bookshop, Beauty and the Beast, via Giphy; 5. Winnie the Pooh, via Giphy; 6. art by Carl Larrson, 1904, via Pinterest; 7. Gilmore Girls, via Giphy; 8. Mother Reading with Two Girls, by Lee Lufkin Kaula, via Pinterest; 9. Barnes & Noble leatherbound classics (2010), via B&N; 10. © K. Pekar 2016
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
Everything that has to do with books is a delight, right, Lark? I love the pics you shared, too 🙂
Have a terrific Tuesday!
It sure is! I wish you a joyful day, also!
Selah @ A Bibliophile's Style
LOL, now I feel like I left at least 5 things off my list!
I’ll have to come check out your list! I read the list the Broke & Bookish folks put up, and immediately thought of five or six things I should have included in mine.
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
Great list! I love finding a book I’ve been looking for in a used bookstore! It’s so exciting. And those covers! So pretty!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Bookish Delights
They are pretty! I’ve been quietly lusting after them for a year. I should just start buying them, don’t you think?
Quinn @ Quinn's Book Nook
I love it when I’m able to spend the whole day reading, too. I definitely can’t do that as much as I would like, but I love it. I also included rediscovering an old favorite. Such a wonderful feeling, that!
Quinn @ Quinn’s Book Nook recently posted…Top Ten Bookworm Delights
One of these days, I’ll schedule myself a day off for one of the Dewey readathons. 🙂
Oh I miss the days of just reading all day in the backyard or whatever. Doesn’t get any better than that. And I love the feeling of finding a book in a used bookstore, especially when it’s one you’ve been looking for for a while. I pretty much agree with this whole list though. And I love the B&N covers.
Greg recently posted…Let’s Talk About Genres
I think I’m going to start buying some of those B&N books. They look so pretty! But I can’t handle the print size in some of the omnibus editions. I really didn’t expect my eyes to age this much, this early. 🙁
Happy bookwormish sigh. I adore your gifs and graphics today 🙂 My TTT
Thank you, Carrie! I had fun looking for them. One of my Pinterest boards is called “Books in Art, Art in Books” and it’s where I found most of the stills.
Charlie @ Girl of 1000 Wonders
What happened to DEAR days? I want those back! Oh, bookmarks. I have so many around, and yet I rarely use them.
In my daughter’s elementary school, DEAR was code for shooter drills. The teacher would take the kids into the coat cubby, out of site of the door, and read quietly to them until the drill was over. I kind of hated that designation; it should have been kept for actual “drop everything and read” times — which they didn’t have. But the idea was so the kids didn’t get get too scared by the drill.
Charlie @ Girl of 1000 Wonders
That is crazy. Definitely not best practices or safe. I hope there was never an incident. DEAR in education does mean Drop Everything and Read…and not because there’s a crazy on the loose. They were very seldom in elementary, but never after that. We don’t have that luxury at the middle school level (from a teacher perspective) due to the curriculum demands. It’s sad because 80% of my students this year are not reading at home, and that is the #1 tool to building a plethora of skills.
I agree re the importance of reading, and schools that have scheduled in a half-hour or an hour to just read find that kids’ test scores go up. So why on earth aren’t more schools doing it?
Yes to all of these! I love all the reading artwork you found. I recently discovered (how did I not know this?!) that Van Gogh did some still lifes with books and now I must purchase a print ASAP!
Fun bookmarks! I have quite a collection too. One thing I don’t have, however, is a signed book! I really, really need to fix that.
Lindsay recently posted…10 Bookworm Delights
I’ve been lucky to get to a number of signings in my lifetime, beginning in late high school with Anne McCaffrey. And now, sometimes, you can order signed copies through some independent bookstores, if the author has an agreement with the store.
I love bookmarks, though I don’t use them as much now that so much of my reading is on Kindle. I have some other nice ones, but those are some of my favorites.
I never read books out loud, until about a month ago. I actually really like it! Great Top Ten! 😀
Thanks, Giovanna, and welcome to The Bookwyrm’s Hoard! Reading aloud is one of my joys, and I don’t get to do it nearly as often with Robin away at college. I did read to her clear through high school — and she’s asked if we can read The Murder of Mary Russell when she’s home over the summer, so yay!
Tiffany @ I Was Angelized_1st
I love your list. I agree with all of them. I love reading books aloud to other people. I even do voices if it’s to children. SO much fun!
Tiffany @ I Was Angelized_1st recently posted…Book Review: Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
I love reading aloud—and yes, doing the voices and accents and everything. 🙂
So many fun bookish things. Being surrounded by bookshelves!? Yes, please! It’s a GOAL to have “Belle” bookshelves someday (albeit an unrealistic one ;D). Fun list.
Rissi recently posted…The Imitation Game (2014)
I’ve been dreaming of the Beast’s library since I first read Robin McKinley’s Beauty. (In that book, it has every book that has ever been published – or ever will be. Heaven!)